Page 83 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 83
CENTER SPREAD CENTER SPREAD FEBRUARY 10, 2006- Page 6 FEBRUARY 10, 2006 - Page 7 San Salvador a "Priceless" No Place Like Experience Guatemala Home San Salvador, Bahamian Island: How else would you want to spend your Jan-term? 'That's exactly how a group of eleven students and three professors For my break, I went back to my one place I can call home, Guatemala. spent eight, or ten, days this past January. Every day started at the awful Guatemala was where 1was born and raised until the age of nine before hour of 7.30 am for breakfast, in a dining hall less than half the size of GLAR. moving to Delaware. During the time T was home r bonded with my fam- The food was down to the basics: Cereal, milk, eggs, pancakes, and I think ily, visited my Friends from school, went fishing with the Ambassador of grits, or maybe it was oatmeal. The days lasted until about 10 pm and most United States, went alit for dinner and movies with my cousins, and had days consisted of snorkeling twice around beautiful coral reefs bustling my favorite holiday with my family, Christmas. Christmas is my with life. The coral had such vivid colors, and to think that something that favorite holiday because I know that I get to be with the people [ love is as hard as a rock is actually alive is almost mind-boggling. We saw and be in my favorite place in the world. countless types of coral including Brain Coral, Mustard Hill Coral, For our Christmas celebration, we celebrate Christmas Eve day Gorgonian Coral, Finger Coral, Starlet Coral, Sea Fans, Sea Whips, and at my uncle's house (TIo Rica) where we eat and do my favorite tra- Fire Coral. The amazing fish, Blue Tang, Parrot Fish, Stop Light Parrot dition. Every year we take a picture of the cousins from the tallest Fish, Queen Trigger Fish, Blue Headed Wrasse, Slippery Dick, Trumpet to the shortest to show how much we have grown over the past Fish, Nassau Groupers, Flying Gurnards, Surgeon Fish, Spotted year. For Christmas Eve, all of my immediate family and [ get Goatfish, Rock Fish, Angel Fish, Damsel Fish, Squirrel Fish. Sting Rays dressed up to open presents at my grandmother's house and of course, Barracudas, all swam around us, providing an eye open- (Abuela). However, Christmas presents didn't end that quick. ing experience for all. Other than swimming through schools of fish, After celebrating Christmas with my family, I did some- one of my best memories while snorkeling was seeing a shark! thing I didn't think I would do at such a young age. After Granted, the shark was 40 - 50 ft below us, but it was still amazing to telling my parents years ago that after college T would see a shark swimming where we were swimming. Unfortunately or return back home they did something I never expected. As fortunately at least for me, only the "Left-Behinds" saw the shark (three students and the a Christmas present from my parents, my sisters and 1 three professors were asked to stay an extra two days, due to the misunderstanding of our departure date). signed papers to have the house under my mom's name be put We also had the chance to explored two caves, one of which we actually swam into. Inside, we explored a deep crevasse under ours. I was in complete shock and I had no words to say. I knew my that got smaller and smaller as we wedged our way deeper. ln parts of the cave that we were neck deep in water, and the cave ceiling was only dream of coming back to Guatemala would come true in less than four years. inches above our heads. The caves were pitch black, but you could hear the bats flying over-head, and you often never knew what you were stepping in. -Cristina Cone '11 We also saw a few banana holes, where banana trees were still alive and growing bananas and the ruins of an old castle. One of the best memories on land, however, was the 'l.e-rnile walk to the local bar, which served $3 bottles of beer and $17 bottles of rum. One of the favorites at the bar was drinking Students Kalik, a Bahamian beer, and eating freshly fried conch fritters, which were 7 for a dollar! I think next year's marketing plan should include this advertisement: Escapeto Trip: $1,800 Snorkeling gear: $100 Narnia in Bottle of Rum: $17 Memories of the Bahamas with an Awesome Group of Friends and Professors: Priceless. January -Ionathan Schultz, '08 For [art-term, I wanted a change. For the past two years, all my class- K-MartJ-Term es have been either science or edu- cation-related Or. Obers Job Great Chrorucles of Narnia class seemed like an appropriate escape. Preparation for (including Class discussions, emotional movies very the LIfe --~~.a~~~p.~--~~-----~~ Hopkins ... I hope I wasn't the only person who teared lip), games "Hi! How are you today?" " How (chalkboard archery, anyone?), and can I help you?" "Do you need any fur- lots of reading (there are seven ther assistance?" "Thanks for shopping books altogether) were the name of at Kmart." the game here. A final project was These were the most popular due on the last day of class, but no words that came out of my mouth dur- stress: creativity was encouraged. I ing the past holiday season. During the wrote and illustrated a short story winter break, I worked as a part time about Dufflepuds, which are a cashier at Kmart in Silver Spring, group of bouncy, energetic, one- Maryland. Working for more than 40 legged dwarves featured in The An /Unbelizeable" hours was a nightmare; yet, the experi- Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and ence, and the interactions I had made a their search for employment in the significant change in my life. Moreover, real world. Other students turned Experience for Group of Students Take Photographic