Page 9 - mcdanielfreepress2005-06
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FEATURES SEPTEMBER 15, 2005 - Page 5 Summer Flicks Entertaining The Yellow House Fonda make a surprisingly "Seabiscuit" except with a SARAH BLACK good comedy duo. boxer, I think. this movie is STAFF WRITER Best actions: and-downs of a human being-rfCRIBS somewhat better, simply be- "War of the Worlds:" In cause it deals with the ups- Not everyone was able to my own opinion, this is Tom make it to the theaters this sum- Cruise's best movie to date rather than a horse. mer, due tojobs, vacations, and (Top Gun will always rock Based on the life of boxer the house, which ison the lower whatever else might keep you my world.). He plays an irre- James Braddock, Russell MEREDITH ADAMS level, belongs to Junior and from indulging yourself in gal- sponsible father straining to Crowe and Renee Zellweger STAFP WRITER Business Major Em.ilyFunk and lons of carbonated soda and connect with his two kids. playa husband and wife deal- The only yellow house Junior and Biology Major Katie mountains of salted popcorn. Unfortunately for him, ing trying to keep their three on Pennsylvania Avenue is McClean. If this was you, or you aliens decide to attack our kids and themselves alive dur- home to eleven girls from the "The best part of their missed some of the big hits, I world the weekend he's sup- ing the Great Depression. D.I.V.A.S. affinity group. room is that they have their have compiled a list of what I posed to be watching them. Along with that, Zellweger While the house has many own door to get in and out of thought were the best summer Cruise, as always, does an ex- plays a wife fearing for her nice features, such as a big the house," Jackie Lyon ex- movies, according to their cellent job, and I have to say husband's life every time he back yard, an ivy covered plains. "We all refer to it as 'the genres. For those of you who that Dakota Fanning does a steps into the ring. Despite the back porch and a balcony on secret door. ,II were able to make it to the the- job well done holding her false representation of boxer the upper level, the girl's fa- The house is nicely deco- aters, this list is for your argu- own next to Cruise. The spe- Max Beer, this movie is very vorite part of their house is rated with colorful Christmas ing pleasure. cial effects aren't bad either. up lifting, and personally, the kitchen. lights, beaded curtains, and Best comedies: "The Island:" Ewan very humbling. "It's huge and there are posters. The living room is also "Wedding Crashers:" McGregor and Scarlett Best of all three: two refrigerators," comments well equipped with two comfy Owen Wilson and Vince Johansson star as two "Mr. and Mrs. Smith:" Junior and Sociology Major couches and a chair that one of Vaughn star in this hilarious friends-turned-lovers in this Regardless of their chemistry Kelly Rampmeyer, "It's the the girls brought from home. and raunchy film about two twists and hU1l5 action/sel-f off screen, Brad Pitt and place where we all hang out "TIle furniture is my fa- lawyers 'who-you guessed that delivers action in an at- Angelina jolie couldn't have the most." vorite part of the living room," it-crash weddings. Wilson tractive style-in other been more, perfect for this The house has two lev- Indira Gonzalez adds. "It and Vaughn are perfect to- words, it's not too over-the- movie. els. The upper level consists makes the room extra cozy and gether and deliver classic com- top. Pitt and [olie brilliantly of three double rooms and gives enough places for almost edy that will have you laugh- This film deals with playoff each other in this one single room, and the all of us to sit." ing so hard, you can still current scientific and moral movie that throws lower level consists of two White it may be a lot of feel it days later. issues that will definitely get double rooms along with the fun living with eleven girls, "Monster 1n- you thinking (but not too kitchen and living room. Each Junior and Sociology Major Law:" Jennifer much, don't worry) about the level also has its own full-size Lianne Price explains the only Lopez and Michael public's role in science today, bathroom. downfall, "There is never Vartarr star in this and in the future. The biggest bedroom in enough ice cream!" Best dramas/suspense: ass movie. "Hostage:" This was Pitt one of the best movies Ihave seen in a while. Bruce Willis, who plays a hostage negotia- Jane tor, Jeff Talley, brings the Fonda