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Dmen TIlffllr SPORTS Vol. 2 No. 6 December 9, 2004, Page 12 Women's basketball returns in performance. schedule, the consequence of MIKE HABEGGER "It was a nice road win, playing in a balanced league. STAFF WRITER especially from a coach's per- The team faces Gettysburg spective," said Martin. "We again on Feb. lst, in a late- The McDaniel College finally started to look like we season brawl that figures to Women's team now has a are going to return to last be a decisive game in a fight record of3-1 going into Decem- year's form." for a playoff spot. ber, with solid wins against Last year, the team "All of the teams in our Swarthmore and Catholic. The went 21-3, garnering acclaim league can beat us ifthey play win against Swarthmore was from The Washington Post's well," said Martin. "All it particularly impressive, with Michael Wilbon, on their way takes is for us to have an off McDaniel eutscormg the team to the conference champion- night. Weneed to go out and 41-29 in the second halfon their ship and third round of the assert ourselves every game." way to a 66-49 win. They fol- NCAA tournament. The Terrorwill facecon- lowed up that win with a 75-30 At week's' end, ference foes Dickinson and shellacking of Washington Col- McDaniel was ranked num- Lebanon Valley on the road lege. Head Coach Becky Mar- ber 21 in the nation. before facing contra-confer- tin was impressed by the team's "We are ecstatic to be ence opponents Gwynedd ranked so Mercy and Susquehanna at highly," ex- home on the 11th and so-. plained Martin. January will mark the begin- "However, there ning of a long stretch of in- is no crystal ball ter-conference matchups that for how the sea- will define this team for the son might turn, remainder of the season. out, and we must "Dickinson is a tough do OUf best no team, and LVCis no gimme matter how high either," added Martin. Sophomore guard Katy Powell (right) and senior forward Jacqueline we are ranked." "Should we win? Yes, but Pundt work hard on defense to keep their opponents in check Neverthe- there are no easy games in less, the team is this schedule." would like to continue to see faced as head coach here at throughout the season. happy with its The team has gotten a "We stress team play," McDaniel. Last Tuesday's place in the sigruficant contrfbunon from explicated Martin. "Welook game was an indication of just standings enter- every member, 1-15, through- for a good game where 5 or how good this team can be. ing the teeth of out the first three games. six players can score double "Last night, Isaw the old the conference Leading the Terror in scoring figures." fire and determination that schedule. They are Sara Franz (9.0), Kristy The squad can be satis- guided us last year," said Mar- figure the compe- tin. "There is an added pres- Sophomore forward Amy Watson scans the court Costa (9.8), Jacqueline Pundt fied with the outcome so far, Sure to want to return to last looking for a teammate to relay the ball to. tition to be fierce (10.8), and KellyCramp (8.5). as coach Martin calls this throughout the This is the type of balanced year's preseason schedule year's form, but it's not that conference attack that Coach Martin the toughest she has ever easy." Staying healthy is key for wrestling team action last Sunday at NCAA qualifier. Patterson, JACQUELINE PUNDT Scranton, and will make a STAFF WRITER Reineckerand Hamper are all trip to Muhlenberg Dec. 9. "key components to this Riddled with bumps, With junior transfer year's success," according to bruises, wrestlers still expect Tony Howard back from a Gardner. big results by Jacqueline Pundt shoulder injury, things seem So far in the season, Though the McDaniel to be on the up and up for Howard and Patterson are Wrestling team may be riddled McDaniel. Howard trans- \the definitive leaders of the with bumps and bruises, head ferred from George Mason team. Both wrestlers have coach Sam Gardnerexpects big where he was a Division I recorded perfect records of4- results from his warriors. national qualifier and was o in their first matches, and Gardner likened his awarded the "Rookie of the team's practices to scenes from Year" honor. will undoubtedly continue to perform ata high caliber Blackhawk Down and said that Prior to college, he was a decent "We have at times "it's a bloodbath." a four-time Maryland State nucleus of kids and we can There have been four Champion from Magruder wrestlers with injuries while High School and he seems to do pretty well," says. Gardner. many others have sustained be McDaniel's shot for a Na- 1f they can get the inju- what senior Leon Checca calls tional Championship. ries and minor bumps and "owies" which require one to Howard's experience should bruises out of the way now, miss a day or two of practice. help the Green Terror secure the Green Terror Wrestlers "It doesn't hurt us, [inju- a top finish this weekend as could be in contention for a ries] just set us back," says well. Centennial Conference Checca. The Terror also expect Championship come late The Green Terror finished to get key points from two- Feburary. 4th out of II teams in their own time NCAA qualifiers Dan Sam Case Green Terror Duals Patterson and Drew Top: Junior 12S-pound wrestler Steve Colasuonno looks for on November; 13, then opted Reinecker- Sykesville native leverage in his match out of the Navy Classic on No- Brian Hamper, returning Bottom: Graduate heavyweight . vember 20. They returned to from an injury, was also an wrestler Drew Reinccker works a move on his ~pponent
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