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MARCH 10, 2005 - Page 3 News Fonner pledges cite hazing, emotional strain continued from page 1 of the ones doing the hazing and It's almost impossible to put the feelings into words, yelling demeaning things at me, eludes being forced to engage but after the first night, you really feel like you can't quit, and thought to myself: is this me in drinking rituals, often to the next semester, or next year? point of becoming sick. and you fear that quitting will be worse than what you're Certainly I could never do this "l take this [hazing allega- going through. to another human being." tionslpretry seriously," said "Then r looked into the Amanda Rose, assistant direc- tor of college activities and ad- intentionally, whether on or a car ride to a house off cam- "Ir's hard to explain, but due faces of the sisters who weren't hazing, but were standing by visor to the fraternity /sorority off College premises, to pro- pus, duringwhichall pledges to lack of sleep, frustration, watching,"shecontinues. "And system. "Obviously, the quality duce mental or physical dis- must ride with their heads isolation and physical and I thought to myself: is this me of the information dictates how comfort, embarrassment, ha- betweentheir legs. After ar- mental fatigue, you begin to next semester, or next year? far we can go with rassment, or ridicule." riving, the drinking ritual believe all the demeaning Certainly r could never even something ... When we get fac- Phil Sayre, vice presi- begins. things being said to you. No stand by and watch someone do tual information, it is taken dent and dean of student af- "A pledge sister and I one should have to go this to another human being. It very seriously." fairs, emphasized the impor- had to share and, finish a through that for the sake of was at this point that I realized "Just as students hear ru- tance of de-pledges coming handle of Jack Daniels in one becoming a 'sister." I had no place in this sorority. I mors about what goes on in dif- forward to turn rumor into hour," a former pledge re- Dr. Erika Koch, professor quit the next day." ferent fraternities' and sorori- factual statements in order membered. "No chasers, just of social psychology at Unfortunately, for some, ties' new member education for the college to be able to straight shots." McDaniel, offered a brief ex- the aftermath of quitting caused periods, myself as well as other enforce the policy. "I threw up a lot. I was planation about group men- tremendous emotional distress. administrators on campus, we "We try to get as much really sick and felt awful for tality and hazing. "J considered transferring to hear the same things," Rose information as possible," a couple days," a former "It creates that sense of another school after quitting," added. "But they're rumors Sayre commented. "Once we pledge commented dissonance: 'I'm a good, rea- said a former pledge. "When- until someone's caught, or have credible information, The first week also in- sonable, rational person. I ever the sisters passed me in the someone comes forward." we meet with thefratemityor cludes sleep deprivation. don't let people tell me what halls, they called mea bitch and As of this article's publi- sorority leadership. Then we "Pledges have to sleep to do, yet I'm doing all of told me they'd make my life cation, the women interviewed put together a panel ... and we in one room for the first few these stupid things that I'm here hell." have not gone to Rose with a try to pull together a bal- nights. The Phi Alph sisters being told to do. Why is that? "It's typical for one or two formal complaint. They say that anced group of people to- come into the room at all It must be because Ireally like pledges to drop out of any they are not ready to speak o~t gether to get a fair look at the hours and wake you up by . this group," she said. Greek organization due to time as individuals or put their situation." being loud and yelling at you. "People can go through that commitment, financial obliga- name on the record - yet. Many Sayre added, "The You get very little sleep on justification." tion, or personal differences," of them live near current mem- panel establishes whether or any given night." Another former pledge said Amanda Rose. "There has bers and take classes with them. not the colleges hazing rules On following nights, added with frustration, "I not been a drop like this one Since this semester's de-pledg- were, in fact, violated and, if pledges are required to sleep know some people may not before, and yes, it raises con- ing, the tension has been tight so, what sanctions will be on the floor in a room with a understand. They may won- enough, they said. imposed." Phi Alph sister. der why r couldn't just walk "I have the utmost respect Four current members of Former Pledges During the day, it is for- away at the first sign of a for anyone who has been part the sorority, including the Break the Silence bidden for pledges to be problem." of an organization where group's president and pled~e Some of the Phi Alph alone. They must always be "It's almost impossible they've had negative experi- mistress, were contacted via pledge requirements seem with another pledge or a sis- to put the feelings into ences and they're willing to email and telephone but were harmless. During the week, ter. Specific communication words," she continues, "but