Page 88 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 88
creeR Tilffilr SPORTS Vo1.3No.2 February 24, 2005, Page 12 Hines' departure cause for concern for football ing of Hines' exit poses many President] I would go right which I arrived on campus," MIKE HABEGGER problems for recruiting this to the president if I had a SPORTS EDITOR said Hines. 'There has been a spring, as McDaniel scours question," said Keating. definite change." Assistant Coach Ryan New Jersey, Delaware, PelU1- "There really used to be an Graduate assistants Mar- Hines' departure cast a dark sylvania and Maryland for [unsaid1sense of pride about quis Dwarte, running backs light early on in a tough recruit- players who willlikely be ac- football here." coach, and Jamie "Boo" Harris, ing season for McDaniel Green cepted into the-institution. He commented no fur- quarterbacks coach, are also Terror Football. Hines' depar- "It's not like it's the ther on the issue. expected to depart this spring. ture came after playing und~r worst thing ever-it hap- Hines said that "We desperately want to Head Coach Tim Keating, 'then pened," said Keating. "And McDaniel just is not what it win, all ofus here at McDaniel," taking a job as a graduate as- we need to move on." used to be, that McDaniel said Keating. sistant. He was offered a full- Hines was concerned means something different If a program is truly a re- time assistant position at that the school was heading from Western Maryland. flection of its coach, then the McDaniel and became increas- in a direction that he did not "The day I left was football squad will be able to ingly involved with the offen- want to be a part of. much different from that day easily pull through this setback. sive attack. Aaron Bartolain. "The school is changing special teams coach, will. re- in ways that I am not in place Hines as offensive COACH RYAN HINES agreement with," said Hines. Men's basketball coordinator. "Ever since the name change, Citing disagreements there have been different in- Keating alluded also to struggles; finds about how the school has leaving," said Hines. "We fluences at work there," changed over the ten years that weren't very far along in the he was a part of Western Mary- process (and) I made contacts the change in attitude to-.' land / McDaniel College, Hines with the players, but didn't wards sports across the cam- will coach at TJHigh School in develop a close relationship pus, hinting that President hope in future Frederick, MD. with any of them." Coley and the new -coflege Hisexodus to an assistant "He was a great re- bureaucracy might be in part position at a large high school cruiter, and (recruiting) has responsible for the falling out bright for this perennially has had a tremendous effect on slowed down quite a bit," of Hines and the football staff ANDYWU troubled team. recruiting for next season. said Keating. "But our other and the continued suffering STAFF WRITER According to another key "I wasn't as involved in guys have done a great job of the. men's basketball starter, sophomore [em ar recruiting as in the paet. be- picking up the slack." squad. Wins and losses don't Daniel, seniors Sam Anstead cause I knew I was gonna be The inopportune tim- "[Before Coley was always provide an accurate and D.]. Hynes will be sorely Wrestling takes second in assessment of a team's suc- missed, but the returning play- cess. Totruly understand the ers will use "their positive char- development of a program, it acteristics in order to turn it Conference is necessary to examine the around next year." achievements underlying He also reminds fans that that can't be found an paper. a great deal of maturation oc- With that in mind, the curred this season among the men's basketball team re- young players. As such, with CHANAN DELlVUK mains optimistic despite their , the vast majority of the team STAFF WRITER 5-18 record. Coach Jay Dull returning, he expects to see a Shot, Lock and Key, emphasizes the long-term striking improvement in the Arm Bar,Near and Far Sided goals and positive aspects of future level of play. the program rather than the Cradle, and Winsor. The terror displayed po- These words may be of struggles of this season. He tential in its performances at little or no importance to you. .contends that "putting to- home. In seeing that all of the However, to wrestling senior gether a team for short term team's victories have come at Dan Patterson, these words success is easy, the challenge the Gill Center, it is dear that translate into moves that is preparing to build a power the young team lacks experi- could be the key to a pin and for the long run." ence. Though having to con- a win. Itappears Dull is on his tend with the verbal bombard- Before this past week- way to doing so. With young ments of opposing fans con- end, Patterson had an im- Sophomore Mark Nakasone concentrates on a move in this file photo talent like sophomore lead- stantly, the Terror's domestic pressive 18-5 to lead pleased with wrestlers like ing scorer KyleO'Conner, the successes will most likely ex- McDaniel Wrestling into the Patterson. Not only has the Gardner said he looked for- future looks surprisingly pand throughout the Centen- conference championships. team met pre-season expec- ward to the Centennial Con- nial Conference next season. ference Championship He believes that the way to tations, but has also attained "There is more of a bal- win involves "wrestling an above .500 11-9 finish, ance in the conference," smart" and "wrestling hard." a pleasant way to end Gardner said. "There are Patterson has wrestled the season. against the top wrestlers in From numerous inju- eight teams we have to get by, and Ursinus is one of our the country and has excelled. ries to the intense matches, main competitors as two His coach and teammates the McDaniel Wrestling team time defending champs." know that Patterson can has had its share ofhighs and McDaniel finished sec- be an All-American again; lows. But for the most part, ond to Ursinus last Saturday. he has been All-American the team has pinned its way Patterson,TonyHoward, twice before. to the top. and DrewReineckereach took "You learn to lead by Despite injuries, example for your team- Gardner said, players "never first place, earning spots at the National Championship mates," stated Patterson, gave up" and "continually in March. Steve Colasuonno "and when you do, they will struggled to try and win." took second and Mark look up to you." So, what's next for the Nakasone, Mikey Blake and Head Coach Sam McDaniel Wrestling team? Gardner could not be more Steve Jennings took t,hird. Coach Jay Dull consults with his players in this file photo.
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