Page 81 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 81
FEATURES FEBRUARY 10, 2006- Page 5 With One Mouse Click, Hearts Hit Blogs KATHRYN YOUNG all over the country and I love sonal online diaries and it...peopJe may say it's not impose regulations. "l'm annoyed by spam and viruses STAFFWRJTER IM'ing with them ... some- "blogs." In a USA Today arti- happening all the time ...just but I love the freedom of Welcome to the new age times all at once!" cle, Pete Blackshaw, a market- be the victim of it once, then it expression online and am very happened too many times." on display at your nearest As a sophomore in college, ing analyst at Intellseek Firm, Although an advocate of nervous about any regula- calls blogs "reality TV for the computer. Many babies of the Alexandra Caple looks at how Web." Internet communication, tions," said Vance. '80s, with the click of a mouse, relationships are affected by An unprecedented num- Katelyn Kernan has had her Vance also touched on the display their heart to' every- instant messaging. She pro- ber of young adults use blogs own problems with "blog- huge area of research known one. As technology has moted instant messenger as a gtng." She doesn't as gender reconstruction. improved and moved from definite means of use blogs as a way to What's male and female when dial-up, to cable, and to DSL, long-distance- ••••••••••••••••••• express her feelings you're communicating with so has the amount of time relationship sur- On the other hand, sophomore, for others to read; text only and without visible young adults spend online. .vival. On the other [essica Kramer, finds that the however, she writes bodies? "I wonder ifindivid- Katelyn Kernan, a soon-to- uals are learning to think dif- be junior at McDaniel, recalls hand sophomore, "only thing personal about instant her own poetry and what life was like before the Jessica Kramer, messaging are one's colors and short stories in order ferently, so that the sex of who internet. "I remember spend- finds that the fonts." She adds, "I avoid AIM to get feedback. you're talking to isn't an issue ing hours upon hours reading "only thing per- Kernan had one .. rather what the person is books ... calling friends on the sonal about like the plague." incident in which a actually saying is the point," telephone, and mailing rela- instant messag- ••••••••••••••••••• subscriber to her blog pondered Vance. tives actual letters in stamped ing are one's col- stole her work and "It would be worth study- envelopes. It seems like a ors and fonts." She adds, "I to do what once was done posted it as theirs. This did ing whether CMC is making sweeter time in retrospect, but avoid AIM like the plague." through personal diaries, not keep her from posting, but people more thoughtful com- once I tasted the speed and She admits to having lost con- phone conversations and Kernan said, "It gave me an municators," said Vance. efficiency of online, I was tact with friends because of "hangout sessions." inside look on plagiarism, and "Whenever there's new tech- hooked." this perspective. Vance realizes that sites made me furious that some- nology, the tendency is that "Instant Messaging," found One young man, as Vance such as Livelournal or Xanga one would steal another'S ere- people look at negative in many forms, such as AOL recalls, would 1M his guy can be another way to interact ative product for their own effects ... there are probably Instant Messaging (AIM), friends who were in the next and sometimes meet people boasting rights." positive effects, as well." Yahoo Instant Messaging, and room, even on weekends. He face-to-face as a result. This Despite problems with pri- "This is the new way kids MSN Instant Messaging, is would have to force himself to poses the problem that anyone vacy and intimacy, both Vance interact," says Paul Saffio of probably the most popular walk over and gel to know with a connection, including and Kernan believe communi- the Institute for the Future, and valuable form of online them. However, when you sit predators, can have a front- cation via the internet is here who is quoted in the USA communication. at your computer and "type row view of other's personal to stay. Vance is convinced Today article. Regardless of IM'ing, as called by its away," you have the opportu- feelings. that Computer Mediated the reason, with 87 percent of users, allows you to have sev- nity to censor your words Port Washington, N.Y., Communication (CMC) will young adults online, accord- eral conversations at once before they come out Det. Sgt. Paul Gras said to continue to grow. ing to the latest numbers, the without worrying about On a more controversial USA Today, "As a great tool as Vance's biggest worry is Internet is as much a part of expensive phone