Page 61 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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DECEMBER9,2004 - Page 9 FEATURES Mac & Canielle 2004 Q National Treasure shines at theaters )ONTETER' part. In short, there was no STAFF WRITER need for a star vehicle. Jon.T~rteltaub brings the "Who Wants to be a story to hfem his direction. Just Treasure Hunter?" No, it the right blend of action, sus- might not be a hit game pense, a!"dplot create harmony show on Prime-Time televi- throughout the movie. Cin- p{ofessors with the sion but there seems to an ematographically, the movie with treasure obsession ~-r~ hunting in the American from a treasure-suspense was what you would expect mind. Popular movies such movie: long swooping panora- as Tlte Mummy, its sequel The Mummy Returns, Lara Croft: mas, quick snapshots, and sus- penseful sequences. Action Inspiring "tree huggers" for years Tomb Raider, and its sequel shots complete with the stan- Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life have raked in dard explosions and creaking old wooden bridges accentu- Wollenweber brings passion for outdoors inside the box office ated .thestereotypical shooting while captivating the adven- turer in us all. This Thanks- of this genre. What impressed me most SHELLY HORN giving, Disney released its was the extensive amount of re- STAFF WRITER prima treasure hunt movie, search that went into the frame- National Treasure. And with work of the script. Many fa- If you can't find Jennie Wollenweber in a classroom, it, everyone has caught the mous theories about the treasure hunter bug again. you may discover that this En- The story is of Ben- Knights Templer, the Free Ma- glish professor has escaped the jamin Franklin Gates whose sons, the Founding Fathers, c.ampus for one of many class family holds a position of and treasure conspiracies were field trips. trying to find and protect the pieced together to form -a new Those field trips often in- storyline based on the old the~- of the Knights treasure volve hiking, camping, Templar and the Free Ma- ries. kayaking and canoeing - all of sons, said to be the world's This comes at a crucial which are her favorite hobbies. greatest treasure. time when the attention of the For the last four years, Ben is certain the people is focused on these theo- Wollenweber has found ways founding fathers of the ries, as shown by the popular- to bring her love of the out- United States hid the trea- ity of Dan Brown's book, The doors into the classroom. ! sure in the country and left Da VinciCode, based on a simi- She has also helped her Wollenweber rides a dolphin during last year's Jan Term in the Everglades lar Templar legend students focus on the environ- clues to its location in impor- National Treasure might ~ant documents of the time, ment, especially its decline. Her Jan term trips. I believe that Coastal California. including the Declaration of not become a national treasure ability to bring the outdoors in- you have to make your pas- Wollenweber is the fac- Independence itself. in itself but it will give many side is linked to her teaching sion your work." ulty advisor for The Environ- Following his leads, people a chance to witness a style, which leans on lots of ex- It's not uncommon for mental Action Club which Ben and his "scaredy-car" first class treasure hunt movie periential learning - or, learning Wollenweber's students who currently boasts over 20 friend embark on a quest to and hopefully spawn some by doing. are studying literature to visit members. She said she is find this treasure; a quest more interest in the mysteries Wollenweber learned the area that inspired the thrilled with the students' of the Knights Templar and se- about this teaching technique great literary work. They also dedication. filled with peril, brain-bust- cret societies of the last millen- ::~e~iddles, and felonies ga- through a semester-long envi- walk in the footsteps of the "The club's members nium. Editor's Note: If YOllhave to ronmental studies program writer to gain a better appre- aren't just interested in fun A spectacular cast, choose between National Treasure based at the Thoreau Institute ciation for his/her motiva- field trips, although we're headed by Nicholas Cage as and Alexander, please pick Na- on the edge of Concord. Mas- tion. planning plenty of those; Ben Franklin Gates, delivers tionalTreasure. sachusetts. Here she practiced Students have visited members care about giving a great performance. Since learning by doing. Hawk Mountain Sanctuary back - the service aspect of the part suits Cage perfectly, Wollenweber recalls read- in PAto have a "Thoreau ex- the club," she said. be does not have to act (a bo- Acting Rating: B ing Thoreau's Maine Woods perience" swam with dol- Wollenweber has also nus for those of us who think Cinematography and climbing the mountain he phins in the Florida Keys and taught at Villa Julie and he is one of the world's worst Rating: A- Wrote about. Her class read Si- shared in Marjory Stoneman Salisbury University, a school actors). The character of Script Rating; A lent Spring and visited the Douglas' Everglades experi- that already had a strong en- Gates seems to play itself Score Rating: B home of Rachel Carson. ence. They may follow the vironmental program and a through the nicely written Visual Effects "It was the most amazing California paths of the Beat huge outdoor club. script. In fact, the script is so Rating: A- learning experience 1ever had," poets of the 1950's and visit Here at McDaniel, well done that any major ac- says Wollenweber, "and on a the old hippie towns in the Wollenweber notes, "Stu- tor could have played any Overall Rating: B+ small scale, I try to duplicate San FranciscoBayarea for the dents are just starting to catch the tree-hugger bug." upcoming Jan term offering, Incredibles is a must see that experience when we go on Wireless network unplugs college KEVIN FLANAGAN sends the family on a mission stAFF WRITER to overcome the evil Syn- By early February attaching an external wireless ':This is a major step to- drome (voice: Jason Lee) McDaniel College students can adapter card. Two wi-fi ward Improving technology Just go see this movie. while tackling family issues. In a single word, fun. pop open their laptops to check laptops will be available for here," says Chris Slemp '05 The Incredibles enter- Pixar wins the audience email around the campus. New student use in Hoover and student-rep on the Wire- tains from the start of the with their suspenseful action Wireless technology and hot Library's hot-spot lounge. less Sub-Committee. "I can be very first frame. sequences and the classic Spots are coming to the Hill. A sub-committee of the anywhere, not just the corn- Writer/Director Brad amusing storyline, perhaps Several favorite gathering campus Web Committee or- puter labs, to go online and their best work to date. Bird tells the story of a fam- places have been identified ganized the project and pro- do my research." ily of heroes forced into Computer geeks will es- Where students can connect posed the hot-spot installa- Several outside wi-fi ar- anonymity and their pecially appreciate the amaz- their computer laptops to the tions to include Decker Col- eas will be added after the attempt to balance their ingdigital rendering and ev- campus network, other com- lege Pub (where coffee is al- winter season. Funding to family life with their super eryone will fall in love with puter servers, and the Internet ways brewing), Ensor support this project was do- the entertaining characters. Lounge and' the commuting nated by a COllegealumnus through a wireless network, student lounge, Hoover as well as from the endowed ~hue~l~~~~werswhile living It is great family movie Without plugging into a net- Their lives are how- that everybody can enjoy. Library's "sky-box" reading work port. Wireless network area, and student lounges in technOlogy fund. ever interrupted by a villain . Just go see this movie; it access can be activated on most McDaniel House and Information provided by of Mr. Incredible's (voice: 15 well worth the 8 dollars to laptop computers by using the communications & Market- Craig T. Nelson) past that see it on the big screen. built-in internal hardware or by Whiteford Hall. illg Department.
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