Page 75 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 75
I SPORTS DECEMBER B,2005 - Page 11 Steve Peed, the Knight in Shining Athletic Gear him, he pulls 70-to-BO-hour support himself, graduating "He doesn't just think about "A good day is when I can EMILY BIONDO STAFF WRTIER work weeks, producing every- in 2001 with a major in himself in any situation," he take my dog up to Hashewa thing from in-depth Political Science and a strong said. As Peed has spent [Nature Center}," he said. Call him a knight in shining Homecoming programs to background in almost a third of his life at While such days seem dose to athletic gear. newly created online statistics Communication. He soon McDaniel, Blackman also cou- nonexistent in Peed's hectic Sports Information Director of athletes from each sport. after began working at the col- ples that tendency. with his life, the lack thereof doesn't and Radio Station Adviser Joyce Muller, Associate Vice lege as Sports Information underlying dedication to the seem to faze the 29-year-old Steve Peed, decked out in President of Communications Director, as well as writing for college. director. He continues on his swishy pants, a white T-shirt and Marketing and co-worker The Hill alumni magazine and "He's sacrificed a lot of his quest of righting wrongs and and orange-tinted goatee, is of Peed, recognizes his the Green and Gold own life for the school, and working hard with an old not the plumed-helmet ideal unceasing diligence in the Newsletter. deserves recognition for it," sport mantra in mind, a image of a protector of the office. "T think he's worked In the past two years he has Blackman said. mantra that definitively com- innocent. In fact, he' 5 not the really hard for the student ath- added the role of radio station Although the college takes bines Peed's atypical image as suit-and-tie ideal image of a letes here and pushed the adviser to his resume. up a majority of Peed's sched- a defender of fairness and college office head either. But envelope on the stories that WMCR, or Western Maryland ule, he does find time for hob- unwavering passion for his in his time at McDaniel and in need to be told," she said. College Radio, was yet anoth- bies and occasions at home cause. his own life, Peed has undeni- Peed's continued efforts at er stand for Peed, as he saw a with his wife, Courtney. Peed "It's not the size of the dog ably dedicated himself to the his job showcase his high stan- station besieged by debt in enjoys reading and golf, not to in the fight, it's the size of the unceasing fight for fairness. dards for hard work, a value need of help. mention walking his beloved fight in the dog, II he says. . "It's always been my thing he attributes to the most pro- "Somebody's got to step pet dog in Westminster. sticking up for the little guy," found influence of his life- in," said Peed after reading he said. his grandfather: about the station's problems Peed, head of the relatively "1 learned about being a in the Free Press. Soon after, unknown but aptly-named good person from him," said he became ad viser; and has Sports information Office, Peed. "He knew how to work since solved the debt issue communicates to the commu- when it was time to work, and and stepped back to allow stu- nity and campus any news knew how to have fun when it dents to pursue their own pertinet¥ to the athletics at the was time to have fun." leadership in the station college. This purpose to Peed, Crowing up as the Junior Pat Seibert, president of however, is better expressed youngest of six brothers and WMCR, has noticed the as an opportunity to give sisters in West Chester, Pa., intense effect that Peed has sports players their credit even Peed's family life added had upon the organization where credit is due. to the idea of hard work, espe- and upon himself. "We have quality athletes cially at the dinner table. "He's a great advocate for here that excel in the class- "You learned how to be the radio station," said room, excel in life, and excel quick with a fork or not eat," Seibert, adding of his own on the field," he said. "The he said, chuckling. experiences, "He has definite- [trick] is to catch which ones Peed was also the sixth in ly made me more professional need to be told." Such a feat, line to attend college. Of any since he's become the radio however, is easier said than financial support, Peed said, station adviser, that's for done. The college's 24 sports "I never had a dime given to sure." and limited staffing make for me." This economic uncer- Senior Phil Blackman, an a difficult road at realizing tainty continued the hard intern in the Sports such a goal. working ITlentality estabHshed Information Department and "[With] 425 athletes, some early on. a friend of Peed, relates Peed's stories dorr t make the cut," While attending McDaniel, hard work to his tendency to Peed said. With odds against Peed took on various jobs to sacrifice himself for others. Determination, Courage Mark Swim Season guys," said jun- F&M swimmers The team entered the MIKE HABEGGER ior Greg "Seven, The number of days in a during the back- Franklin and 'Marshall -" __ SP",O,,,RT_S_ED_IT...,O_R--;-;-_ ~" ,'J' uhst'be 1 c:ukse week. The number of the greatest stroke segment Invitational this past week- Seven. The number of days " of the 400 yard end, the last meet before they in a week. The number of the we are short quarterback of all time. The number of medley, but lost break for winter. The team greatest quarterback of all s w i m mer s deadly sins., The number of swimmers ground on every- looks forward to keeping their time. The number of deadly doesn't mean thing else, and future meets exciting with sins. The number of swim- we can't com- that make up the McDaniel Men's eventually lost help from the four freshman mers that make up the pete on the Swimming Team." the race. swimmers. McDaniel Men's Swimming same level as The. night's "I look forward to improv- Team. the bigger good season considering his best performance ing our record after having Not impressed? While the teams." was turned in by sophomore somewhat of a slow start this McDaniel College Men's When the Terror faced injury last year," said Mihalek, Chris Reed, who set a. new season," said Mihalek. "I "and I believe that by the end Swimming Team might not be Franklin & Marshall on of this season he will be where Harlow Pool record in the 100 look forward to all our guys racking up wins (1 win in 5 November l Sth, only five suit- he was hisfreshmen year or yard breaststroke with a time continuing to drop time and tries) due to multiple event ed up to compete. And those even better." of 1:01.28. Reed has won a achieving personal bests." forfeits, outstanding individ- five did remarkably well. Dan Lebost, a freshman myriad of other races this sea- For a team with great char- ual performances have Junior Mark Yankovich of from Hastings on Hudson, son, including the 200 yard acter, maybe seven isn't such a defined the season thus far. Richboro, PA pulled out ear- NY, won the 50 yard freestyle, butterfly, the 200 yard back- bad number. Most of McDaniel's com- phone in time to pull out his stroke, and the 200 yard Says Mihalek, "We don't lie petitors boast 15-25 swim- most dominating performance causing some celebration from breaststroke. down to any team no matter the poolside. Even Chris mers, yet the small team of the year in the 200 yard Reed's heart-stopping R&B "Chris is a great swimmer how big they are and we works hard to contend day-in, freestyle. Yankovich trailed voice echoing at the start of and is very talented," said expect to give any team a run and day-out. the leader until the midpoint the race couldn't slow down Mihalek. "He also works very for their money." "lt's not unusual for us and of the race, where he took the hard at practice which con- we go into every meet the lead for good. Lebost. Freshman Scott tributes to the reasons he wins same as if we had 7 guys or 20 "T think mark is having a many of his races." Cammarata put on a clinic for Through the wee hours of the morning, pumped up on caffiene, junk food and great music, we cranked out 6 awesome issues of the McDaniel Free Press this semester, Each page, each ad, each story, each photo, each cartoon, and every headline repre- sents the work of many people, A hearty thanks to everyone of you, We look forward to working with you again after a long, long holiday, - The Free Press Staff
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