Page 93 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 93
MARCH 10,2005 - Page 5 COMMENTARY Can you hear me now? McDaniel students talking about issues that affect them BSU dinner has great food Snow policy dumps and fun, but sad turnout on all commuters Wrong. CHANAN DELIVUK My boyfriend [who and lesser-praised Africans EM W1LLlAMS to campus any time they fee! CONTRIBUTING WRITER and African Americans CONTRIBUTING WRITER the road conditions are unsafe." isn't even a student here] and The information pre- Dr. Falkner also acknowl- With the last edition of I were two of too few Cauca- sented was important and edged that it would not be fair The McDaniel Free Press offering sians in the audience of the McDaniel College has a to hold classes if twenty percent numerous February 27 Soul Food Din- significant, ndt only because snow policy for inclement of students could not make it columns ner and play put on by orga- it was Black History Month, weather that is easily found to class. This is just one of the but also because it is history. based on nizations that included the on the McDaniel home page. things he takes into consider- racial ig- BSU and Multicultural Ser- Itis self-awareness at its best, However, nothing in the ation when making the deci- norance vices. for people of both African policy refers to commuters sian to dose the college. He said a ill 0 n g The food was deli- and non-African descent. The page shows a Liberal that the hardest part of making students cious- typical "soul" foods, After all the controver- Leave policy applied to the the decision comes from the fact on cam- including greens and fried sial issues related to racism, faculty and staff at the col- that he is usually warm and in- L.ii lIIius'~sm~ chicken. The entertainment stereotypes, and plain igno- lege. In this policy it states, doors at the time of the choice. was equally pleasing, as well rance of diverse cultures "It is the employee's respon- He also pointed out that he "Keeping it Real" f~rum as as educational. "1001 Black found here on campus, I .sibility to exercise judgment lived near Buffalo New York for would have enjoyed seeing proof, one would think that Inventions" was a short play more people attend such a as to whether travel condi- twenty five years and that such events that are offered to highlighting significant in- grand event. tions are too hazardous to re- people up there do not take increase cultural awareness ventions comn:on in every- port to work. Whenindoubt, snow seriously until there are would have a decent turnout. day life, invented by famous the employee should place a couple feet on the ground. safety first." Now 1see why McDaniel No love for Vagina Monologues; reference to students who is always the last school in What's missing is any Carroll County (or in the state commute. What about us? of Maryland) to close! The last question Twat's up with that? We should have the right to popped into my head as 1 was that think of our safety too As a commuter student, researching the snow policy I worry for my safety when was how do students stuck on word used in the play to de- with "McDaniel Loves Vagi- driving to class on days when campus eat? TERI HAMER scribe the vagina. Whatword COPY EDITOR nas" imprinted on the front. the road conditions could be So [ got in touch with could have offended them to sold out in one day. better. Dr. Falkner; the Pro- Cameron Smith, the general Our T-shirts say the point of refusing to send "The important thing vost/Dean of Faculty is the Manager of Food Services, to McDaniel Loves Vaginas, but .out a phone message? was we raised over $4,000 man who makes the final de- see what happens in Glarwhen for some Twat. That's right, this year, all of which will go cision as to whether or not to it remains open in bad weather. members Twat. Not Poonani, Vag, to the Carroll County Rape close McDaniel. So he is the Smith told me that the media of the ad- Taco, Coochi Snorcher or Crisis Center and the interna- best source for the answer to closures do not matter much ministra- cunt, ~ll also used in the mes- tional V-Day Campaign, a few questions. when it comes to feeding the tion. this sage, compared to the offen- helping the women of Iraq," Why isn't there a policy residents. If an employee un- is far siveness of Twat. said the show's stage man- for commuter students (like der his management calls and from the And of course, there ager, junior Sarah Hale. Liberal Leave)? tells him they will not be able truth. A was the issue of location. Overall "The Vagina Dr. Falkner responded to make it to work because of few Many students asked why Monologues" were a great by acknowledging that the the road conditions, it's no wee k s the Vagina Monologues were success this year. All I ask is policies are meant for the problem because he owns an ago, the not held in the theatre this that when we produce this commuters as well as faculty S.U.v. Smith simply picks that women's year. The answer is, who show next year, it would be and staff. The policies are for employee (or several employ- issues group sponsored it's 2~d knows? It wasn't for lack of nice to have a few less ob- anyone that has to drive to ees) up from their house and annual production of "The Va- trying by the Women's lssues stacles, and a little more sup- reach the college. He men- they proceed to work. gina Monologues." Attendees Group. port from the school for this tions also that he has "em- Due to his diligence, no might have noticed a few "The theater was pre- charitable volunteer run pro- phasized in all his letters that student will be left without a changes from last year. . emptively booked by people duction. students should never drive meal on a snow day. Let's start with advertIs- who asked for it a few Twar's Ir. ing. Announcement of "The months after us," said Vagina Monologues" I was no- Feldman But not everyone was ticeably absent from "Hill Hap- uri-supportive of this produc- Corrections, clarifications and letters penings." . tion. Many faculty members "I sent the commUnica- I tion department a press rele~se, announced the play in their To: The McDaniel Ryan Quillen or the lack thereo'f Free Press From: Freshman classes; some even offered and tried to contact the wnter entertainment Subject: Campus credrt to students I from Hill Happenings multiple extra "I saw this play last McDaniel College suffers from a lack of entertainment for the students. Yes, there whom attended. times," said the show's pro- ducer, Jesse, sophomore Feldman. year and was very impressed . are theatre shows and stand up comics offered, but they are far and few in between. If "News at McDaniel" not with the acting and the mes- McDaniel wants its student population to be happier on campus then they should only chose to refuse to writ.e a sage it sent. I think everyone offer more kinds of entertainment more frequently. story on the charity production who has a chance should go The college needs to book more big name events more often. Yes, a main stream that sold out last year, but see it," Ralene Mitschler told band is booked for the college, but that only happens every two years. What's the would not even include the her intro biology class. problem with offering concerts like those to students every year? It would be some- dates and times of "The Vagina Ernie Ogle agreed to thing for the students to look forward to on a yearly basis. T feel the students are suffer- Monologues" performances in send out a new, Twat-free. its upcoming events section. phone message advertising ing from a lack of entertainment on campus, and the student population would only Then there was the phone "The Vagina Monologues" benefit from an increase. mail fiasco. The original mes- the morning of the show. sage sent out advertising the Numerous professors and If you would like to share your thoughts about issues that affect performances was censored be- students attended the pro- cause Ernie Ogle and Dean duction. The pink T-Shirts you as a McDaniel College student, send submissions for the com- Sayre took offense to a specific mentary section to
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