Page 63 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 63
1 DECEMBER 9, 2004 - Page 11 SPORTS hard everyone on the team is AMALIE SHAFFER working to get better. This is STAFF WRITER reflected in the women's win- ning record of 3-2. The men's and women's The men will be push- swim teams have high hopes ing for individuals in the for the rest of the season, after post-season. Sophomore winning a close meet against Greg Mihalek explained that Elizabethtown on November a lot of strong swimmers 30. graduated last year, so this is Sophomore Molly Ruane a rebuilding year for them. explained that the season He also praises the freshmen started off a little shaky for both for coming onboard and teams but after the close meet working really hard. with Elizabethtown everyone is "Freshman Chris eager for the rest of the season. [Reed] who came on is work- The men won 49-44 and the ing really hard and is really Women won 56-39. stepping up when we need Head coach Kim him," said Mihalek. Easterday said the team is very Reed placed first in the POsitive and working hard to 200-yard individual medley, improve individually and as a lOO-yard backstroke and the lOG-yardbreaststroke in the team. Qualifying for post-sea- close meet against SOncompetition seemed to be the main goal for the majority Elizabethtown "It's not an issue of tal- of the swimmers. Ruane's main goal for the ent it's because there are not season was to, "make new enough people," said Gagen. swimmers feel welcomed and Due to the lack of swimmers, to rebuild the team because last the men's team is doing less year we lost a lot of wonderful than perfect this year with a people." 2-3 record. Freshman Alyssa Gagen admits to being nervous com- ~~~~::~sc~:f~i~ ::::tt~;m ing into the season but now is motivateoneanother. just concentrating on getting over rotator cuff tendonitis so Bottom:Sophomoreswimrncr she can swim with the team for ~:~r~n~~~e~!;~~~roughthe the remainder of the season. competition. Gagen commented on how Overcoming injuries part of game for McDaniel athletics Kelly Cramp, a senior But the coaches have to ings over letting your team forced to the sidelines perma- JASON KUHNS basketball player and golfer, worry about other things, in- down, injuries have other nently. suffered a severe ankle sprain cluding who will replace the STAFFWRlTER negative consequences. Reha- "Not being able to play A broken hand, 2 cases of that forced her to sit out the injured player if they are un- bilitation often has to be done has been really hard on me. I stitches in the rnouth..a head first three weeks of the bas- able to play. to strengthen injured muscles have been playing sports my Ryan Defibaugh, the as- laceration, shin splints, stress ketball season. Her injury sistant coach on both the ,and ligaments. entire life and now I have no According to Lachman, fractures, quad/calf contu- did nu' occur in the course of men's and women's soccer "The average rehab session choice but to quit. I could play a highly contested game. now but that would risk an- sions, a broken finger, a "punc- happened in the preseason - It team, says that after the injury lasts about an hour. The over- other, more serious injury that lure" wound where the tissue in warm-up drills. is diagnosed, the team must all duration - like a week or a could jeopardize my health Was outside the skin, bone "It was real tough not come together and someone couple of months -depends on when I'm older," Smith said. bruises, injured knee liga'Pl-ents, being able to be out there, but has to step into that position. the injury." Martin, who led the Ter- an AC shoulder sprain, and a I knew I could take the time "On both the men's and Lachman believes that ror women's basketball team to handful of hamstring, that I did to heal up for the the women's team, we lost some players are scared to re- a Centennial Conference quadricep, hip flex~r, and groin key seniors in important strains. rest of the year," Cramp said. games. Luckily, someone al- port injuries because they are Championship and a birth in "My team was really sup- the Sweet 16 (in the NCAA afraid of being forced to sit What do all of these inju- ways seemed ready to step ries have in common? The portive of me. They knew I up. Whether it was another out. "We have discovered a tournament), says that success new syndrome: its called sud- wouldn't be back overnight." has a lot to do with luck. McDaniel men's soccer team. "Injuries are tough psy- senior or a freshman, we den game-time recovery syn- "T feel that success is a This may sound like a lot never really missed a beat," of injuries for a single team but chologically on players and Defibaugh said. drome," Lachman jokes. in combination of talent, competi- "The worst feeling the coaching staff," Martin according to Missy Lachman, said. "Things can pop up at Defibaugh cited a spe- sports isn't knowing that you tive drive, and being lucky the team's head trainer, it was any time and change the cific example on the men's lost; it's that you know you enough to avoid injuries in key a fairly normal year, with the wholeplari. They don't allow team. Thomas Kane, the 2003 can no longer help your team stretches," Martin said. exception of a few injuries. you to see how good ,Your Centennial Conference Player because of something you "Championships realty come "Manyof the inju~ies are down to who is healthy and routine for soccer teams includ- team is at ful! strength. .of the Year, was sidelined the can't control," Brown said. standing at the end of the year." Brown believes that the majority of the year with a Trevor Brown, a two- ing the strains of the leg stress fracture in his leg. The extra time one dedicates to Defibaugh shares the muscles and sprained ankle.s," year captain. of ~~e~en's soc- team, which finished in 3rd soccer can be a hardship on a same beliefs, cer team, said, Losing play- Lachman said, "But things like ers to injuries is always place in the conference in student. "Success really depends broken arms and stress frac- tough. They are so unex- 2003, was looking forward to "When I'm done with on how well a team is able to t.ures are not nearly as com- pected; they could occur at an even more impressive sea- practice, I'm usually ex- overcome adversity, especially mon." anytime." Br~wn suffer.ed son in 2004 after graduating hausted. When T had to go in in the playoffs. The seniors are Injuries to players are not out there playing their hearts through his faa share ~f m- easy to prevent. They can ha~- juries this year; inc1udmg a only one player. But instead early for therapy, I tended to out just for the opportunity to be more tired because of the of having a mediocre year pen at any time and have sen- . broken hand, stitches in his because of Kane's injury, the strengthening exercises. And play In one more game," ous repercussions on both the chin, and a stress fracture on team banded together and Defibaugh said. "They have to team and the individual. his leg, with the first two posted 7 consecutive shutouts when you have to get in a play through some degree of According to women's whirlpool, soccer seems to pa~ to accomplish their goals." basketball coach Becky Martin, coming on the same play. (the 7th came in the confer- take over your life," Brown As long as there are When a player gets in- ence semifinals) to close con- "Most injuries, and the most jured, the coach naturally ference play and eventually said. Sam Smith, a former sports, there will be injuries in debilitating ones, occur in prac- worries about how severe the lost in the conference finals in two- sport standout in soccer them, However, depending on tices rather than in actual the character of the team, inju- games. The best way to prevent injury is and how long it will a tightly played game. and softball, is no longer able ries are not always an impos- take for the athlete to be to play for her school. Because In addition to the obvi- injuries would be to not prac- ous discomfort and bad feel- of knee injuries, she was ing obstacle. tice, but we can't do that.". healthy.
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