charges. part of communication the internet is, there are a lot of that governments or large cor- teen life as family, college, TV Vance e~claims, "1 have family through the Internet, lie per- risks that go along with porations will attempt to or music. Valentine's Da Advice: Have A Great Time --._!I!.._- ALYSE HOLLOMON date on V-day should not ruin you'll leave with someone's that's not in a mini-maU and wonderful and very happy FEATURES EDITOR your night. If you're a gtrl. go number. Remember being a wear appropriate attire. Valentine's Day. Remember out and buy a nice outfit or gentleman is key. Showing up with a rose the sky's the limit on what People usually pick one of your favorites Some people are wouldn't hurt, and neither YQuwish for. assume Valentine's Day can be from your closet. Put on some lucky enough to fit the V-day would cleaning out your car a wonderful holiday if you great make-up, a pair of heels, stereotype of being with so we could sit in it comfort- (Editor's note: For the rest of ably. The McDaniel the semester, have a loved one. It's a day and go out for an enjoyable someone special and going As far as the girls with Free Press will be releasing a full of roses, chocolate, and a evening with some of your out for a very romantic night. dates on this night, don't pick new column by Alyse romantic date with that some- girlfriends. You don't need a For these guys with dates on Hollomon. This column will one special. Others detest the man to make Valentine's Day this night, remember that girls on the small stuff. If he does- focus love, relationships, and holiday all together and try a holidav. look forward to this Hallmark n't open the car door for you everything in between. To Gold Crown more or bring you a rose, don't let it Holiday not to remember that there is a If you're a guy, this is than most other holidays. For ruin the evening. Have a suggest topics or to comment February 14 on the calendar. a prime time to go out and get good time and enjoy your about her commentary, email However, if you don't have a a date. Take a shower, get some reason this holiday night on the town! Alyse: date for the big V-day or if you cleaned up, and go out with makes us want to be spoiled No matter if you have despise it, you can still have a the guys. If you see a group of and loved more than usual - a date or if you're going out girls just eating dinner togeth- so remember Make a that! great time! with a group, 1 wish you all a Not having a formal er, go join them and ma~be reservation at a restaurant Charlie Brown Offers Glimpse of Childhood Peanuts comic. Bright colors Cimino also noted that the McDaniel College students "You're a Good Man, BETH MCLANE and an adult-sized tree swing business aspect was a new could relate to. The show Charlie Brown" featured great EDITOR"IN-CHIEF were just a part of what made learning experience. "I was touched on relationships, acting, singing, and directing. this show so unique. used to doing creative things:' friendship, and schoolwork, The show was a great glance Last weekend, audiences Each actor was perfect for he said. "[with "Charlie which made it interesting but into a part of childhood that attending sold out shows of their role, with Robby Brown"] money became an still fun. many of us have been missing. "You're a Good Man, Charlie Bieschke in an outstanding issue." Brown," were treated to some- role as Charlie Brown himself. "Charlie Brown" also thing that's hard to [ind in the The singing quality was amaz- affected those involved crazy college scene: a sweet ing. which made the play beyond the financial issue!'. glimpse back into chil dhoo? more than just a kid's show. Assistant Stage Manager Alex Adults and children alike As a student directed Dejohn felt that "during every were enchanted by the stu- show, "Charlie Brown" was a reheersau-tr'broughr me back dent directed show, which ran fun challenge for those to childhood, and I got to feel from February 2 to Febru.ary 5. involved. Producer like a kid again." Kim Though he had directed in the Rodney explained that the This, undoubtedly, was past, the show was director business aspect was a new the feeling each audience Tony.Cimino'S tirst. majofh~~O~ experience. member got from the perform- duction, and he enjoyed ~ "We had a fantastic ence. The show was fun and ing create the "fun, f«wily on- anonymous donor pay for our frolicsome, and stayed true to ented show" meal plans during Jan-Term," classic Charlie Brown form in The whimsical set, Rodney explained. This every way possible. ~~signed by junior .::c~~~ helped to keep the show going Ultimatelv, Charlie Brown SIegel, really express . on a student budget. faced some issues that child-like feel of the claSSIC
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