Page 65 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 65
Westminster, MD *( hi"N VoL3No. ] The It's Oscar Time The Physics Need help figuring out this Department's Jeff Marx year's Oscar race.?See story is a Professor with a . on page 6. Personal Touch. See story on page 7. INSIDE Homeff packs up boxes, memories BECKY WILDE ters Mill High School. fesses that now feels like the sense of loss for the college and STAFF WRITER Horneff will be back on cam- time is right. Leaving now, for themselves. pus for a reception in her rather than at the end of the "I am very sad to see her After 22 years at honor on Monday, February semester, allows time for in- McDaniel College, Associate 28, at 4:00 p.m. in Ensor coming students to develop a leave, but in a way that is self- Joan I-sh," said President Dean of the First-Year Pro- Lounge. relationship with someone Develin COley."Barb wants to gram Barbara Horneffwill be She says that she looks who will remain on campus, grow professtonatty at this packing her officein search of forward to student, faculty, Horneff explains. stage of her career, and I am a new journey of learning, and administrative atten- Rumors Circulating happy that she will get an op- change and challenge. dance in celebration of a campus since the beginning portunity that she wants." February 8th will be her wonderful career at of the semester have left Dean last workday before begin- McDaniel and an exciting Horneff bombarded with "1will miss my peer men- tors, my students, and most of ning a two week "vacation." ride for the future. phone calls and ernails, filled all the everyday journey," Milch of that vacation time Horneff has been con- Snowy weather conditions are with sentiments of shock and Horneff says. However, she common in Westminsterdunng will be spent working as a sidering retirement for the sadness. Upon hearing her [See Horne!! continued all winter months. What do students long-term substitute at Win- past three years, and she con- )news, most people feel a page 2/ do when they're snowed in? Page 8. Semester '.iiiii;;;::1 atSeahas·~ turbulent beginning rAT O'TOOLE CO-EDITOR remember with fondness how sophomore Mati Cowdrey 'always ...Semester at Sea is loved to have a good time: Page 3. much more than another se- mester at school; it is a life- altering learning adventure," CEOJohn P.Tymitz wrote on the group's website. Words such as these are normally taken with skepti- cism; but judging by the on- going experience of two McDaniel students, Tyrrutz was not exaggerating in the least. Junior Andrea Bockand sophomore Meghan Ambra got more than they expected McDaniel students use Jan Term to from their Semester at Sea when gale forcewinds and 50 travel the world foot waves hit their ship as possible conference championship repeet.Psge tz. [See Setnester at Sea The 27 students and 2 professors that went to Belize from}anllilry 10-20pose in front of the mask at the adequately- continued on page 10J named Mask Temple in Lamannf Belize. The temple was buill by the Mayans. the indigenous population of Belize. KATIEMARTIN majority of his initial year- was returning home from CO-EDITOR long sentence. Westminster when his Chevy friend of mine for over three during the spring semester.Ap- AMcDaniel professor was Sapo-a, 61, also faces S10 pickup collided. with decades." preaches to the Study of Lan- Sapora is not teaching found guilty of driving under three years probation and is what he described as a a-ton any classes at the college this guage, is being taught instead the influence by a Carroll required to pay a $250fine, at- dump truck hauling an exca- by Bill Spence, said LeRoy County jury last week, and sen- tend alcohol-related group vation machine at the inter- semester, according to Tho- Panek, English Department mas M. Falkner, provost and tenced to serve some time injail. meetings, and abstain from section of Route 97South and dean of faculty. chair. Robert W. Sapora, an En- using alcohol. Route 32. This is not the first alco- gltsh and Communications pro- Sapora had no comment "I know that this has "The College is aware hal-related incident on Sapora's fessor, will spend 10days in the on the outcome of the trial. been a difficult time for Bob, that the legal situation has record. In February 2002, he Carroll County Detention Cen- The conviction was and I am glad that the trial is been resolved and appreci- failed sobriety tests after being ates that this has been a diffi- ter in Westminster beginning based on a charge that behind him," said Joan , cult time for him and his fam- stopped on North Center Street June 1, according to Circuit stemmed from an accident last Develin Coley, McDaniel's ily," Falkner said. in Westminster. He received Court documents. Judge Tho- May. According to previous president. "He has been a The English class cus- probation before judgment and mas F. Stansfield suspended "the interviews, Sapora said he professional colleague and tomarily taught by Sapora paid $305in fines, according to District Court documents.
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