Page 78 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 78
FEBRU,t(RY lb,'2006 , p.~e'i; NEWs Shin Stresses Positive Time He Had on Hill From 2002 to 2003, be worked member and as a dean," he college," said Henry Reiff, it is a great opportunity for (from "Shill," page 1) the same job there on an inter- said. "I have always believed, associate dean of academic him to grow, but the school either academic research im basis until a permanent and firmly still believe, that affairs. "He brings a. very spe- will definitelv miss him." or teaching. replacement could be found. McDaniel is one of the most cial style to what he does. He Shin said that he plans to He will also work to The former program director ideal situations [ could imag- really has .thts beautiful' bal- keep in contact with the peo- advance scholarship in sodol- left last fall, and Shin accepted ine. The relationships that you ance of warmth and direct- ple he has met and worked ogy among other higher edu- the position in early January, form with students, coupled ness." . ', with. cation associations and unsure of when another open- with the collegial atmosphere Karina'H~vrilla, a so'ciolo- "1 will" always be grateful research agencies, and man- ing would emerge. among faculty and staff, make gy and Spanish dual major to McDaniel for helping me to age the association's honors Although he is leaving, for a very unique environ- that has known Shin for three create my initial identity as a program and student forum. Shin stresses the positive time ment." years, cited him as an inspira- professional in the academic For Shin, joining the he has had on The Hill. McDaniel faculty and stu- tion. world," he said. "I 'look for- American Sociological "I've had a marvelous dents say that they will miss "He was one of the main ward to coming back to visit Association is an opportunity experience at McDaniel for him. reasons why Ichose sociology often." that he_could not turn away. seven years, both as a faculty "It's a terrific loss for the as a major," she said. "I think O'Connell: 'She'll Be Missed' is Understatement (from "O'Connell," page 1) ested students. her wall next to her daugh- one of the reasons why Ichose boxes with the mother and increase the size and After a year of traveling, ter's high school graduation to come here, because it's so child sculpture a student gave strengthen the academic qual- O'Connell will then decide picture, "await the results in close-knit." her as a gift, or the dried ity of the undergraduate stu- what work she will undertake peace." Dr. Kate Dobson, a profes- flower arrangement she dent body," said Jill independently. And the peace comes with sor in the English department, received in her second year, Morsberger, Associate "I've always had the heart the outpouring of apprecia- realizes that positive first she will miss being part of an Director of Admissions, and of an entrepreneur," tion from students who are impressions are primary for important team that values who has worked with O'Connell said. encountered with O'Connell incoming students and their higher education. O'Connell for almost five But she won't forget about when they first arrived at parents. "An awful lot of stu- "When I think back on the years. "Thanks to her vision her ties to McDaniel College. McDaniel. dents show up on campus and 16 years, it's like a slideshow," and effort, the number of "I'll still be promoting "I remember her mention- Marty-is the one person they she said. "1 can hear singing, I applications we receive has McDaniel," she said. "They ing my essay at one of the cer- really know," said Dobson. can see the players on the doubled, and through her will still see me sitting on the emonies at the beginning of "She feels connected to the field, Ican see students on the extensive work we are reach- basketball stands cheering us Freshman year," said senior students," and the students stage, and I can remember ing a greater number of stu- on." Lynne Wheeler. "It meant a lot can sense that. their struggles." dents nationally." Although she admits that that she remembered my spe- "It's something I'm pas- And she will continue Morsberger values at the beginning of the day, a cific essay and that she knew sionate about," O'Connell said making those memories until O'Connell's ethical standards, stack of papers on her desk details." of her position. "I have the day she walks out of her and knows that "to say she can be intimidating, the letters Senior Courtney Jordan received letters from students office for the last time. will be missed is an under- of praise from students thank- was touched when O'Connell in graduate schools thanking "I think I hold the record statement." ing her for giving them a 'remembered her from a col- us for giving them a chance, of being in the admissions After her retirement at the chance, seem to make that pile lege fair. "I was stunned those are the times when in office the longest," she said. end of the school year, worthwhile. because Icouldn't believe that spite of worrying over every- "But I was told once that O'Connell wiU travel with the "At the end of the day she remembered my name out thing else that I'm most proud you're only as good as your Colleges that Change Lives when you've done your best," of all the students she saw," of." last class:" Group to the west coast to O'Connell reads from a Jordan said. "That left such an Although she dreads hav- visit various groups of inter- framed calligraphy verse on impression on me, and it was ing to start packing up her Lighter Side: Fight Night, McDaniel Style considering they spend all day losophy professor and former Safety, and Terry the Rouzer I've witnessed his terrible ANDY WU cleaning bathrooms covered professional boxer turned janitor. But no one could con- power firsthand. As a child he SfAFF WRITER in vomit and God knows what gentle giant. Unfortunately, ceivably compete with my viciously beat me and my (Editor's Note: At a glance, else. the colossus is not teaching final selection. entire family without remorse. the blotter doesn't reveal some of This begs an obvious ques- this semester and therefore My search ended based on His swift punches, flying the inane reports to which officers tion ... which faculty member cannot be considered. familiarity with the fighter. kicks, and rage-flooded eyes respond. Wu's commentary high- would emerge victorious in a Other personal ccnsidera- Laurence Wu was raised in will haunt my dreams forever. lights some of the unique callsJ bare-knuckle boxing touma- tions and submissions from Asia and currently teaches the Based on his upbringing, This issue's blotter is bor- ment? friends include Mitch Tai Chi Jan Term course. He is training, and frenzied violent ing. One of the crimes howev- My first inclinations led me Alexander from CAPBoard, also acquainted with several outbursts, I can safely say that er, sparks a question that directly to Grogan Ullah, phi- Officer Collins from Campus other martial arts disciplines. Dr. Wu would win decidedly demands an answer. in a faculty boxing war. Outside of Englar pool on And if you professors, January, two housekeep- C"'!::a------US SaJelu. h;r"~'+i ._4:X_.....1 housekeepers, secretaries, ers involved in a verbal dis- .... --_ ... ยท:.:l..U 'L. L . '. Deans, and Presidents have agreement engaged in anything to say about it, he'll fisticuffs. Not too surprising be waiting for you. (from "MLK", page 1) behind by Hurricane Katrina. message stressed the impor- King's birthday as a federal Ms. Brazile called on audience tance of service and activism. E-MAIL holiday. Her personal and members to continue the lega- Both are qualities that were witty stories were inspiring cy that Dr. King left behind by prevalent in Dr. King and and her message was sincere working diligently to offer aid Rosa Parks as leaders in the FREEPRESS@ and engaging. She frequently and support to fellow Civil Rights Movement. referenced her hometown of Americans from her home- New Orleans, Louisiana and town. MCDANIEL.EDU the detrimental effects left Donna Brazile's persuasive
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