Page 90 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 90
MARCH 10, 2005 - Page 2 NEWS Snow halts life around, but not on, this campus ALY5E HOLLOMON STAFFWRlTER While the rest of the county and the state adopted the "if-we-cancel- school-snow- will-come" policy last Monday, the McDaniel community trudged through the morning and waited. Faculty and staff wore jeans and snow boots and borrowed their spouses' trucks just in case. Students, who stayed up late on Sunday and still hadn't completed their work forclass reallyhoped that lege crew and others in the snow would hit. area, especially. what other Students checked schools in the area are do- weather. com hourly and won- streets turned icy. Students ing," Falkner explained. dered, "When will it hit?" Vir- kept dreaming of that elusive And what may seem to tually everyone around snow day. be a lot of snow to us is not a McDaniel College closed - They continued to lot to him. He said while Carroll, Frederick, and Howard check the website to see if making this decision, "I also county schools. But the mighty classes were cancelled for have to adjust my sense of McDaniel campus rolled on. . Tuesday. But even in the what constitutes serious win- As students woke up eight inches of snow and on ter weather. I lived 25 years A snowman stood at the top of the hill overlooking Whiteford and Blanche early Monday morning, the slick sidewalks, McDaniel near Buffalo, New York. We snow clouds had formed but students had to go to class. didn't take snow seriously ~~~e~e:~I~:e~o~~~:gk~;~s~~:;a~~~dc~~!~:~~n:ht=:~~;no;c~~Y~~~~;i(~~t) p q left). Photos by Jonathan Schultz y nothing was on the ground. So what does it take to until it was at least a couple Then, later that morning, the get a day off for snow? of feet deep!" afternoon,' said Eric Fuller, a school. The sidewalks were re- snow hit. The snow was com- Dr. Thomas Falkner, Students weren't too freshman Communications ally icy and r almost fell a lot of ing down pretty hard and was Provost and Dean of Faculty happy about having a Dean Major. "It's dangerous for times. We should have at least expected to last all day with an is the man who makes the fi- who is so used to a lot of commuting students and it's had a delay or something." accumulation between 8-10 nal decision as to whether or snow. dangerous for professors The chances of the college inches. As it picked up and be- not to close McDaniel. "I think it's ridiculous who travel long distances to closing within'the few weeks gan to cover the campus, "J'lI use all the informa- that the administration leaves campus." left of winter are slim to none. e~ening classes and events, tion that's available at5:00 or the college open with winter Meredith Adams, a It looks like students will such as Barb Homeft's farewell so in the morning; radio and weather advisories and re- sophomore Communications just have to go out, .buy some reception, were cancelled TV reports, calls to the Col- ports of snow coming in the major, said that on Tuesday nice boots, and walk in bitter to have "I didn't cold and snow to class. expect The lighter side of the Campus Safety blotter ANDYWU lights someoJthe uniouecalls). Feb 18,an unknown assailant waste of eggs. If he would STAFF WRITER First oranges . "now egged parked cars on cam- have stopped and thought yourself a handful of eggs. Sure, you can throw them at (Editor's Note: At a glance, eggs. Campus be warned, it pus. Chances are, this indi- about the situation, it could innocently parked cars, maybe the blotter doesn't reveal some oj appears we have ourselves vidual was thoroughly in- have ended up better for ev- get an immatLUe thrill. Or, you tile inane reports fa which officers a produce bandit. toxicated, but that doesn't ex- eryone. can head on back to yOLUplace respond. WII'S commentary high- On February 17 and cuse his actions. It's just a You're drunk, you have and make yourself a drunken Campus Satetu b10t t er mg, delicious food; nobody has ?melet. You get to eat simmer- ~odeal with dried yolk cover- Ing their windshields. The choice is clear. You blew it, guy. Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Building Name Incident Status At least now we know a 2/18/05 12:12 a.m. alcohol restricted residence hall Rouzer Hall closed byPOC little something more about 2/16/05 N5 p.m. vandalism vehicle Historic Drive inactive you, produce bandit. You lack 2/19/05 12:25 a.m. vandalism property Decker College Center inactive a healthy rationale and you 2/19/05 12:31 a.m. vandalism structure Decker College Center inactive have the 5 th grade mindset that 2/19/05 2:09 a.m. alcohol hard alcohol in residence Garden Apartments dosed by report people will think you are cool 2/19/05 3:31 a.m. vandalism structure Penn. Ave. Houses open because you egged a couple 2/19/05 m41 p.m. alcohol possession under 21 Blanche Ward Hall dosed by report c.ars.My guess is you're a filthy 2/19/05 m55 p.m. vandalism structure Blanche Ward Hall inactive httle freshman. I might even 2/20/05 12:15 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Blanche Ward Hall closed by report have a good idea of where your 2/20/05 12,30a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Blanche Ward Hall closed by report supply of ballistics comes from. 2120/05 1:15 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Blanche Ward Hall dosed by report Just after midnight on 2/19/05 9,00p.rn. crash vehicle with vehicle Historic Drive inactive February 19, the metal gate to 2/20/05 8,00p.m. suspicious condition - check welfare ANWHall closed by report ~I~r was forced open. Not a co- 2/21/05 1U5 p.m. theft purse snatching Decker College Center closed by report lOCldence. I'm on to you ban- 2/24/05 658 p.m alcohol restricted residence hall Penn. Ave. Houses dosed by POC dit. Itwasa brilliant scheme, it's 2/18/05 11,10p.!". vandalism property Decker College Center closed by POC just too bad Daddy Wu came 2/24/05 1],40p.m. false alarm accidental Penn. Ave. Houses closed by report along and called you out. 2/25/05 1:23 a.m. tampering w / fire extinguisher Rouzer Hall inactive II realize that there's no 2/25/05 1:32 a.m. vandalism structure Rouzer Hall inactive substantial evidence that 2/25/05 ],41a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Rouzer Hall closed by report proves this was the bandit's do- 2/25/05 1:50 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Rouzer Hall closed by report ing. In that case what was this 2/26/05 1:12 a.m. alcohol open container in public North Village closed by report kid thinking? If~ou're going to 2/26/05 1,59AM assault hands/feet Blanche Ward Hall open take the time and risk a break- 2/26/05 1:45 a.m. vandalism structure Rouzer Hall inactive ing and entering charge in 2/26/05 3,00a.m vandalism property Decker College Center inactive search of food, of all places, 2/27/05 12:58 a.m. false alarm accidental Garden Apartments report complete why would you choose Glar? 2/27/05 n08 a.m. residence halls health/safety regulations Rouzer Hall report complete Personally, I get enough 2/27/05 12:55 a.m. vandalism vehicle Garden Apts. Pkg. lot pending court outcome Glarbage during the day. If I'm 2/27/05 2,20a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Rouzer Hall closed by report hungry and dead set on bur- 2/27/05 2,37a.m. vandalism structure Rouzer Hall pending court outcome glary, I'm holding up Sheetz for 3/1/05 ],21p.m. crash vehicle Historic Drive dosed by report a bag full of Schmiscutts. And 3/3/05 12m a.m. verbal abuse campus telephone system report complete SOmeSun Chips. 3/3/05 1120p.m. student employee misconduct Decker College Center closed by report 3/5/05 9,00p.m. tampering w/ fire extinguisher Rouzer Hall rep.ort complete
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