Page 45 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 45
NOVEMBER 11,2004 Page 5 COMMENTARY Election observations from a pebble watcher A switch of less than 70,000 $40,870 in 2000. For Missis- HERB SMITH POLITICAL SCIENCE PROFESSOR votes in Ohio would have sippi, it was $20,856. Obvi- eLECTION ·04 elected Kerry, but this was ously, many red state voters I'm a pebble watcher, a not an election with much hadn't heard that Republi- psephologist by tr.ade and inc~- appreciation for irony. cans favor the wealthy and nation. The Athenian Creek ctti- I doubt that Bush will Democrats champion the zen dropped a colored pebble expend any political capital poor. In 2004 it wasn't "the or psephos into the 4th century reforming the Electoral Col- economy, stupid" that drove B.C. equivalent of a ballot box, lege system because it has most voting decisions. Ac- hence the term psephology the certainly treated him better cording to election day exit study of elections. Come au- than Yale. polls, President Bush benefit- turnn, every second year in the While we're exporting ted from voters who felt ei- United States, psephologists are democracy to Iraq and Af- ther values or terrorism were in their element. ghanistan, we're keeping the most important issues. This fall was no exception the Electoral College at home Bush's advantage over White House. Clearly it suc- For the evangelicals who as President George W. Bush where it can continue to over- Kerry on fighting the war on ceeded flocked to the polls. on Novem- dropped over three milli~n represent states like Montana terror is curious given their While national voter ber 2, they will probably be re- pebbles or a really, really bl.g and Idaho and under-repre- backgrounds. While Kerry turnout was substantially minded that politics is a game rock on the head of Democratic sent the voting populations actually served in combat higher compared to the 2000 where innocence is inevitably challenger [ohn F. Kerry. Actu- of California and New York. with Silver and Bronze Stars election, it set records in corrupted and the sale passage ally, the election was relatively Kerry carried nineteen in Vietnam, Bush protected many Bible Belt states. Voters way from ignorance is to com- close with the President taking states, the entire Northeast, the Lone Star State from the who reported that values plete disillusionment. If Bush 51% of the popular vote to four in the upper Midwest, Vietcong. His duty with the mattered most. almost a delivers on the Christian right Kerry's 48% and Ralph Nader and the entire Pacific Coast. Texas Air National Guard quarter of the electorate, agenda, the Republicans will whose purist ranks totaled a When one examines state was surely a product of went overwhelmingly for lose moderate voters in droves. scant 1%. rankings for say, per capita wealth and privilege, but Bush. The President's sup- President Ronald Reagan prac- However, in American personal income, an interest- amongst Bush voters that port here was 80% and that ticed the same kind of politics electoral politics like American ing relationship emerges. Of wasn't a problem. provided most of his popu- and gave the evangelicals soul business or American sports, the top ten states, only one, What good is wealth if lar vote majority. wirming validates virtually ev- Colorado, voted for Bush. All you can't have privileges? The critical question, of stirring rhetoric and little else. I expect Bush will follow erything. 1 doubt Pr:sident the rest (Connecticut, Massa- , Anyway, Bush never course, is what these voters the same strategy. lf he doesn't, Bush will govern WIth any chusetts, New jersey, New questioned the Vietnam War mean by values. To them, then he's even dumber than mind to the more than 55.5 mil- York, Maryland, New He thought it was a pretty abortion is murder and gay Michael Moore portrays him. lion citizens who thought he Hampshire, California, Min- good idea as long as he didn't marriage anathema. They Well, those a re some didn't deserve a second term. . nesota, and Illinois) went sol- have to go there to fight. The view the secular world with psephological thoughts on the You're either with him or idly for the Democratic same undoubtedly holds true dismay and see moral decline against him and if you're ticket. Conversely, the poor- for Iraq. everywhere. Thomas Frank, election that was. ln any demo- cratic election, there are win- against him, you're probably a est states, led by who else, Values voters, predomi- author of What's the Matter ners and losers. For my Repub- Massachusetts liberal. lnciden- Mississippi, followed by nately evangelical Christians, with Kansas? (a book every lican friends, I'll just remind tally, historic Massachusetts lib- West Virginia, New Mexico, were mobilized by a four year Democrat should read), de- you of an old Chinese saying erals include john and Sam Arkansas, Montana, Louisi- program developed by Karl scribes their mindset well. that "the mandate of heaven is Adams, Paul Revere, and john ana, Utah, Alabama, Okla- Rove, Bush's top political ad- "When MO female rock stars not forever." Enjoy this time Hancock but that was a long, homa, Idaho, and South visor and master of what exchange a lascivious kiss on while it lasts. And for my fel- long time ago ... Carolina opted for Bush james Carville calls "the Re- national TV,Kansas goes hay- low Democrats, we would do And considering the 18th To give you some idea publican attack machine." wire. Kansas screams for the Century, Bush was fortunate of the income gap that exists Rove contacted hundreds of heads of the liberal elite. Kan- well to remember Winston Churchill's advice: "In victory, indeed that the archaic Electoral in this country, thepercapita fundamentalist churches, sas comes running to the poll- magnanimity defeat, defi- College worked this time, giv- income for the number one urging them to ialmch a po- ing place. And Kansas cuts ance!" ing him 286votes to Kerry's 252. state, Connecticut was litical crusade on behalf of the those rock stars' taxes." Check out the original Toyota Scion XB SCIOn xB By Rudy. Police Photographer Scion xA Locate your nearest Scion dealer at or what moves you 7' '6-' --------- --- caU866-70-SCION. ,---...,- xB pricing starts at $14,165· well equipped, including AIC, Pioneer AM/FM/CD system, powerwmdows, door locks, mirrors, chrome exhaust tip, ann-leek brakes and vehicle stability control, and choice of 3 wheel cover options. Vehicleprice as shown is$16,040. ·MSRP includes delivery,processing, and handling fee. Excludes taxes, title, license, and optional equipment. 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