come forward to talk about unavailable for comment by pledges must carry a back- rules also apply. after the first night, you really them because they do believe it press time. pack filled with various "Initially, pledges are feel like you can't quit, and needs to stop," Rose added. "It Phi Alpha Mu has been items, including candy and not allowed to talk to any you fear that quitting will be takes a strong person to remove documented for its pledging cigarettes, and must give boys, and during hell week, worse than what you're go- yourself from a situation, but I activities several times in past these items to sisters on de- pledges may not engage in ing through." believe it takes an even stronger years. In 1994, the group was mand. conversation with anyone "They make you feel person to be able to come for- sanctioned after being found After bid night, a who is not a Phi Alph," com- that they hold real power ward and to want to do some- responsible for hazing activi~ pledge may not drink alco- ments a former pledge. "And over you, especially since thing about it." ties. In the spring of 2DD?, Phi hol, do drugs, wear perfume, sisters are not allowed to talk they know how frightened ln the meantime, Rose Alpha Mu was found to violate deodorant, scented lotions or directly to the pledges, unless you are of them on bid waits. And she and other ad- the college's policy disallowing makeup. All pledges are re- it is to verbally abuse them." night." ministrators hope that anyone alcohol in any aspect of the new qutred to address the Phi Verbal abuse is de- These former pledges, who has suffered will come for- member education process, Alph sisters as "Miss" and scribed as a lot of yelling and though, did choose, at differ- ward on the record. specifically involving drinking other pledges as "calf." continued and repeated com- ent points of the pledge pro- "We don't know enough rituals. There is also documen- Other requirements, ments to make the pledges cess, to walk away from the about how to predict the per- tation in their college sorority however, are undeniably feel worthless. "They kept Phi Alphs and risk the antici- sonality factors involved in dis- file of raised concerns about physically dangerous and telling us 'we have to break pated repercussions. obedience," Dr. Koch said. "As negative new member prac- mentally harmful, women you down to build you back "Please know that not [psychologist Dr. Philip] tices. who have de-pledged over up" said a former pledge. al! sisters are required to Zimbardo says, 'We don't know McDaniel's hazing policy the last few years said. "It was really hard be- haze; only some. The others is in line with Maryland state "Hell week was the cause most of this is very one- just watch and are not al- enough about the heroes: . We don't know enough about the law, although the college is worst experience of my col- on-one. You can't talk to lowed to speak to the people who resist: what makes more specific in its definition of lege career," comments a people outside the group pledges, unless to insult those people different from ev- hazing in that it incorporates former Phi Alph pledge. "lt and, within the group, you them," states a former eryone else." psychological aspects, Rose ex- started on bid night, and only have people telling you all pledge. "But one night, Ijust (Co-editor Pat O'Toole plained. The college handbook went downhill from there." day that you're worthless came to my senses and had contributed to this report.) states that "[hjazing is any ac- Bid night, to and calling you a slut," the an awakening." tion taken or situation created former pledges, begins ,:ith former pledge continued. "I looked into the faces Review of college curriculum will bring change continued from page 1 Evergates. with. stated that "it won't .effect The process, though The meetings will allow students who are here now." Evergates and other mem- According to Bvergates, slow-moving, has been initi- students to have input and But another concern of the bers of the Curriculum Review after researching, the task force ated and ideas were pre- information on the curricu- Task Force is if the changes Task Force will continue to work began having working .meet- sented to.a group of faculty lum changes, but Evergates would be transferrable to cur- on the changes, including re- ings with faculty to discuss members at a recent retreat. stressed that the COllegeby- rent students who may want viewing the choice of classes for students. various questions about cur- "There was a very mixed re- laws say it is the responsibil- _ to adopt the new curriculum "We may want to put an riculum. BLAR requirements action," Evergates said. ity of the faculty to change while still attending emphasis on interdisciplinary were one of the ideas discussed. Student meetings are the curriculum. "Itisa faculty McDaniel. To those students '''We are looking at distribution expected to be held in late task," she stated. who may be unhappy with courses," Evergates mentioned. "Everything has to be ex- requirements," and possibly March or early April, which The curriculum the current requirements, the amined," she said. discussing "moving away from will examine the ideas that changes may take MO years committee's changes are the term 'BLAR's,' " explained the Task Force is working to complete, and Evergates worth examining.
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