Page 83 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 83
FEBRUARY24, 2005 - Page 7 FEATURES Party Fouls - for those who break party norms TODD KNEPPER' ered partying as somewhat ways aren't adequately illu- jectile vomit all down my Still - it was a party foul STAFF WRITER ofa sport. minated, and cafeteria food neck and in my hair." extraordinaire. Just like the game of isn't easy to keep down; how- Dorfman concedes When asked what a party For freshman soccer player life, there are unspoken ever, be honest. that his projectile was without party fouls would be, Brian Hartwyk, his fondest col- norms on the party scene: We all have a clumsy completely uncontrollable sophomore Jason Fratto said, lege weekend memory is socially do not pass out, do not get bone and tend to make differ- and unintentional. "nonexistent." equivalent to being issued a red noticeably too drunk to ent decisions Thursday card on the field. function, and stay on your through Saturday. Hartwyk was kicking feet. Anyone who fails to For poor Brian back at the-Garden Apartments abide by these simple Hartwyk, it couldn't have with his buddies, drinking at a guidelines has committed a worked out worse. risky pace. dreaded party foul. "It was one of the "I had a few too many," This phenomenon has higher ranking party fouls I he said. proven to have the power to had ever seen," said onlooker He forgets his actual intake spice up or deaden a night- and party enthusiast Leon that night but would much rather time social scene. Mach. forget the aftermath of his heavy McDaniel college stu- Brian's reluctant words boozing. Without fair warning, dents concur that the most explain the misery that often Brian broke into a series of gross common "fouls" are tum- accompanies party fouls. vomits which revealed fresh Pub bling down stairs, spilling "I felt the need to throw particles. drinks, random vomiting, up midway through the Hartwyk's experience in- crummy or way· too emo- party," he said. "The bad part volves what many college-stu- tional toasts, and room- is that T wasn't the only one dents commonly call a "party clearing stenches. looking for a trash can." foul." Most weekends, few Hartwyk's buddy, The term "party foul" was parties pass without at least Ben Dorfman, was also in originally coined from an earlier one party foul occurring. pursuit. He continued to, college generation who constd- Granted, some stair- according to Brian, "pro- LIZ MATTHEWS Professors with the ~~:-i""'rIl'''''' For More, For Some, For Less ate the things they learn in Get the best black blazer CHANAN DELlVUK class. STAFF WRITER "She keeps it real," says It isn't often that you hear freshman, Genese Leach. "T (Editor's Note: Throughout the semester staff writers Chanan DelivHk and Taylor Hebden will 'about teachers who drive three can teUthat Iwill learn in her offer fashion tips tllf1t include great bargains, or great styles t/Jat you can create on your own. Their at column is called "For More, For Some, For Less," and they welcome your euggeetions hours to and from school just to class, and at the same time freepress@mcdaniel.edll ) teach their students. Equally so, have fun." it isn't often that you find a Villani instills in her in- teacher who teaches at that same terpersonal communications school because it was once the class that communication is place she too was known as a stu- always happening. She uses dent. two texts to get her point is somewhat unpredictable - you Former McDaniel student across. know, cold with a chance of Deana Villani does just that. "I love hearing people wind or sun - we thought blaz- Villani teaches Interper- open up and talk about things sonal Communications and TV that are usually hard," states ers would be the perfect item of clothing to shop, or scav- Production here at McDaniel, ev- Villani, "but they do it be- ery Thursday. She lives in Rich- cause the atmosphere that is enge, for. following place's The mond, VA,but feels that driving created is so comfortable that here and back once a week is it takes the 'hard' out" offer the perfect black worth every minute. TV Production is more blazer for more, for some, "I love it here," states of a "hands-on" type of class, and for all you struggling Villani, "and the Communica- as Villani explains, and stu- students, for less. tions Department themselves ... a dents truly get a taste for what wonderful group of people." it takes to make actual com- Villani said she loves every- mercials and interviews. Old, Navy Blazer: by Old thing about teaching, and what's "There aren't any 're- Navy ($44.50) more is the love she receives right dos' when it comes to clients It's easy to walk into an back. Maybe it is her youth, or and their commercials [in re- Old Navy and find exactly maybe just her outgoing person- gards to TV Production]," she what you're looking for. All the ality, that enables her students to says, "It isn't all fun and clothing and accessories are ar- connect to her and truly appreci- games; it's work." ranged together. So if you hate racks, this is the place for you. If you have the cash, this blazer is a good buy. The name is well known, which means the quality of the blazer must be good. This stylish blazer is sure to last you many spring seasons to come. Wal-Marl Blazer: by George ($26.82) If you are one of those people that would die being caught in a Wal Mart, then this blazer might not be for you. What most people don't realize is you can find great looking clothes at wal Mart, at half the price of well known designers. So if you are Iowan bucks this month, you might want to think about putting your pride to the side. GoodWill Blazer: by Christian Dior ($2.95) A Dior blazer at Goodwill! What are the odds? If you're lucky, you can find a steal like Deana Villani, professor of Interpersonal Comm~nications and TV Production and alumni of the college, has a youthful, outgomg personality that helps her . this one, b~t you. have to be willing to look. Nothing comes easily at Goodwill. You might connect with her students. want to think of It as an adventure. Don't become discouraged if you haven't found some- thing after an hour. Keep looking, you might be surprised what you find.
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