Page 89 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 89
COMMUTERS LEFT OUT IN COLD BYCLOSING POLICY 5"U.".,. Westminster, MD Vol. 3 No.3 Baseball prepares to Pledges deserve prove resiliency Why it's so much more better. See After losing a host of seniors, ~i!:::::::iilr!:~~- than a mode of commentary on the Terror are looking to push transportation. See page 4. forward. See story on page 11. story on page 7. Phi Alpha Mu pledges say 'enough' For years, students ing the group with no SHELLY HORN pledged over the years, in an STAFF WRITER have heard stories about pledges. effort to spare future students McDaniel College's Phi Al- The web site boasts, their misery, are confirming (Editor's note: Tilefollow- pha Mu sorority. The soror- "Quality not Quantity." ing comlllfnts and infomuuion ity web site boasts "Only the A time honored code of many of the rumors and shar- ' ing their nightmare. were obtained from two or more strong survive." Lately, few silence that surrounds many That nightmare includes McD(l/1ie/ students wllo haoe pledges have survived initia- groups within the Greek sys- sleep deprivation, isolation de-pledged from the Phi Alphs tion week. Over the last three tem kept the women who de- from their friends (anyone who ill tile last three years. Due to semesters, the group has lost pledged Phi Alpha Mu over was not associated with the so- the sensitive nature ojthe infor- 10 out of 12 new pledges, in- the years from coming for- rority) and verbal abuse. It in- mation gioen. and at the request cludtngsix women who de- ward. Until now. of the students, the quotes are pledged this semester, leav- Women who have de- [See Pledges continued on l1otatlributed.) page 3] Too many pigs for biology deparbnent McDaniel bypasses the snow day that the rest of the county and state mens used for the class was budget. Quick action saved same pig over and over again tooklastweek,leavingmany BRIAN PATTERSON not compromised. the day once again, and the for each lab, and it gets kind of students to wonder what it takes to COMMENTARY EDITOR Crisis was averted as pigs, which cost about 15 dol- gross," said sophomore Te1'i get a snow day. Page 2. Biology students are the pigs "were sent right back lars a pop (20 for a high end Hamer. "Right now my pig is currently dissecting fetal pigs and the others were sent model), did not cause any fis- all wrinkly and pruny, so I in order to expand their prornptlyvseid Schmall. cal problems. wouldn't mind having another anatomy knowledge and re- There was also a con- For students, the pros- one." fine their surgical skills. The cern that the'gaff could have pect of having 540 extra pigs The pigs, which are a by- department restocks its caused major problems with would not be so bad. product of the meat packing shelves with new pigs for the the Biology department's "We have to use the industry, had no comment. spring lab session every Ian- term, but this year, the simple task of ordering yielded an unexpected surplus. Six hundred pigs, in- stead of 60 wer~ sent to Ea;on Hall due to a discrepancy on an order form. "It was a shock to see all those pigs," said Ms. MaryLee Schmall who teaches the lab portion of Bi- ology 1112,the second semes- ter Principles of Biology course. The pigs, which make good dissection specimens because of their large size, are used primarily to study cir- culatory, digestive, and uro- genital systems. It was feared that- stu- dents would have to use dif- ferent, lesser quality speci- mens, because the entire or- This McDaniel Hall room is a der had to be returned to the Women's basketball wins second straight Conference Championship game lover's paradise. You'll never want to go to class again. Page 9. distributor. Luckily, the 600 The team defeated Dickinson College 70-54 last weeks to win the pigs were sent back quickly and the integrity of the speci- Centennial Conference title for the second straight year. The Curriculum ,Re- has also requested input from baJization" and "internation- an entire college curriculum, BETH MCLANE view Task Force iscontinuing student representatives, they alism," and still "make it for faculty members started re- LAYOUT EDITOR its efforts towards revamping have found that "no students students of the 21st century," searching in the fal! of 2004. It could be the First Year and revising the curriculum had time to do it," according Evergates said. The task force Evergates explained that they Seminar. It could be the Hon- at McDaniel, a task which has to Task Force Chair Donna also wants to remain focused studied transcripts and reports ors Program. It could be not been attempted for ten Bvergates. on liberal arts, and Evergates that were associated with the BLAR's. In fact, it could be any- years. Evergates also men- stated that the committee curriculum, and conducted a thing associated with the cur- The Task Force, which tioned that the committee has wants to make sure that "ev- student survey. Some faculty riculum at McDaniel, and a was formed in spring of 2003, established a "Strategic Plan" erything flows from the First member attended a national comrruree of faculty members has regular meetings and is to follow when deciding on Principles." conference on curriculum. is currently working on chang- made up of nine faculty a new curriculum. It includes To begin the challeng- {See Curriculum Review ing it for the better. members. While the faculty creating more focus on "glo- ing process of reconstructing continued 011 page 31
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