Page 80 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 80
FEBRUARY10, 2006 - Page 4 FEATURES College Community Pays Tribute to Cousins clearly defined her attention saw the good in people, she wide-ranging as well- bands supporting cancer pre- EMlLY BIONDO for those around her. cared more about everyone Cousins cared about each and vention. STAFF WRITER A week ago, else's problems than her own, every function that she organ- It was .'1' ith this in Kathy Cousins was an McDaniel lost this beloved [and] she was always there ized. mind along' with Cousins' inspiration to the college com- friend, coworker and staff with a warm, friendly smile "She put a lot of time mantra that Patterson has munity because of the com- member to breast cancer after and an open ear." and' energy into making sure undergone to help Cousins' passion and diligence dis- a two year remission. Patterson also recog- that anyone who 'used the daughter, Robin, in making a played every day in her work The McDaniel com- nized the painstaking effort facilities at McDaniel College scrapbook of Cousins for her as Conference and Auxiliary munity attended her and thought that went into would' leave having had a granddaughter, Sarah. Services Special Events Memorial Service last every event that Cousins pWaOtnte~e,o>fnu,la,.d. e~perience," She asks that any Coordinator. Saturday in Baker Memorial planned. • McDaniel student or staff Mike checks and table Chapel, an event coordinated At ti):e annual. Over 'every responsi- member with a memory or settings do little to describe to Cousins-like perfection by Maryland State Wrestling bility, however, was not special story to share to e-mail the role of Cousins on the Cousins' boss, Director of Tournament, an event the Cousins' work-rather, her it to McDaniel campus. Conference and Auxiliary Special Events Coordinator family took first priority. Tnan e-mail to staff on Cousins was well- Services Mary [o Colbert. often organized, Cousins was Patterson said that she was the February 2, Patterson known for her warm, welcom- "She was an amazing known for staying overnight "extremely proud of her wrote: "lwould greatly appre- ing attitude towards fellow lady," said VickiPatterson, the the day before at the Best grandchildren," her wrists ciete any help that you could staff members. Her mantra. Data Entry Clerk at the Western Hotel where it was always decorated with jewel- offer. After 20 years of service "Let your motive for helping Physical Plant and Cousins' held just in case anything ry displaying pictures of little I'm sure we can give her fami- others truly be for their happi- coworker of nine years. "She went amiss on short notice. Austin, Kendall and Sarah ly many memories that they ness, not your glorification," was a loyal friend, she only Her interest for events was among pink and yellow wrist- can cherish." Awesome People At-a-Glance TROY COOKE Executive Chef: Englar Dining Hall LOVES: Friends and family, cooking, fossil hunting. drag racing (legally), my son, cof- fee, reading. a fine wine or beer. LOATHES: Pollution. Ignorance. Getting drawn into a political or religious discus- sion with someone who refuses to let you speak. EDUCATION I EXPERIENCE: Baltimore International Culinary College, Graduated Valedictorian. 19 years experience at resturrants, colleges, high end retirement com- munity. Worked for the Food Network: Cooking Across America Tour in 1998. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT WORKING AT MCDANIEL? My staff, college staff and students, location, it's never boring. IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT GLAR OR A STUDENT'S EXPE- RIENCE WHILE DINING AT GLAR WHAT WOULD IT BE? 1would like the students to know that they can actively make a difference in their dining experience. If something is wrong, ten a manager, there is always one.beee.; Come to the Dining Committee meetings. Speak out! We are here to serve you. Also try to put things into perspective i.e.... you have 12 choices of cereal and 8 flavors of ice cream. I'm sure there is at least one you like. Try new foods. If you have food allergies or restrictive diets, ask me about them, I can cer- tainly help. Compiled By Erik Hott Students' Classroom Habits, Basically, Reign men classroom behaviors that Senior Spanish major, Spanish. I don't even think know when I was angry at ~I~~~y we have all experienced Katrina Culley, noted: "l've they realize they are doing it," him because they could hear throughout our school noticed it's also a common Culley said. my clicking from acrosS So. Okay. careers ... and are probably occurrence ill my Spanish NERVOUS HABITS Decker Auditorium." Basically, the idea behind also quite guilty of. classes. I knew it was going to Class can be a nerve- BODY ODDITIES this article is to uh, bring to RESPONSE FILLERS be a long semester when wracking experience. Whether Silence in a classroom is light the strange habits of col- Picture sitting in English someone began a response you're in Basic Wift1eball or often punctuated by the occa- lege students in a classroom class. Everyone has just fin- with 'basicarnente.' But it's Advanced Quantum sional sniff, coffee slurp, or setting. This is like a relevant ished reading a passage about hard to tell if the person is just Mechanics, Part XII,there's an gum-snapping. But have YOll topic because we basically all foreshadowing in Hamlet. The trying to fill time or is having atmosphere of nervous, excit- ever been in class with some- share these experiences or, professors asks, "What do you trouble expressing himself." ed, or even suppressed energy one who made that throaty you know, we know people think is the author's primary Another common in any classroom. sound like he or she was about who do them in class every- focus in paragraph two?" A response filler? "I could be A few behaviors can stem to hock one? Ack. Excess day. You know what I mean? student (any student) raises wrong, buf.,." or "I'm not from this energy. Foot-tapping mucus problem or weird That's the basic goal of this his hand cautiously. Quick! sure if this is right, but ..." and is very common and excep- classroom habit? article. But I could be wrong. What's the first word out of other similar phrases. Perhaps tionally annoying, especially And while we're on the And ... freeze. ~uhhhiS~~ou;l~wbeell~~.desmaybe bthe','ng iS subject of bodily sounds, I'm w"'."otnedinanOdU'sefeena~'.nOgfwhen the culprit is wearing Read it on paper and it ~ ~. g wind pants: You know what not gonna lie. I'm guilty of seems comical; say it out loud Think about it. completely oblivious to it. But I'm talking about. You're sit- making random noises when a few times and it sounds like I'm willing to bet that sometimes these humble ting there trying to analyze a a professor asks a question normal "student-speak." That word will be "basically." phrases are really overused. growth curve in Microbiology and clearly no one knows the is, it's riddled with filler- Admit it. We all do it. In an Seriously, if I'm ever in a class and all you can hear is "swish- answer, just to break up that words and a nervous "I'm attempt to both cover alJ our where the teacher says, "Okay swish-swish" as the person sit- awkward silence. A short making this up on the spot bases and give our fellow stu- everyone, what's two times ting next to you taps his foot throat-clearing or a few fake while the professor stares at dents the impression that we three?" and someone says, like it's going out of style. hiccups do the trick. me" energy. But these verbal will be brief. we begin many "I'm not sure if this is right, Pen-tapping and pen- The next time your mind habits aren't the only quirks responses of this nature with but six?" I'm heading for the clicking are also common is wandering during class, that come out during class "basically," The word is then door. nervous habits. But perhaps take note of the random things time. randomly inserted into subse- And of course, we are all they serve another purpose. your peers do in the midst of Through observing my quent sentences, just as a reas- familiar with hearing (and "I used to click my pen all their boredom, confusion, or classmates (and paying dose surance to everyone that you using) "like," "ummm," the time in this one class," said pent-up energy. attention to my own behav- are trying to keep everything "uhhh," and "you know." Megan leeves, a senior. "lOr not. Tmean, whatever, ior), as well as asking peers for as, well, basic as possible. "I've also heard pea- hated my professor and I J could be wrong. their input, I have compiled a And it's not just confined pie interject the English word would take my anger out on list of strange, but often com- to English. 'like' as they are speaking my pen. My friends would
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