Page 79 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 79
NEWS· •• FEBR.UARY ;10, 2006.~J?age.3 Students Move Over for Biting Bed Bugs . . ROB GOEKE were given the OK to move for cash," said Watson paid back in, they took no chances. two the But STAFF WRITER "We decided to pay sleepers awoke unbitten. So The house. at 163 IfCRIBS our friends to sleep there Biggs and Delenick moved Pennsylvania Avenue contains because we didn't want to back in to their old room the a cramped third floor attic take a chance at getting bitten day before classes started 20 with a short ceiling and little again," said Delenick. dollars poorer and with a room to breath. There are a Juniors Amy Watson great story to tell. few couches and chairs there, Smith Hcuseu third lime to Delenick's air mattress. and Ashley Chandler stepped "It was horrible," said but it is dearly a space meant finallv be told the real culprit: "It was uncomfort- up to the plate as the lowest Deleruck. "But now that I look to lounge, not to live. bed bugs. . able," said Delenick, "and we bidder. Their price? 10 dollars. back on it, it's really funny. However, because of a Because the room had to always go to sleep at "Hey, [ was desperate story worthy of being called needed fumigation, the room- the same time." an odyssey, two of 163's mates were given the option No internet was avail- inhabitants, juniors Alii Biggs to move somewhere else on able upstairs, and the girls and Kara Delenlck, were campus or move to the tiny were forced to share a single forced into the attic because attic. desk. A small wooden table bed bugs had infested their Proximity led them to held all the hair sprays, per- room on the second floor. the attic. fumes and any other items "We could have that couldn't annoying," moved into separate spaces, said "It was "We had to else. fit anywhere Delenick. but we didn't want to," said move everything upstairs and The fumigation ended Biggs. it took about a whole day to after Thanksgiving and the The problem began do it." women happily returned to when Deleruck noticed she The roommates set of their old room to finally sleep had bug bites in the middle of a piling system on the floor for comfortably. October. Originally. she was their masses of clothes Only, they told by Smith House that she because the attic had no clos- awoke the next morning cov- got the sores from being out- ets or dressers. They were ered in bites. side while watching a forced to tum a bureau on its "It was worse than McDaniel soccer game. side to put a TV and refrigere- any of the bites [before the But the problem did- n't go away. It got worse. tor on. "We kept our clothes fumigation]," said Biggs. the So after finals, Delenick returned to Smith separate from each other for a room was fumigated for House and was told she had few days," said Biggs. "But rodents, roaches, bed bugs contracted scabies. Biggs came eventually it just became a big down with the same sores and pile." and spiders. The room's mat- was told the same. tresses and furniture was also "We probably spent They also moved all replaced. 50 dollars on laundry because their posters upstairs to try But when the room- they told us to wash every- make themselves at ease in thing over and over again," their temporary home. said Deleruck. For sleeping, Biggs However, after a few and Delenick were first forced , share a pltop. yfW pplyins--nu..t
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