Page 92 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 92
MARCH 10, 2005 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Fraternal bond does not require Iearning' letters to which you will soon soldiers and leaders around from mutual experiences and PAT O'TOOLE buy into the belief that their CO-EDITOR pledge your allegiance. them to build them back up. doing a variety of things. pledges are worthy individuals After hearing the ru- Theoretically, this pro- From simple tasks, socializ- It happens in every frater- mors, and eventually the sub- cess creates a bond that can- ing, and community service to begin with, and that the quali- nity.·and· sorority. There's al- stantiated claims of hazing not be attained through any activities, pledges can become ties that warranted their bid re- way s surrounding one sorority on other measures. close without going through ception provide a foundation same- our campus, I felt compelled In the military, soldiers misery together. for making them even more out- standing individuals than they t h i n g to provide readers with rea- need to be close enough that Also, the group is com- , were in the first place. that the sons to not lose faith in the they will be willing to put municating through hazing There is no reason to break pro - Greek community as a whole. their lives on the line for their that the pledges they have are spective It is not my intent to fur- comrades, and they have to not good enough on their someone down if they were good from the start. Fraternities mem- ther admonish any particular trust that everyone around own, and that they need to be and sororities can provide b e r s organizations, but rather to them will do the same. completely changed in order must go shed light on the alternative Greek organizations, to be suitable members. guidelines by which one can through methods of initiation avail- however, are not life or death r would argue that the choose to live his or her life, as in order able to Greeks. situations. Fraternitiesand so- reason the pledges are at that well as brothers and sisters to to join - a period of testing. The concept of hazing is rorities are, by their very na- stage in the first place is that hold them accountable to that. But in many organiza- nothing new. Perhaps the ture, meant to be social groups there must have been some- The pledging process does tions, it's simply wearing a little most prevalent institution in where lifelong friends can be thing about them that war- not need to communicate, pin over yqur heart, or a T-shirt which hazing is used (and made and one's morals can be ranted their initial acceptance "What are you willing to do to proclaiming your desire to be- widely accepted) is the'mili- further established. into the fraternity or sorority. earn these letters?" Rather, come a member of that group. tary. To me, the whole prin- There are many fraterni- many of us believe that it can say, "When we give you these It's getting together with your The belief is that hazing ciple of breaking individuals ties and sororities on this cam- future brothers or sisters and can be used to break a soldier down in order to eventually pus that require nothing more letters, this is what they can do for you." making crafts. It's a require- down entirely - mentally and build them back up seems to from their pledges than the ment to assemble to study. It's physically - at which point he be very flawed. qualifications listed at the be- learning about the organization or she will have to rely on the Bonds can be formed ginning of this article. They Break stereotypes with maturity, tolerance, self-image ROB GOEKE his remarks by noting his your Greek letters, sports Mas Def once said NEWS EDITOR staunch heterosexuality. jacket or any other identifier "People get better when they tolerance can exist all around. This bothered me, but gets you grouped in with all start to understand that, they This comes with people my days of imma- unfortunately, the stigma of the stereotypes, negative and are valuable. They are not getting out of their comfort one's sexual orientation being positive, associated with the valuable becausethey got a Zones and making an attempt to questioned is too much for group. Even worse, the same whole lot of money or cause get to know people that do not I will- ~hare their background. most to handle. If society is to often goes with the color of somebody thinks that they are present), lose the bigotry that is every- one's skin. sexy, but they are valuable mgly admit that I do not do this when I where, we all must make an Also, the need to be because they have been cre- all of the time, but I like the fact would effort to be more understand- more secure in one's self is ated by God." that I try. That is what we all d r i v e ing in all situations and try to present. If people weren't so Your self worth is how should strive for. around, limit judging. I concerned about the assump- you value and carry yourself, When one meets a person, my radio This is a microcosm for tions others make, then the and how you treat everyone they should be able to separate dial would often be tuned to all of society and the problems fear of being stigmatized and else around you. The better the binaries and cultural bag- sports talk radio and the inces- we have with first impres- ostracized would disappear. you treat people, from your gage from the actual person. sant blather it yells. sions. Impressions are only People who are hetero- best friend to the person you The first thought that should One time, while listening the cover to the rich book that sexual often take questions believe is the biggest loser, the flash across one's head is not to a call-in show, I noticed is inside. Too many times, about their sexual orientation better people will treat you. that the person is "Black," something. The topic was ho- people take too much stock in with anger. This is because too I feel we need to make ::~~::~.~r "gay." It should be mosexuality in sports, and ev- what is behind the cover. many gain their self worth advancement as a whole so- ery time a caller would say But it seems that, espe- from what others think of ciety towards increased toler- Sorry if Ihave been a little something about tolerance or cially at the college, the cover them, and not what they think ance of homosexuality be- preachy, but I am just showing acceptance, he would preface is all that matters. Wearing of themselves. cause with more of it, more my conviction. Tolerance is al- ways wonderful. Drinking and writing: McDaniel, sports, and pop culture BRIAN PATTERSON The National's minor What are the odds that they would take to stop a bullet? ableskil1? SENIOR WRITER leaguers knocked around would lose all five? After a 13- Orioles set up man B.J.Ryan point loss to the Warriors it I think we're getting to Teri wants to know if I'm Is that headline right? I for a 9th inning rally in spring looks like they're really good. the point where Xbox live has done writing this yet. I swear hope not. training action. Can you say to crack the "Top Ten Great- Grapefruit League Champs? Wait, I don't think est Innovations in History" that I'm almost done, and that I The librancal is a word. list. am not stealing this idea from seniorcIass I love the 90s, but not Bill Simmons. He writes his ramblings While sober. T think seta record the BOs. Have you seen the Sur- I realize that Dr. Falkner Plus he stole the idea from for dona- real Life with jeanie Laurer is from near Buffalo, but could Someone else too tions to the At first I didn't mind (a.k.a. Chyna)? Yeah, me too. we get a snow day please? I'm a I u m n i that the library stopped sure in upstate New York they Does Clar really have to fund. The stamping the due date on the Hold on, my roommate can handle a· few inches of serve the same chicken tenders r e war d books. But I can't seem to Mark has something to say: snow, .but down here that is that are sold in the: pub every was that hold onto the receipt. The due Can you say Peter Angelos is cnj- just not the case. Even though day? Oh, and Ihad the chicken they get a date is a vital piece of ing himself to sleep tonight be- we have winter every year, fajita fourth meal the other week cool pen, clip, bottle opener, bbrartcal information. This is cause his Orioles suffered another there is a deep seeded fear of for the first time. It was actually plus getting to show up to the starting to get costly. loss to the Washington D.C.fran- snow that exists in people pretty good. senior week crab feast a half chisel It's definitely the first of from this area that needs to be hour early. Are we getting sick of many. factored in. Green Day, or is American Well that should just about Apparently Jerry Idiot just that good? The pub finished its test Do they award Pulitzer do it because this column is get- ting older than people yelling Springer is on at 12 midnight on run of the new biodegradable Prizes to student journalists? YEAH, WHAT, and OK! Thank Sundays. As of now the Wizards plates that are supposed to re- are 22-9 at home, and I've place styrofoam. How many I'm gonna need a job in you Dave Chepelle: it's cool and stuff. gone to five home games. of those plates do you think it a few weeks. Is this a market-
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