Page 87 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 87
FEBRUARY24, 2005 - Page 11 SPORTS as helping sophomore Colin BRANDON OTTO Nelson, sophomore Scott STAFF WRITER and junior Stewart Koleszar, Johnson seta school record in As the weather starts to the 4x200 meter relay on Feb- warm up, the winter sport's ruary 12, at the Susquehanna season is quickly coming to an Invitational. Scott Koleszar end. For the men's and also posted a new school women's indoor track teams record at the Invitational in only a few meets remain until the 200-meter dash. The Conference Championships. women's team also showed While competing in only a few well at the meet, coming in scoring meets throughout the third in the 4x200 meter relay season, both teams have shown as w.ell as placing fifth in the strong competition and hope to 4x400 meter relay. continue gaining momentum Maybank has set school for the championships, nation- records in the 50 meter dash, als, and the outdoor season. long jump and triple jump "This is the time of the this season, as well as quali- year the team and coaching fying for each of these events staff look forward to," said at the national level. Coach Renner. Maybank has not only con- One of the things he is the tributed on the track, but has most proud of is the program's also been a big part of the commitment to training the team's success in other ways. athletes to compete the stron- He helps to motivate the gest in the most important team and encourages every- events. Anyone can look at the one to perform better. school records and see that the "He is like having an majority have been set in the extra coach," said Coach late season, usually at the con- Renner. Junior Broderick Maybank, seen here in a file photo, is an inspirational athlete and leader on the indoor track team ference championship or the Maybank can be found national meets. offering advise to teammates The men's team has ranging from using starting dards for himself that also ing staff hopes both teams shown exceptional strength at blocks to giving tips on the transfer to his teammates. raise their competition and will come in for a good show," said Coach Renner, "but it's not recent events. Junior Broderick various events. Maybank, With the champion- show success by setting per- a one man show ei ther." Maybank has set new school who has been with the team ships and nationals right sonal records. records in three events, as well all three years, sets high stan- around the corner, the coach- "We know [Maybank] The eternal job: Recruiting 0111 football players tion, Coach Keating de- sion 3 schools also face the to Philly. meeting the prospective play- MIKE HABEGGER scribed that high school re- trying task of competition He also added that there ers, and keeping up with high SPORTS EDITOR cruiting "went to hell." amongst themselves. are many players who "miss school head coaches, but is in- Recruiting as a science Financial Aid also be- the boat" and head off to have sistent that the job of recruiting The recruiting season be- is an ongoing process. comes a major factor in re- mediocre careers at larger is a seven-day-a-week occupa- gan when the last snap was Keating and his assistants cruiting, along with the schools with losing records. tion that becomes quite tedious taken. Actually, the entire suc- start by calling high school "sizzle" that comes with a He expressed concern that around this time in February. cessful football season was a coaches and making personal bigger school. some players who are lured to He added that sometimes they part of recruiting. Recruiting in visits to schools. "At a Division 2 school a place like Towson would have to maintain contact with the NCAA is increasingly diffi- "We go to every school like Millersville, or a state- have had a much better expe- a prospective player even if cult and pressure-filled, but is in York and Lancaster (PA) funded school like Salisbury, rience here at McDaniel, but their deposit has been accepted integral to the prolonged suc- counties, not to mention the a player is going to be able to their love for football is some- at McDaniel. cess of a program. numerous schools in Mary- get a partial football scholar- times compromised by the "Because if we don't, Offensive coordinator land," said Keating. ship," said Keating. "We try want of glory. Susquehanna calling, IS Ryan Hines, who left to coach The job is constant and to sell the positive aspects of "We try to recruit play- Muhlenberg is calling, F&M at T] High School in Frederick, consumes every day of every a small school to the players." ers who could go 01," said is calling," said Keating. "It MO, was intimately involved in week from the end of the sea- They have been selling Keating. "For those guys it never ends." recruiting in years past and will son to nearly May 1'1, two the case to high schoolers pri- usually comes down to weigh- be missed. Although trying to r'nonths after Division 1 marily from Westminster to ing academics with football." stay positive about the situa- schools end recruiting. Divi- Scranton, PA, from Delaware Coach Keating enjoys Intramural basketball: It's as real as it gets The league is as com- competition is stiff and the everyone that signed up to to stay physically active," said AMALIE SHAFFER petitive as the McDaniel games can get pretty intense. play wanted to play in the" A" Townsend. STAFF WRITER Men's basketball team, per- He admits there have been league. Freshman Chris Hynes With names like Team haps even more. It is rough, one or two fights, and there Townsend said there has played basketball since he Steve, Jungle Taint, Carroll call-your-own-foul, in-your- are always arguments. would be an all-women's was in fifth grade and enjoys County Mix Tape Volume 3 face pick-up basketball with "Anytime you get guys league, but there are not the opportunity to continue and 4th Floor Ballaz. .you a top prize of the legendary to playa sport competitively enough players that want to playing. His team "The Shock- would think this is a league of T-shirt. you're going to have fights," play to have a separate league. ers" currently has three wins fun loving party boys who are "Winning the T-shirt is said Tomlinson. For now there is an open gym and no losses. looking for a good game of about bragging rights," said According to Jim held for women to show up Just like everyone else in friendly basketball - but Senior Jeff Kacanich from Townsend, the Men's La- and play. the league, Hynes is playing for McDaniel College'S tntramu- Team Steve. crosse team head coach and There are 10 teams who the intramural basketball raj basketball league is much Intramural sports give the organizer of the Intramu- go head-to-head for two 20- league champion T-shirt. more than that. Kacanich the chance to con- ral program, there is sup- minute halves about two or A game schedule with even tinue to play sports "Nobody plays just for posed to bean "A" league for three times a week, usually on dates and times can be found fun and exercise - we play to though he can no longer play more competitive players, Sundays, Wednesdays and/or in the lobby of Gill on the bul- win," said Senior Steve intercollegiate sports due to which is non coed, and a "B" Thursdays. letin board directly to the right Tomlinson a member of Team a knee injury. league for more recreational "It gives the students an inside the front door. Steve. Tomlinson said that the players, which is coed but outlet and different activities
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