Page 77 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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Westminster, MD M'S@'3'iiiS'U'· Vol.5 No.1 Shin Accepts Minority Affairs Job INSIDE gy, will join the American tive things that I enjoy, and at working for the national pro- DAVID P. GREIsMAN fessional association in my STAFP WRITER Sociological Association as the same time do them in a director of the minority affairs context that lets me be discipline." After seven years as a program and a staff sociolo-' exposed to sociology in a Shin will oversee a gradu- sociology professor and one gist. broader fashion." ate fellowship program, fund- year working in Academic The new job will allow The social justice aspect of ed by the Nationallnstitute of Affairs, Dr. Jean Shin will be him to step back into the the position, as well as the Mental Health, that includes leaving Westminster for a job realm of sociology, Shin said. prestige, attracted- him to the about 20 minority Ph.D. stu- in the District of Columbia. "I've missed the daily job, he said. dents nationwide. The fellow- This June, Shin, associate connection to trends ... and to "It represents a way to ship helps the students com- dean of academic affairs for scholarship in the discipline," advocate for minority affairs plete their doctoral studies first year students and an Shin said. "1see this as a way concerns within and outside and prepare for careers in "You're a Good Man, associate professor of sodolo- to do a lot of the administra- sociology. [It is] very grand, (see "S11il1"on page 2) Charlie Brown" takes back to audiences Story on Mexican childhood. page 5. Jan-Term Amazing the last time you sat down to a hearty portion of raw hamburger soaked in lime juice and spread on crackers? 0)' stood next to one of the largest rock formations Coretta Scott King's in the world, believed to emit legacy lives on. energy and add years to you~ life? These were only two or Commentary on her my unique experiences over life on page 10. Jan term. Drawing above by "The January Term has Clayton Rosa been an important part of the Kara Daly and Maria Anselmo enjoy the beautiful Hawaiian landscape on horseback. Learn more about (see "Jan-Term" on page 2) Spread. jan-Term in the Center experiences student's """" _ - llf'" _r,_ Marty O'Connellto Leave Admissions Throughout her years cramps from the notes she start to smile when I look at JILL STONE student's here, success can describe writes on every those students going to and NEWS EDITOR from class and I know that I much of O'Connell's admis- acceptance letter. And now she feels it's One of the things Martha ., ~-, "Marty" O'ConneU will miss had a part in their success." slons work over the past 16 time to leave. "I feel this is the At the end of the school years. the most about McDaniel is year, O'Connell plans to retire As Vice President for right time," she said. "If you Fleas, rodents and the view. from McDaniel College, and enrollment and Dean of don't take risks, you can't excel." continue to encourage young Admissions, she has overseen get always goose "I bed bugs, oh my. bumps when I crest the top of people to go to higher educa- 46 admissions personnel, read Because of O'Connell, she Story on page 3. this campus," she said about tion through the Colleges That thousands of entrance essays, "has helped to significantly her walk from Carroll Hill. "I Change Lives Group. ana endured many hand (see "O'Con/lell" on page 2) Dr Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Life Celebrated • birthday as a public holiday. sions. There was one winner the evening's program. Other commemorate such an Impor- LAWANN NELSON The theme for this year's chosen from, each grade level program participants Includ- tant and influential historical STAFF WRITER celebration was "Your life is and the three winners shared ed Patricia Levroney Carroll figure. Events like these show the OUI message, Live your their work at the celebration. County Public School McDaniel's dedication to Members of [egacy." As a reflection of the The program included a Minority Achievement Liaison diversity," says Freshman Westminster Community and theme, local Carroll County ~lideshow presentation featur- and Charles Harrison, Leahawntay Tinker. the McDaniel College com mu - students were encouraged to 109Dr. King's life long accom- President of the local NAACP The keynote speaker for nity poured into Alumni Ball articipate in an essay contest plishments. Representatives Chapter. The overwhelming this year's celebration was on January 30, 2006 to parti~i- ~at asked them to share the from departments, dubs, and support from community Donna Brazile, veteran politi- pate in the annual Dr. Martm legacy that they wished to offic~~throu~hout the can.lpus leaders and the campus com- cal strategist and campaign Luther King. Jr. Celebration. leave behind. The response participated to a candle light- munity was outstanding. manager. Ms. Brazile was per- This year's celebration was was overWhelming. Over 400 ing ceremony. The McDaniel "I was definitely impressed sonally involved in work that especially endearing because elementary, middle, and high College Gospel Choir con- by the turnout. I think that it is led to the recognition of Dr it marked twenty years since school students made submis- tributed a musical selection to important that we take time to the proclamation of Dr. King'S (see "MLK"on page 2)
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