Page 96 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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MARCH 10,2005- Page 8 FEATURES Roll/em - Slade brings film talents to campus marks. One of his favorite it's difficult to imagine that JENNIEVANS books, Rick Schmidt's "Fea- Blockbuster enthusiast jeal- reading this particular maga- STAFF ~RITER Slade has time for much else. zine because it helps to "con- ture filmmaking at Used-Car However, in 1998 he was the Picking up a recent is- One of the very first Prices," apparently helped writer /dtrector /editor of his sue of The New Yorker, Slade tinue his education." Well, he things to catch your eye when him on his path to winning first feature film, "Forest for looks thoughtfully at the can rest assured that he contin- ues the education of his stu- Y0U walk into Professor his aforementioned Emmy the Trees." The film-abouta black-and-white cover and dents here at McDaniel in a fun Jonathan Slade's office is his Awards. young man's five-day bicycle ; collection of four Bmmys situ- However, Slade soon trip through Western Mary- comments that he enjoys and relaxed manner. ated neatly on top of a file cabi- discovered a passion for land - earned him rave re- net. However.don't expecr lurn teaching as well as filmmak- newspapers, and he is in the Professors with the local views from several to brag about winning a num- ing, and joined the Adjunct ber of daytime television's most Faculty of Communication process of shooting a new coveted awards - a wide smile here at McDaniel College in film at the moment. and short explanation are all 1995.Hebecame an Assistanr As for his "personal ~ttMUJ:l1. you'll get. Professor of Communication life" - "I teach! I have no per- "1 won them for produc- in 2005,and loves every sec~ sonal life," he jokes - Slade ing' different children's pro- ond he spends with his stu- and his wife recently pur- grams on Maryland PublicTele- dents. chased a house built in 1892 vision," Slade says "Teaching here is a and are in the process of reno- noncralantly, leaning back gift," Slade says seriously. vating it themselves. Dr.Rob- slightly in his chair. His laid- "99.9% of my students are ert Lemieux, Chair of the back attitude is definitely not really enthusiastic, and that's Communication department, one to be expected from a tal- enjoyable to me. I discover recently brought his fresh- ented producer, writer, and di- {things]through my students , man seminar class to Slade's rector; this Assistant Professor just as they discover {things] house for a visit. "We have of Communications is very through me." no idea what we're doing, but down-to-earth, and is as content Slade not only appreci- we're levin' it," he laughs. making jokes as he is discuss- ates his students, but they His easy-going nature is ing his accomplishments. appreciate him. April apparent not only in conver- After graduating from Gelwicks, a senior communi- sation, but in his office's at- Westr::rnMaryland College with cations major, has taken mosphere as well. A framed a Bachelor's Degree in Corrunu- many of his courses and poster of" Apollo 13"and one nications and earning a Gradu- raves about his personal as of "Forest for the Trees"deco- ate Degree from the University well as professional de- rate his walls, as well as a of Southern California, Slade meanor: "He makes me feel haphazard collection of yel- has worked with Maryland like there's no difference be- low post-it notes adorned Public Television for 11years as tween students and profes- with hastily scribbled notes. an 'associate producer of sors, and he definitely moti- His bookshelf is crammed children's programming and vates his students to be cre- with copies of The New Yorker documentaries. ative." - his personalfavorite - and "After grad school, you're Between teaching a National Geographic maga- overwhelmed with how hard it number of communication zines, as well as a movie col- is {to make a film]," Slade re- cours~s and working at MPT, lection that would make a JONATHAN SLADE Scion XB Pure Value Scion's "Pure Price" purchase experience P U R E VAL U E • me~ns No haggle, No hassle. Vehicle starts well equipped. Youcan accessorize lor notl. Simple, straightforward menu pricing. Pricestartingat XB $14.195* $r16',070 Standard features include: _ 160-watt Pioneer CO stereo with six speakers, including two tweeters and Scion Sound Processing / MP3 capable and XM satellite ready / Air conditioner / Choice of three wheel cover designs / Anti-lock brakes / Power windows, door locks, and outside mirrors / 5-year, 60,DOO-mi.tePcwertraln warranty' •
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