Page 97 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 97
MARCH 10, 2005 - Page 9 FEATURES JackJohnson's Dreams 'overwhelmingly chill' relationships. and self-explo- musician by many because he soulful collection of stories tracks on the album. It's a tale TODD KNEPPER ration. Jack is incredibly suc- brings back the basics of life and speeches, each track con- of a man trying to keep his lady STAFF WRITER cessful at expressing his feel- in an overwhelmingly chill taining a certain amount of from getting out of bed on a ings; however, he doesn't manner words to live by. In particu- Jack Johnson's third al- speak arrogantly or from a 1/1Between Dreams is a lar, "Good People" takes a rainy morning and going to bum,ln Between Dreams, makes pedestal. For stab at the "me- work. He puts priorities into you want to switch your red example, in dia monster." perspective, singing, "When cup to the other hand, wrap "Never Know," This song sheds the whole world fits inside of your arm around whoever's he includes light on your arms, do we really need closest, and dig your toes fur- himself in say- people's ability to pay attention-to the alarm?" ther into the sand. His mellow ing that "It's to be led astray The three minute snippets of tone and simple acoustic gui- shocking, but ideas that Jack has broken into tar riffs extend the notion of we're nothing, by what they this album would sound just as watch, and "feel good island music." we're just mo- questions the good linked together in a med- Claims have been made ments, we're ley. His concepts and -instghrs that anyone can get down to at clever, but purpose of clearly fit into his guitar's me- least one song by Jack; some- we're clueless, those who lead lodicmold. astray, them one of any demographic, race, we're just hu- ask i n g Jack Johnson evokes com- ethnicity, belief or social sys- mans.'" His "where'd all the binations of feelings on this tem, can enjoy and be influ- melodies do good people record that are nearly impos- enced by his music. not overpower go?" "Banana sible to label. It's good, posi- He takes an anti-violence, or interrupt his tive stuff. The only way to test anti-media, and anti-confor- lyrics. Jack Pancakes" the is the claims made by Jack's fans one of mity stand through his jams, Johnson is con- catchier female- is to check out In Between preaching optimism, healthy sidered a great influenced Dreams for yourselves. Whafs your favorite spring break memory? Compiled by Taylor Hebden !it :..,;:.. ....1'.....' .l Caitlin Bradford Latisha Buford Shanee Strotcher AJ Lewis Freshman Freshman Senior Sophomore "In 10th grade, I went to "I went to the Bahama's "I went to Miami last "Last year, spring fling Hatteras North Carolina with with my friends last spring as year with some friends. The was so fun. Everyone was my best friend. Wegot to hang a graduation present from AJ Schultz weather was so nice." walking around acting crazy, it out at the beach all week." my parents." Junior was great." "I went to New Jersey Beach last year. Even though it was cold and rainy, I still had fun." Trendy game room seems far from campus __ CRIBS room." JENNIEVANS "We have a nice, com- STAFF WRITER fortable couch that seats the One glance inside the three of us, posters galore, dorm room of juniors Gene and a whole lot of floor space Neddo, Dave Moffatt and to party in," Gene says en- Chris Simms, and you'll think thusiastically. "What more you've been magically trans- could we want?" ported from McDaniel College Apparently, not much. to a trendy game room some- Considering that along with where far away from campus. spaciousness - somewhat Not only is this fourth due to the fact that Chris and floor McDaniel room one of the Gene's beds are bunked, and biggest on campus - "Obvi- Dave's is lofted - the guys ously, the size is a bonus," says have a collective total of Dave nonchalantly - it's also about 90 DVDs and videos, what many would consider as well as 24 videogames for one of the most "luxurious." the three game stations com- This McDaniel room features a couch. a foosball table, a 27-inch TV with a SOO-wattSony surround sound system, and Complete with a foosball bined. three game systems - Playstation 2, Gamecubc, and X-Box table, a 27-inch TV with a 500- As if that weren't Adding to the fun is room says something funny less explicit comments reads as watt Sony surround sound sys- enough, they switched the what the guys call "The - "Really funny not just run- follows: "I love you like a fat tem, and three game systems- standard light tubes in their Quote Board," which is actu- of-the-mill funny," Gene kid loves diet and exercise." It's Playstation 2, Gamecube, and ceiling lighting with a more ally a sheet of white poster points out - the comment just one of the many interesting X-Box - the roommates agree college-crowd pleasing alter- board taped to the wall; gets written on the board. aspects of the game room - that it's an optimum "party native: black lights. whenever someone in the For example, one of the woops! - dorm room.
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