Page 66 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 66
FEBRUARY 10, 2005 - Page 2 NEWS Homeff moves on with boxes and memories Thea Sebekos-Williams, continued from page 1 sophomore, is one of those "She has literally changed the lives of stresses the fact that she will students. hundreds of students." President Coley return to campus for sporting "lf it weren't for Dean events, plays, lectures and, of Homeff, 1 wouldn't be here course, graduation. right now," Sebekos-Will- "We hit it off right away. She's my Horneff hopes to leave iams said. "She helped me campus mom." Greg Wagner, sophomore behind a legacy of leadership stay here and put me into a and encourages all students to leadership role on campus. "I will always remember her' go-to' "face change and challenge She is irreplaceable." with a can-do attitude." Many people on this attitude to encourage students, even if it Her leadership is re- campus, past and present, means wearing an old WMC beanie." flected through the develop- have been touched person- ment of the First-Year Program ally by Dean Homeff's pas- Rusty Haak, senior and the Peer Mentor Program. sion and commitment and Through these programs, will fondly recall their memo- "She is a listening ear, a confidante to Horneff hopes to have "em- ries. As for the college as a many. She is filled with passion and com- powered and inspired people whole, she has left an impact HORNEFF to believe in themselves and with" a model First-Year pro- mitmsnj" Ellen Gulya, senior give service to what they be- .gram that other colleges have Perhaps the following lieve in." copied," says Coley. This has quote by George Bernard "Her personnel file is fuli of letters This celebration of pride touched all current students Shaw best epitomizes Dean and service is reflected in her and will continue to reach out Horneff: "I am of the opinion from students, some written long after personal philosophy, passed and impact all incoming stu- that my life belongs to the they have left McDaniel, who want her to down to her from her mother, dents. whole community and as I know what an important and positive years ago: "Always treat every- Dean Horneff's smiling live, it is my privilege, my Influence she has been on their lives." one as if they are the most im- face enthusiastically wel- privilege to do for it whatever portant and best person in the comed every student onto Ican." Provost Tom Falkner whole entire world." this campus, but she will no "I have had a wonder- Senior Rusty Haak cred- longer be in her cozy office ful experience, a wonderful its Homeff's ability to treat stu- with a rocking chair and the career. ..I belong to the com- :'She is eternal, a visionary. She sees dents as peers as "miraculously Wall of Fame. (If you are on munity and Ihave a vision of thmgs beyond what they are." Thea making people want to stay on that wall, don't worry! She change and challenge for my Sebekos-Williams, sophomore campus when they have doubts has plans to recreate it at future," Horneff says. about college life." home.) JAMES GIBBS How else could one ex- "[The pranksters] didn't STAFF WRITER plain a 4-ft high nutcracker really. hide where they'd perched atop the prominent (Editor's Note: At a Arch? put it." glance, the Campus Safety Blot- Campus Safety records After snapping some ter doesn't reveal some oj the for that day report the pro memorable photos, the Nut- inane reports to which officers ~eing taken from the Theate~ cracker was returned to its have to respond. Cibb's COlt/- ~nd placed on Campus at a natural habitat inside the menton) highlights some of the different location." Alumni Hall Theater. most unique calls). ~ampus Safety found The only thing as the StOiCprop staring at cam- strange as the prank itself, After a hard Fall semes- pus from atop Ward Memo- Was the time chosen to puB ter, more than just the stu- rial Arch. it off. dents and faculty wanted a Despite the cold, the Now, I don't want to change of scenery. nut.cracker seemed to be en- Sound like I'm encouraging Anyone cruising along joying the new view. ~hiskind of disruptive behav- Main Street on Jan. 10 might The prank got a few I~r, but couldn't they have have seen an unlikely visitor chuckles and raised eye- picked a better time? at the Ward Memorial Arch. McDaniel (like most Perhaps someone thought ~~~~~ ~~~i~~mpus Safety, schools) isn't known for the Arch wasn't looking fes- "It's just one of those drawing crowds during win- tive enough. Or perhaps ",:~ird "thi.ngs - COllege ter break The incident didn't someone wanted some un- get any resident response. A nutcracker was found on top of Ware!Memorial Arch near Main Street. hijinks, said Mike Webste usual exercise. Director of Campus Safet;' The pranksters will have to settle for the mention CampusSafetublot ter ~~~~i~~~k it might make I'm giving them here. With Aside from this inci- dent, January saw only run- of-the-mill incidents. Quite a few incidents Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Building Name Incident Status invol~ed discharged fire eX- 1/7/05 3:00a.m tampering with fire extinguishers Rouzer Hall inactive tingUishers. 1/6/05 11:00 p.m. vandalism structure Forlines inactive , Webster suspects that 1/15/05 11:12 p.m. tampering with fire extinguishers Rouzer Hall inactive th~ calls concerning fire ext~- 1/22/05 2:45a.m. drug violation Harrison House Lot pending COurtoutcome S'ushers more than likely .0- 1/22/05 4:11 a.m. tampering with fire equipment, false alarm Rouzer Hall inactive volved alcohol. 1/22/05 12:00 p.m. vandalism vehicle Blanche Ward Hall inactive . "They definitely 1/24/05 6:50 p.m. larceny from buildings Gill Center open weren't sober," he said. 1/28/05 12:20 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Whiteford Hall closed by report .I know fire extinguish- 1/28/05 11:08 p.m. vandalism property ANWHall inactive ~rs are bright and shiny ob- 1/28/05 11:58 p.m. theft ftom buildings North Village closed by report jeers (drunkards love bright 1/29/05 unknown vandalism property Decker College Center inactive and shiny), but for the love 1/29/05 12:00 p.m. vandalism property Blanche Ward Hall inactive of h.umanity, show some re- 1/29/05 3:44p.m. harrassment in person Hoover Library inactive straint 1/30/05 12:08 a.m. alcohol possession under' 21 Rouzer Hall pending court outcome Sober people some- 2/1/05 1:03 p.m. larceny from buildings North Village open !~:~s neep fire extinguishers, 2/3/05 12:14 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 ANWHall report complete ....
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