drama to this role that only does a he could. classic Willis' character finds job of himself in a difficult and deli- being cate position when he real- the i r the ius that he's dealing with a hostage situation within a hostage situation From start to finish, this movie keeps the suspense at high volume, ready to break f'uomIJ\'M[Rlm:n'AO"'M~ through the roof. The stairway in the D.l.V.A.S house is decorated in 11creative way, bearing the "Cinderella Man:" name of the affinity group in the yellow house 011Pennyslyvania Avenue. While 1do agree with thecrit- ics that say this movie is movie. Five Eclectic Professors Welcomed to McDaniel He hopes that someday The return to a small school with focuses on globalization, so- 121Hobbies: Skiing and COLLEEN LEARY Hill will be filled with solar a collegial atmosphere where cial policy, family, and gender notes, "1 have been skiing al- STAFF WRITER panels and windmills for en- the students and faculty aren't in the African Nation of most as long as I have been Lugtng. Jazz, World ergy. afraid to stop, chat, and get to Malawi. Semu is originally walking." Tr{lvel - New Faculty Mem- 121Hobbies: Such thrill know one another." Feeley at- from Malawi which has given 0 Favorite Book: Poison- bers' Interests Vary seeking activities as luging, tended two colleges in Britain her the chance to travel to sev- wood Bible by Barba ra This year McDaniel wel- automobile racing, surfing, and has taken several trips to eral other South African Kingsolver comes five new faculty mem- and scuba diving; insisting the highlands of Peru. His countries and Europe. 121Favorite Quote: Most bers to varying departments on "no risk, no fun." travels also landed him as a McDaniel lured professor things uttered by Jon Stewart campus. These new p.rofe~sors 121Favorite Book: "You volunteer for the Park Service Semu with its refreshingscen- on The Daily Show excel in their respective fields can't have just one!" Con- in the Great Smoky Moun- ery. The department of Math- and are sure to bring a lot of sider a Spherical Cow by tains where he did extensive IZIHobbies: Reading, emarics and Computer Science academic and personal enrich- John Harte and Twenty hiking. .walking, and admits to welcomes Dr. Pavel Naumov. ment to students on The Hi~.~ Small Sailboats to Take YOLI 121Hobbies: Playing watching more TV than she He has recently taught at Penn Dr. Kevin Harrison joins Anywhere by John Vigor. clarinet and saxophone in should State and earned his doctorate the Biology department as the (0 Favorite Quote: community jazz bands, IZIFavorite Book: Sons from Cornell University. Dr. assistant professor of Environ- "Imagination is more impor- mountain biking, and long of Fortune by Jeffrey Archer Naumov was born and raised mental Policy and Science. He tant than knowledge." walks on the beach Dr. Wendy Morris joins in Moscow, Russia, but has had previously taught at Bos- Stephen Feeley, soon to IZIFavorite Book: Two the Psychology department spent the past eleven years in ton College and Northeastern be Dr. Stephen Feeley he Towers by Tolkein or Dande- with a focus on the stigma of the United States. He met his University. humbly admits, became a lion Wine by Ray Bradberry being single, stereotypes, future wife in high school and Dr. Harrison chose member the History depart- 121Favorite Quote: "Na- prejudice, and discrimina- today both have their doctoral McDaniel College because he ment. His areas of study in- poleon, don't be jealous that tion. Dr. Morris chose degrees and two beautiful felt it would provide him with elude Colonial America and I've been chatting online with McDaniel College because of daughters. the greatest opportunity to cre- Native Americans in the 19 th babes all day. Besides, we both the focus on teaching that is IZIHobbies: Photography ate the best environmental and 20,h centuries. Feeley know that I'm training to bea valued here, as well as, the and Travel policy and elevate awaren~ss. chose McDaniel College be- cage fighter." opportunity to conduct and "Infonl1atioll about the new Dr. Harrison plans on making cause he went to a small lib- The Sociology depart- publish research with stu- faclilry members' fields of study McDaniel and more eco- era I arts college as' an ment welcomes Dr. Linda dents. Her travels include came from McDaniel News friendJyand "green" campus. nndergrad and "wanted to Semu to campus. Her work Botswana and Namibia. Online.
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