Page 82 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 82
FEBRUARY24, 2005 - Page '6 COMMENTARY Free Press Staff "Barb" Homeff's retirement Co-Editors-in-Chief Writers/Reporters Katie Martin '06 Patrick Bonaduce '08 leaves big shoes to fill Pat O'Toole '07 Emily Compton Shanan Delivuk SARAH BLACK what lengthy listing of re- Long story short, she set Art Director [enni Evans STAFF WRITER quired courses for my Jour. me straight and from that day Liz Matthews '06 Lea Fiddick '07 I've only spoken with nalism minor), a question on she's been my hero because came to mind: "How on Eric Fuller '08 her once, but that one time Earth am I supposed to fit scheduling my classes is now a News Editor James Gibbs was all of these courses, and completely stress-free process. I know what she did for Rob Goeke '07 Mike Habegger '08 enough un- then some, in my four year me is her job, but what's notre- . to Taylor Hebden . derstand schedule?" quired of her is her motherly- Features Editor Alyse Holloman why her set in. The heavy breathing nature. J think that's 'what will Bayley Fannin '05 Shelly Hom depar- Seeing how nervous r be missed most, at least by the Suzane Lester tureisso was, Lisa Breslin pointed me students. Senior Wes Bedsworth Commentary Editor Todd Knepper sad, and in the direction of Barb (as I first met Barb on a walk with why the Brian Patterson '05 Leon Mach '05 _____ college soon came to find out that is Barb's tour of Westminster his what she goes by), and I Lizzie Musar '05 commu- made an appointment with freshman year. Sports Editor Geoff Peckham nity will sorely miss her. her as soon as possible. "Her leaving is going to Mike Habegger '08 Jacqueline Pundt '05 It was November of my Iwalked into her office be a big loss for the college," Kelly Rampmeyer freshman year, and Iwas the and she sat me down. After Bedsworth said. "She's an ex- Copy Editors Greg Sandruck happiest kid on campus. I I finished rambling about tremely friendly woman who had been ready for college takes people under her wing." Jesse Feldman '07 Stacey Shaffer since my sophomore year of how Ididn't know what the That's what made her the heck I was doing with my Teri Hamer '07 Amalie Shaffer high school. Needless to say, schedule, the first words out perfect individual for the posi- Jill Stone three months into my first of her mouth were "Well tion of Associate Dean of the First Year Program. Some fresh- Page Design Jon Teter '08 year of college, I was abso- OK, here's what we're gOin~ men' are lost and feel over- Kenny Ditto '06 Michael Vyskocil '05 lutely ecstatic. But one after- to do." whelmed-with cottege.cand noon something just short of She didn't even have to Lindsay Fairchild '08 Beth Williams a panic attack crept up on me. finish her sentence and Ial- Barb is right there, when Beth McLane '07 AndyWu VVhilesifting through my Un- ready felt calmer. Her sooth- needed, to reassure the stu- dergraduate Catalog, Icame ing and reassuring tone dents with her calming de' Ad Manager across the course require- meaner, Photography Emily Funk '07 ments for my Communica- made me feel like, "Well at "Whoever takes herposi- Sarah Black '07 tions major. Seeing the list least SHE knows .how 'to tion is going to have big shoes class this whole handle Indira Gonzales '07 Ad Representatives (and remembering the some- schedule thing." to fill," said Bedsworth. Taylor Hebden Rachel Bryant Hecouldn'tbe more right. Suzanne Lester Christine Beers Corrections, clarifications and letters To: The Editor The McDaniel Free Press is published biweekly. From: Michele M. Rei,d',~hie~ Informa,ti~n Officer& Director of Hoover Library Re: Johnathan Schultz s Putting 3.5 million to good Use, a 24 hour Lib ,. " The opinions expressed do not necessarily Schultz should have called, verified "facts," 1 rary, opuuon pi ieee. represent those of The McDaniel Free Press staff, Had either Johnathan or his editor checked his facts with my office, it would have been the faculty, or the administrators of quickly discerned ~herecent $3,5~0,000 Unger bequest to McDaniel College's Hoover Library McDaniel College. specified that th~ principal was to be Invested and the annual return used solely for the urchase of library materials. P The paper welcomes free-lance sent the Concerning Johna~h~n'~ caU for tw~nty-foUI ho~r Library access, such access is rare on col- The editors reserve lege campuses becau~e It isn t cos~effeCti,ve, Hoover s Commons Area is alread a en for study the right to edit for clarity, length. and libel and twenty-four hours dally, and the Library ISopen over,one hundred hours a week.Ion er at end of to publish as space permits. Please include a term. Additional hours would too rarely be used to Justify their expense. g name and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld only by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. (More on "Dorm dirtin~ss, afi~abl~ defense," This submission clarifies some of the uestions asked itt tllat column, which appeared In the first Issue.) . q TIle McDaniel Free Press does not discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender; sexual To: The Editor orientation, national origin, condition of From: Elizabeth S. Towle, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, handicap, or marital status. There really is n?t a set fine for ~ room that is n~t ke~t reasonably neat. The Student Hand- book, under the heading Housekeeping (~:49)reads. Resideme are responsible for kee ing their rooms in reasonably n~at and cle~n condition at all ttrr~es," When it is determined thai a room/ MaHto: The McDaniel Free Press . ~~at~:re~~:e~~~~:~~t~et~~~~~~~~~ :~:~S~~~l: !o~~:c:~.amo~t of time to do the cleaning McDaniel College, 2 College Hill There have been un~ortu:'ate ~tuations when neighbors report odorous rooms to residence Wesbninste
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