Page 85 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 85
FEBRUARY24, 2005 - Page 9 FEATURES Few know about secret Coley's desk Office offers history, charm, and comforts ALYSE HOLLOMON in his office. The bench's plaque states, "Every STAFF WRITER student that ever attended Western Maryland Col- lege has occupied it." To say the least, her office President Joan Coley's office has unique contains a lot of history. statues. It has awards from the college, and Once you leave the executive secretary's of- even a panoramic picture from the 18005. But fice, you takea right into President Coley's office. what most students, and perhaps faculty mem- You walk in and any nerves you may have about bers, don't know about is the stash in her desk meeting the President subside because her office drawer and under her desk. Contains: one pair puts you at ease. of slippers, an exercise band, and a pair of three As Cullison previously remarked, the Presi- pound weights. dent does have a pastel color scheme and several This week's McCribs feature takes you floral arrangements and plants to decorate her of- into Dr. Coley's office - its history and its fice. She feels that- her choice of color and style charm, its comforts and its majesty. make her office a "pleasant place to be with "Lots of pastels, very bright, and open!" a lot of art and pictures of my family. It's commented Susan Cullison, the executive sec- open and airy!" retary to President Coley'when asked how to This atmosphere isessential to the President describe the President's office. because she commented how she can't work with Students know who President Joan Coley clutter around her. Instead of clutter she has ori- office. Susan Cullison resides in this office. Af- IfORIBS in her office is a panoramic picture of the college ental pieces of art, books and statues, and awards is, but do you know what her office looks like? and memorabilia from the college. Her office is in a very regal suite to the right of An intriguing piece that President Caley has the Decker information desk. Her suite is sur- round by offices for her executive assistant, ex- It's on the far right wall of ecutive secretary, and her secretary. campus from 1893. her office where a sitting area is set up for any When you first enter th.e President:s meetings she may have with faculty or students. suites, you walk into the execuhve secretary s changed through the years and the President not ter a flood in 1996, Susan got to put a lot of her The picture shows how much the college has ideas into what her office would look like. She only likes it but also feels when people sit by it explained "The flood destroyed all the furni- for a meeting it serves as "a good conversation ture because so much water was coming out of starter." the ceiling." . Another interesting fact about this suite is Cullison wanted "rich, dark colors," in the enormous vault that is in the back room. "The her office. This color scheme is full of rich blues, vault has been here a long time. It contains the greens, and reds. This scheme makes her of- board minutes from all of the Board of Trustee fice, along with the suite look imperial to other meetings," stated Cullison. offices on campus. The-vault not only contains committee min- As far as furniture, Cullison wanted to use utes, it also has the President's medallion that she pieces from around campus that weren't being wears for commencement ceremonies and college used anymore. For example, she has a events, the college seal, and the clapper for the breakfront from the Hoover Estate up against bell in front of Hoover library. the right wall that is full of books and a~ an- The President's suite is a very open and wel- tique tea set. She also has a pew and a stained coming place on campus where her and her staff glass window piece from Little Ba.kerCha~el. can make the needed decisions that benefit us and Another unique piece that her office contams our education here at McDaniel. is a bench from 1867 that President Ward used "1 went to dinner with my boyfriend at the time and the people working at the "My boyfriend, instead restaurant knew his ex-girl- of chocolate, he gave me a jar friend and talked about that of pickled okra - which 1 - and to add to the fun, 1was LOVE." sick and he dropped me off Katie Hickey, junior after dinner and went to a Biology IEducation party a few houses away from me ... sweet." Brooke Hollingsworth, sophomore ' "When my boyfriend and I went to Venuti's in Frederick and almost missed our reservations because he COMPILED BY JESSE FELDMAN got directions to a different "Two years ago my restaurant when he forgot the girlfriend at the time's par- name of the place." "I've never had a Val- ents gave us the house to our- Sarah Hale, junior Sociology, Forensics entine because 1 broke up selves for the night and we with my boyfriend .. cooked a spaghetti dinner to- twice ...before Valentine's gether, kind of like Lady and Day." the Tramp - a nice candlelight Kacey Barnes, senior dinner. We both dressed up Political Science for it; it was fun." Wes Bedsworth, senior Math
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