these experiences will shape my life in Intensity, Hard Work, out projects like real Turkish Friends and Professors the future. Delight (think stiff [ello covered in Everyday I had to work from 10 am King Peter's Tour of Four Beautiful to 7 pm and sometimes more, especial- Dedication and Despair powdered sugar), cut from metal), shield (actually the Christmas days. Even ly during maps of Narnia, travel hand-drawn Hawaiian Islands though I was hired as a cashier, I was Found on New Orleans brochures, a choose-your-own- I went to Belize my freshmen year and absolutely loved it then, so I wanted to directed to work at variety of depart- adventure story, and character mod- ments such as Customer Service, Cash Office, Electronics, Jewelry, and the Jan-Term Trip els made from balloons (very go back with three of my best friends, Lauren Schneider, Jordan Williams, and Tyler impressive). Falcone. The beach is surprisingly freeing in the hours before dawn. That's one floor. Overall, a great way to spend During Jan Term I actually went on the trip as a teaching assistant. After three thing I learned during my photojournalism trip to Hawaii this past Jan-Term. All these departments have com- three weeks on campus. And while plane rides, our group finally arrived in San Pedro, which is a little town consist- The trip, starting at BWI on the morning of January 5 and ending back at BWI pletely different task to perform and as The New Orleans January term was one filled with intensity, hard work, now I'm back to the science and ing of only three main roads. For a majority of the trip we had snorkeling trips to the night of January 18, was the best thing I have ever done in my life. t spent a result I learned so many different dedication and despair. Throughout the entire trip, I learned more about education classes, I'll always have various popular places among the Barrier Reef. the city that I knew prior to going down. The media truly did in no way thirteen days traveling through four different islands of the Hawaiian archipel- skills. The most valuable experience 1 my Chronicles anthology in case I We saw nurse sharks, sting rays, moray eels, and tons of fish of all sizes. ago. McDaniel students, alumni, fathers, professors, and spouses made a group received was how to interact with cus- portray to the fullest.what one actually eyewitnesses in present day New need a little mental vacation. Everyone also got to go on at least one fishing trip, either deep sea or reef fishing. of thirty-one. tamers. Since I am a Business Major Orleans. The amount of damage, the desolation, the amount of native-peo- Other activities included having a beach clean up, a softball game against the local It is difficult to pick one particular moment that can be distinguished as undergraduate, the experience with ple missing is far more devastating t~an can tr~ly be described. Walk~ng - Katie Hickey '07 high school, visiting the Mayan ruins of Lamanai, a rainy trip to Caye Caulker, and "the best" part of the Photojournalism, Hawaii Through t~e Le.nsc?urse. Taking customers is a must. In addition, I through some of the neighborhoods, It seemed like the world was commg a rainy day to Belize Zoo and cave tubing. r would most definitely recommend this to an end, I the group were the orJy to survive. The amount of phy~ical a tour of Hawaii's tallest waterfall on horseback and swunmmg m a secluded learned to interact with my managers, damage itself is enough to make .reconstruction seem almost impossible. trip to everyone, bring a friend along and you will have an mountain pool in the big island of Hawaii was amazing. Howe.ver, the days and co-workers and to respect them. but it is the people who are suffering the most. So many homes left empty, UNBELIZEABLE experience. lying on the beach in Maui outside the hotel Sheraton were unbelievably relax- Being the youngest employee made The etmostphere down there is amazing and everyone is so nice, and a plus is a significant change in the experience, neighborhoods dead, lives displac~d for periods of time still unknown. coming back with 25 or so new friends. ing. lf I had to choose one specific aspect of the trip that was "the best" it because everybody loved the way I was Out of this trip, I did find it rewa~~lng to give back amongst all of the dam- My description doesn't give it justice; it's one of those things that you have to age. Cleaning up acres of land hlled with tons of debris, helping green- would have to be getting college credit for taking pictures of a tropical paradise. working beyond my maturity. houses, citrus farmers, and City Park, VOlunteering at the Best Buddies experience on your own and probably the most fun you'll ever have. The worst would have to be the countless hours spent on a bus determined to Willingness carries people a long dis- animal rescue, and planting grasses On a man-made island to restore the My advice: careful with the vipor rum; don't fall too much in love with Belikin ignore the boring tour guides. tance. January Term was a fabulous environmental aspects of destructed areas were all ways in which the (Beer); and whatever you do "it's probably fine" (Our group's motto). Next year, Professor Susan Bloom is traveling to Italy for another adventure with a rigorous schedule at group contributed to the restoring and rebuilding of New Orleans and the - [en Goldstein '07 Photojournalism Jan-Term, and I plan on going. Krnart. surrounding parishes. For more I~Orrnation on how you can help, or pho- Photographs taken over this trip will be showcased in Decker center in -Salini Jayamuni March 2006. tos, contact me at dd006@mcdaru e J. e du. -Chanan Delivuk, '08 - MJ Alexander;
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