Page 44 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 44
NOVEMBER 11,2004 - Page 4 Free Press Staff Excuse me Mr. President, Co-Editors-in-Chief Writers/Reporters Katie Martin '06 Meredith Adams I have a few questions Brian Patterson '05 Patrick Bonaduce '08 Emily Compton You show your reli- Art Director Lea Fiddick '07 'ROB GOEKE gious faith often. How much 'The Iraq war was waged Liz Matthews '06 Eric Fuller '08 NEWS EDITOR do you let this influence your with a neoconservative phi- Lindsay Graham '07 decisions? If your faith does losophy and its result is still very much in doubt. What does News Editor Mike Habegger '08 Here are some ques- have an influence, is this this say. about the Rob Goeke '07 Shelly Hom Hans I would ask George W. right? neoconservative tenets of for- Bush as One of the stated goals Suzane Lester he be- of the Republican Party is to eign policy? Features Editor Leon Mach '05 gins his begin drilling for oil in the You are loyal to those who Bayley Fannin '05 Lizzie Musar '05 second Artie National Wildlife Ref- have supported you and worked for you. But at what Geoff Peckham te rm uge. Have you considered the point does good sense out- 0 Commentary Editor Jacqueline Pundt '05 F w h a t- r long term consequences of weigh loyalty? Melissa Gallo '07 Kelly Ramprneyer ever ide- this policy? Since its passage, th~ No Has your motivation to Rori Rockman a log Y capture Osama Bin Ladin Child Left Behind Act has been Sports Editor Mike Seff '07 you fall lessened since September 11, under funded. Will you make any attempt to reallocate the Pat O'Toole '07 Stacey Shaffer into, these are all questions 2001? budget to fix this? Jon Teter '08 we, as Americans, should TĀ·here are rumors that You ran a deficit early in considerĀ· Copy Editors Michael Vyskocil '05 Is the betterment of the John Ashcroft and Colin your term because of the reces- Jesse Feldman '07 Melissa Wisner Republican Party more im- Powell may step down from sion. Now that the economy is your cabinet. How do you Teri Hamer '05 portant to you than the bet- plan to fill their vacancies? growing, does your spending plan change? Elizabeth Manns '06 Advertising Manager terment of America? GOP in- What will your cabinet look The baby boomers will the Since Marissa King '07 Emily Funk '07 creased its control in Con- like during your second begin to retire during your sec- term? gress, what motivation do What would it take for ond term. Can your Social Se- Page Design Advertising you have to try to work to- you to go to war ~ith Iran or curity plan help them immedi- Kenny Ditto '06 Representatives gether with Democrats? North Korea? ately? During the third debate Lindsay Fairchild '08 Beth Appleton '06 Under what circum- Robert Mugabe has run with John Kerry, you were Beth McLane '07 Christine Beers stances would you go against an oppressive dictatorshlj- in asked if you believe homosexu- the will of the Republican HQW will you Zimbabwe. Pat O'Toole '07 Suzane Lester party and support a Demo- deal with him? ality was a choice. You re- cratic cause? With Yassar Arafat's sponded, "I don't know." HoW Photography Polls suggest that you health worsening, how will does this influence your poli- Sarah Black '07 ' would have lost to Senator your Middle East policy cies on gay rights issues? . In all your decisions, WIll Suzane Lester Kerry if the whole world change in the near future? you remember that only 51% of could have voted. Why? AIDS has the potential Indira Gonzales '07 What can you do to im- to orphan an entire genera- the electorate supported you? Taylor Hebden prove America's image tion of children in Africa. How often will you consider worldwide? Why does What are you planning to do the other 49%? And finally: When you The McDaniel Free Press ispublished America have so much influ- in response? . maKe decisions during your biweekly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily ence in the world? How do Do you still feel con- second term, will you think the represent those of The McDaniel Free Press staff,the you plan to use it in your sec- nected to the American 55 million people that vo.ted faculty,or the administratorsof McDaniel College. and term? people? against you, the 59 million At what point does the You defended the war good of the United States out- in Iraq because you said you people that voted for you or the The paper welcomes free-lance sent the weigh the good for the did what was right, no mat- roughly 300 million people ltv- The editors reseIV~the right world? At what point does ter how popular. Isn't the role ing in America? to edit for clarity,length, and libeland to pubhsh as the good of the world out- of a representative govern- Which of these three is space permits. Please include a name and phone weigh the good of the United ment to correspond to the most important to you? number for verification.Names will be withheld only States? wills of the people it governs? by the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief. Do you have an opinion related to The McDaniel Free Press does not discriminate based on age, race, religion, gender, campus life? sexual orientation, nationalorigin, condition of handicap, or marital status. Do you have concerns about Mail to: The McDaniel Free Press something going on in the world? McDaniel College, 2 College Hill Westminster,MD 21157 (410) 751-?600 FAX: (410) 857-2729 If so, send a letter to the editor to the McDaniel E-Mail: Free Press at
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