Page 74 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 74
DECEMBER 8, 2005 - Page 10 FEATURES Vibrant Radio Show Lures More Listeners major, runs the two-nights-a- some fun with them," said and the DJs' eagerness to have Schreibman, Paterline, and EMILY BIONDO week show along with fellow Schreibman. The conversa- them. Mann's show has only 25 STAFF WRITER --------- ' hosts sophomore E.1. Paterline tion was lighthearted, howev- "The more people known regular listeners. The Drop the needle. This and freshman Wesley Mann. er, and Beck and Davis fired come by, the better the show statistic, though low, is still is the motto that begins and As Schreibman explained, back with their own jibes. As can be," said Schreibman. encouraging to the co-hosts. ends one of McDaniel's Wednesday's show is a basic Schreibman joked that he was "It's like a breath of fresh air." "If that's the number newest radio shows this year, recap of each week's happen- the devil, Beck cut in and said This urge to find new of people who listen to us, I'd A-IO Turntable. ings at McDaniel and in the to a laughing studio, "And faces-and voices-coincides rather have that many than There is, however, one nation, along with plugs for you wonder why you're still with the radio station's recent none at all," said Schreibman. more. junior and co-D] Alan any school functions, while single?" reawakening from 3 years of The show's positive attitude Schreibman said, "[The other Thursday is the no-holds- Both Beck and Davis relative obscurity. The effort is extends to its popularity- is] more good, less suck, but barred, "crazier" part of the were happy with their experi- still in progress; however, A- Schreibman vows that A-10 we don't say that on air per series. ence. "It's been fun," said la Turntable is well in sync Turntable is not going off-air "This is when Davis, while Beck added flip- with the idea. anytime soon. Slogans in tow, A-I0 we ... screw it. The FCC isn't pantly, "It's been education- "We're trying to get a "We're going to con- Turntable is Wednesday and here," said Schreibman of the al-I've cried, ['ve following, get people to listen tinue this as long as we can," Thursday nights' new addi- 10 p.m. to midnight timeslot laughed ... not really, no." to us," said Schreibman. he said, "People are always tion to the airwaves on on Thursdays. Each show is Both, however, are definitely "Once people actually know here, always at the station, WMCR 1620 AM. invariably different, but fol- retumjng to the show for their that we're here for them, 1 and all you have to do it stop "It's kind of a mix of lows the same general formu- own amusement and, more think that's a good thing." on by." 98 Rock meets Howard Stem," la. importantly, to keep the DJs to Currently, said Schreibman. "It's the kind "We'll play our their word. of music college kids would bursts of music, then we'll do "We get to control the like." The show, named for a our talk show, then we'll go music [next time we come on], fighter aircraft that highlights back to music," said Paterline. so I am anticipating playing the hosts' family military Music is extremely lots of fun songs, singing, hav- backgrounds, is based out of varied, from rock to top 40 ing interesting discussions, the radio station in the base- to-Schreibman's dismay and and just having fun like last ment of Decker, a facility fit Paterli'Ihursday's show fea- time," said Davis. Schreibman with a new mural on its door tured freshman walk-ina Leah admits that although the which boasts a similar mili- Beck and Laura Davis, and promise to Beck and Davis tary jet. The show itself began while each sat rocking com- was not typical, it is some- in September, boasting a blend fortably in spinning desk thing he and his co-hosts are of talk and music in a party- chairs under the strings of willing to do. like setting, leaving no guest twinkle lights lining the ceil- "We're trying to inte- or listener with any doubts as ing, they were fielding some grate new things into our to the Dls' main goal. personal, but tongue-in-cheek show," he said, adding, "We're here for the questions on topics ranging "Anybody who can sit and school, and we're here to have from their pasts to their sex joke with us, we're more than fun," Schreibman said. ltves. willing to fight for." The idea The hosts of AlO Turntable, which airs Thursday Nights on Schreibman, a talka- "When people come relates back to the show's atti- rtve and energetic Theater in here, we're goiog to have tude about guests as a whole, WMCR radio. . Turning Back the Pages Compiled by Laura Hutton Full Moon Pub & Grill The Phoenix ~ November 6,1989 ~ Sixteen years ago this month, the student paper ran a pie graph demonstrating how pften students skipped classes. The question they were presented with W~S, "How m~y times do you skip class durmg a month? • The results were as follows: o 11% 1-2 54% 3-4 32% 5-8 3% The "60 Seconds on Campus" question of the month was, "What do you think President Robert Chambers does to earn salary?" Students' responses include: - "1have no clue, but I'd sure like to find out." Whether It's Thanksgiving Or - "I'm a freshmen, so 1have no idea." - "I don't know, I'm sure he does his work." Your Holiday Party -"Bob who?" Book It At The Moon! The responses leave one hoping that stu- Rt. 140 Reisterstown, MD dents today would be less stumped about 410-526-5565 the college president's responsibilities.
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