Page 76 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 76
Vo1.4No.6 DECEMBER 8, 2005, Page 12 DiPiero's Three Leads TerrorPast Bears to bring the game to a score of timeout with the score 51-48 in track. down an Ursinus player to begin a season. MIKE HABEGGER 76-77 with 13.6 seconds favor of the home team. A few to foul. After missing the McDaniel was 50 percent SPORTS EDITOR plays later, a dunk. put-back front end of a one-and-one, from downtown (11-22) and remaining. What do you do when your The first hal f got off to a by Daniel electrified the Ursinus watched Mike out rebounded Ursinus 42 to own team is down by four slow start. The score was crowd. Dtl'Iero hit one of his Dipiero blaze through defend- 37. The team faced Johns points with 23 seconds left? If stuck at 6-7 until a tip-in by five three-pointers to give the ers to find a shot as time Hopkins Tuesday, and hosts you're a sports writer, 1Qu McDaniel's Chad Arrington Green Terror the lead 59-54. expired. The shot swished Gettysburg on Saturday at 2 know that the game is over. (2, 1-2, 5). The game went But then sophomore guard through, and the students pm in the Gill Center. Games almost always end in back and forth from there with and leading scorer Nick stormed the floor. A great way anti-climatic ways. Ursinus opening up a slight Shattuck started to play, ignit- But seeing his players scat- advantage until senior guard ing a 10-2 run by the Bears. tered on the floor in disgust Will Talesnick (5, 0-0, 12) McDaniel's offense stagnated. and resignation after Ursinus' scored five straight to give the The game looked lik.e it was Nick Shattuck's clutch field Terror the lead 31-30. After a going in favor of Ursin us. The goal, Coach Bob Flynn yelled series of bad plays (turnovers, old men in the stands were to his captain, "Mike! Mike, bad shots, and fouls), Mike grumbling. get them together!" A switch Dipiero (8, 2-3, 23) took over. Joe Hunter kept the desper- flipped. A connection was His layup to end the half tied ate Terror in the game with a made: this game was not over. it up at42. three-pointer to tie it up. A Dipiero went into action, While Ursin us counted on massive block by jemar Daniel instructing his teammates for quick hands to defend, the got the crowd back into the the final few seconds of the Terror relied on' hustle. game. Another three by game. Three possessions later, Numerous times, McDaniel Hunter tied the game up at 70. the game was indeed over. players sacrificed their bodies No one on the floor knew that But there were hundreds of to grab loose balls, and secure the shot dock was running screaming McDaniel students rebounds. Junior center Jemar down, forcing Hunter to hoist storming the court. Daniel (3, 5-6, 11) did the dirty one from beyond NBA range, in the most exciting game In work, recording nine giving McDaniel the lead 73- recent McDaniel history, sen- rebounds and five blocks. 70. ior point guard Mike Dipiero In the second half, A couple of free throws put scored a team-high 23 paints, McDaniel came out strong, Ursinus ahead 75-73 with 44.3 including a running three- but appeared to run out of gas. seconds left. Joe Hunter's pointer at the buzzer to give Sophomore forward Josh final three-pointer came on a the Green Terror (3-3, 1-1) a McKay (7, 0-0, 14) had his out- broken play giving some life 79-77 victory over the Urstnus side shot going, and to a large to the team. The crowd of 420 Bears (3-2, 1-1). Junior guard extent, dominated the early came alive, with every student Joe Hunter scored 12 on four part of the half with his great standing and supporting their team. It took nearly seven sec- three point field goals, all in effort. A three-pointer by onds for McDaniel players to the second half, including one McDaniel led to an Ursinus Women's Bball Team /Improving Every Day' opponents are shooting 31% "have done well with luck in LAURA HUTTON (21-68). Last year the squad the past but are not as lucky STAFF WRITER shot 34% (104-306), this year." The women's basketball With five freshmen on the Despite the pain many of team is off to a great start. team, they are still adjusting to the players are in, they pull They headed into their first each other and figuring out through and will continue to away conference game against how everything an' the cou rt perform with intense energy Dickinson on November 30 will work. "New people and power, insisting on show- with a record of 3-1, but lost equals new roles, and we are ing the McDaniel community by a score of 62-70, giving the trying to pull it together," said and the teams they play just team an 0-1 start in the Coach Martin. Once this is how strong they really are. Centennial. Senior captain accomplished, we should The fact that they are a close Katy Powell (11.6 ppg) com- expect an incredible power- bonded team also helps them mented on their success so far, house throughout the majority work together and improve "the season has started pretty of the season. "I feel at home on the CoUI~ well so far, we're working The team is excited to see with my teammates, which really hard and improving what is in store as the season makes the experience not only everyday." continues and they are able to successful, but also fun. We The team's coach, Becky incorporate what they have are definitely a close team that Martin agreed with Katy in learned about each other into gets along well on and off the her own statement, we are powerful games. court which helps us to work "trying to set the team chem- When asked what she together to achieve our goals" istry together, as we continue expects out of her team this added Katy. to do that, we continue to year, Coach Martin replied No matter what, Coach improve." that she "would love to see Martin knows that her team The team wilJ need to them win a third Conference consists of "fierce competitors, improve it's shooting from Championship in a row," who wiII give all they have, beyond the arc. So far this sea- however, she commented on ;;;;%~;,not, they always give son, the Green Terror are the high number of injuries shooting just 19% (9-48), while the team already faces. They SARA FRANZ
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81