Page 26 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
P. 26
SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 - Page 10 CENTER SPREAD CONTINUED War is Needed Students, Raise Your Voices About the War in Iraq Now OPINION (continued from the ctzed gomg to war with Iraq, cratic regimes throughout the (continued from center spread) fighting the finest soldiers in center spread) since a pre-emptive strike rep- world that we don't invade; signed the Iraq the world in Iraq, Al-Qaeda and this is based in indeed, we accept and sup- Liberation Act. In 1995, the could be murdering unarmed part on both continued state- resented a new and dangerous port them. turn in foreign policy. And it is CIA tried to organize a coup American civilians, at a time ments by the administration scary to think that the Why should you care against Hussein, it failed. and a place of their choosing. and by the promotion of this Washington Post reported on about the war in Iraq? Out of After September 11th, it The influence of a free falsehood in the right-Wing September 11 that the compassion for fellow human became apparent that simply Iraq could in time lead to a media. The University of Pentagon now has a draft beings (Iraqi civilians, going after AI-Qaeda was not free Iran, a free Syria, a free Maryland did a study asking strategy for preemptive Americans soldiers and their goingto be enough to prevent Lebanon, a free Saudi Arabia, people two questions about families) who suffer because future attacks. a free Egypt, etc. What we American foreign policy. Was nuclear strikes. And our inva- of it. Out of care about fellow sian has caused the CIA's pre- How can you effectively must remember about Iraq is there a link between Saddam war criticism become true: classmates and friends who target terrorists protected by that it's not simply an option- Hussein and Al Qaeda? And Iraq is now the raison d'etre might have to go to Iraq and the ,power of a rogue state? al war like Bosnia or Haiti, it's did we find weapons (and magnet for) large num- possibly kill or be killed. Out You can't! The training, an essential part of the W<1r on of mass destruction in Iraq? bers of new fundamentalist of concern for your own eco- resources, and protection pro- terrorism and our efforts to They then asked for each per- terrorists. nomic well-being. And if you vided by those states is the bring Democracy to the son's source of information. The idea that Saddam don't think that one person very thing that enables a Middle East. The Bush admin- The answer to both questions Hussein was a dictator and a makes a difference, the exam- group like Al-Qaede to istration's decision to take is no. For non-print media, tyrant who ne'eded to be pIe of Cindy Sheehan shows become capable of pulling of down Saddam and help the those with the highest num- removed brings up two prob- us otherwise. Don't be apa- the sort of attack we saw on Iraqi people build a better, 9/11. freer country is not only tight bers of incorrect answers lems. First, our government thetic about this war. Raise those Fox News; watched your voice to end this war supported and armed Hussein President Bush has but in America's best interest. with the highest number of (the famous video of President commented on this very idea To believe that the US correct answers listen to Reagan's special envoy (Dr. Thomas G. numerous times, stating "Our deliberately lied about National Public Radio. So you Donald. Rumsfeld shaking Deveny is a professor in war on terror begins with al- weapons of mass destruction must be a discriminating and hands with Hussein is another McDaniel's Foreign Qaeda, but it does not end over the 27 other writs for war critical consumer of the news. striking visual image.) Languages departmet) there. It will not end until passed by the US Senate, one Before the war began, And there are many every terrorist group of global would have to believe that the even Henry Kissinger criti- other dictators and non-demo- reach has been found stopped Clinton administration and and defeated ...Every nation in most Democratic senators the Family History Supports Troops every region now has a deci- were lying all during simi to make; Either you are 1980's, during the debate over with us or you are with the their war resolutions in (continued from center spread) Mike, was in the Air Force dally that day. terrorists." October 2002, that European during Vietnam and was sta- James signed up to go back Iraq has been a nation intelligence was lying, that and I was fortunate to learn tioned in Cambodia. Since he to Iraq, he is not there now, that provided aid and a "safe Arab governments who their stories. These members was a part of the military but will be. haven" for terrorists with warned about the tactical use have been involved in the police, he was sent toa crash Overall, my family was "global reach". After 9/11 of WMD were lying, and that fighting during World War 1 site to secure the bodies and involved in many major con- anyone who does not see the Ll.S. commanders in the field and ll, Korea, Vietnam, and arrange for them to be flicts over the potential danger of allowing who ordered their soldiers to Iraq. Both sides of my family shipped back to the United past hundred years, and luck- States. The smells and images ily they survived. terrorists to be sheltered by an wear protective gear in have been immersed, and r am incredibly proud of all America hating regime that unbearable heat were part of each experience differs from he witnessed have stayed with was working on weaporuzmg the lie as well, as was their the next. him, and they probably will these members of my family ricin and that could produce own "independent military On my father's side of the the rest of his life. Uncle who have put their lives on mustard gas in two months intelligence. family my grandfather, uncle, Mike's daughter, Elizabeth, the line for our country, no has an insufficient under- It is ridiculous to keep and father were all involved. joined the Navy when she matter what. Some of them standing of what our country chanting "lies". Muslim ter- My grandfather lived in graduated from high school a fought during times when faces. The UN security rorists claim that their "sacri- Canada for much of his early few years ago. While in serv- nobody wanted American has averaged better than a UN fice" is done in the name of life. He fought during WWI in ice, she met her husband involvement. They fought at Resolution per year for over a Allah,If only a mere 1% of the England for the Canadian James and they were both times when they also had to decade, the last of which was 1.3 billion Muslims around army. Throughout the Korean trained as medics. fight for respect at a time approved unanimously, the world are operating as ter- war, my Uncle wally was a Last year, while James was when it seemed few people demanding that Sa~dam ful- rorists that means that there second Lieutenant. My father helping some marine who had respected the soldiers who fill the obligations agreed to at are 1.3 million terrorists. No was a captain and worked on been ambushed, he was shot fought and surrendered their the end of the Gulf War. country in the world has a base as a dentist for the other six, maybe seven times before lives. But, why should any- standing army that large. soldiers. Granddaddy Jack, he jumped out of a second Vietnam is a perfect exam- one .take the UN seriously American's are the greatest my mother's father was a story balcony. James was ple of this lack of respect when even a despised dictator target, and also the greatest radio operator in planes that saved by his bullet proof vest; Even today, people's opinions flew over Africa during wwn. can slide by the UN multiple friend to Israel. however, one of the bullets is on the war in Iraq differ. times with no response other Nothing could be more After the war, he swore still in his leg. That bullet will Everyone has the right to their than impotent new resolu- justified than taking action never to get on a plane again be an eternal reminder of the own view, but whatever tions? I am not happy the mil- against protecting your people in his life, and he never did. gruesome experiences stance you take.make sure to itary is risking their lives, but and freedom throughout the My mom's brother, Uncle throughout the war and espe- always support our troops. it could be worse. instead of world. (~ "What do you think is the reason behind the war in Iraq?''c:ompiledbyCmiSimpson ~; 60 seconds are "I think we're over "1 think that the war unclear, however, no matter there based on lies and it's gtv- in Iraq was started in an. "I think t~e Iraq war what those reasons may be, ing the U.S. a bad name. We attempt to put a public face on IS. about. Bush trying to define we have now, a distinct should be working on prob- the war on terrorism _to show his presidency" "The war is based on responsibility to lead that . lems over here (like Katrina) that the government is doing" -Dane Weber, Sophmore oil and money." country to a better quality of before thinking about prob- something. " -Kova Blake, Senior life and at the same time lems overseas." -Ian Hines, Senior secure ours." -Ien Minor, Freshman -Vince Augustino, Senior
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