Page 42 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 42
NOVEMBER11,2004- Page 2 NEWS McDaniel not always a 'happy little campus' continued from page 1 and will be the main discus- dent to come up with 501u- "This is a sensitive is- up 1 . gram Barb Horneff~Associ~te sian ~opicat the Dec. faculty tions." said Coley. "It is for sue and ":,,eneed to gain un- about ~~~e:~w?:s~~~Pt~~~ Dean of Academic Affairs meeting. faculty and students to recog- derstandmg and take some h I'" id i p. 0' 0 Henry Reiff, Dean of Admis- . "I indicated that' the nize that there are proble~ns ot~er thi~gs into consider- ~~SO~i~~. ~~~ Juruo~ti~:g~o; slons Martha O'Connell and mlOute~ from the [Demand and ,":ork together anon," said sophomore Kim man activiti you n ffered b numerous other faculty and for ,ACtionForum] were on the kind of community ,,:,e Spears. the :ChoOI es are old realiz~ staff members. the Intranet and asked faculty want to have here. We will Others considered the ,~ou wou , "You almost don't be- to read. those minutes in never be perfect. We can al- possibility of the sign being wor-th." getting your money s lieve the power you have to; preparation for the December ways be better than we are." connected to the resident's change things [on campus]," faculty meeting," said Coley. Hadley, Jacoby and belief-that partying by BSU The number of people in said Falkner during the forum. "Many faculty members McNichols began the forum members could disrupt the attendance showed changed is "Weboth want and need to re- wereupsetbecausethenotice by reading anonymously bathroom. Students also possible, organizers concluded. "This was one of the best spond to the desires everyone came so late that most could submitted stories of discrirru- pleaded that whoever put up turnouts we have had," said is expressing." not attend or react [to the Fo- nation students had experi- the sign should have gone to Lopez Gonzalez. However, one Near the forum's conclu- rum]." enced on and off campus. the BSUbefore placing it. sion. O'Connell announced Coley said' she under- One told of a sign "Don'tjumptoconcJu_ of the forum's problems was that she would mention the stands the problems ex- placed in a bathroom in sions. Don't see it as a race that since there were so many issues that could have been dis- ~=~~n;r::i~:~:;:a~t~~~:~ ~~~~;; ~~ ~~~;::g~~i~~~ ~~~:~~~~~~ a::~~ ;~; ~~:~,)~:i~ t~l~e~~the group cussed, some were left out. But Coley invited Hadley intends to act. said BSUmembers could not Some students men- progress was still made." and McNichols to bring up "I have some very spe- use it. While it was easy to tioned the vast amount of "I'd liketo see all students these issues in a faculty meet- cific ideas about what the jump to conclusions about activities and programs of- educatingthemselvesaboutthe ing that occurred November 2. community can do to im- such stories, the students fered by the school and the issues underrepresented stu- The issues were also discussed prove on these situations, but who spoke asked for consid- often sparse attendance at dents face everyday," said in a meeting on November 5 the point is not for the presi- eration and understanding. these events. McNichols. Joumalist in the spotlight tells his side of story continued from page 1 dentials. Company execu- last eight months to be re- It was backwards for' All'" . d a controversial news program fives didn't address his con- leased from his contract. Leiberman to be in the spot- acc:r~~pomts ,":"erem~lude , based on the documentary Sto- cernsand he felt ethical prin- "I believe that what Ion light of the media. 109to their website. uv len Honor: Wounds That ciples werebeing did was one of the mostcou- ."They sought. me out WBS:.BFFFo~45and WN 0 Never Heal, just weeks before he spoke out. rageous and heroic acts by a and boy did they find me S. . In B~lhmor~ are tw the election. "Youwill be faced with journalist that I have come and all of my fami! "h mclau stations which broad- Sinclair executives ethical dilemmas everyday in across in a long time," said said. "It puts it in perspee., cast t~~program. . t planned for their 62 stations the newsroom and some- journalism professor Terry tive that was me" . e event was no across the U. S. broadcast the times you will have to take a Dalton, who arranged ' Leiberman' will not Lelber~an'sfirstappearanceat program which included stand," Leiberman told the Leiberman'svisit. "He knew seek legal action a ainst McDarueL He gave a keynote "viscious allegations" against McDaniel audience. "By the that a program scheduled to Sinclair and is cur~entl s~eech at the ~o~iety for Colle- democratic presidential nomi- way, check with your wife J?eaired by his employer was looking for another ·ob. y grate Journahst s annu.a.l Col- e nee, Senator John Kerry, ac- and family before." deeply flawed and resembled Following the)contro- ~~; :ars : s Day in Apnl 20~;i cording to Leiberman. Leiberman said the de- political propaganda far versy, Sin~l~iraired A POW jOurnalis~S~I!~;::en to seve Leiberman protested cision was not easy. He tried more than journalism." Story: PolItics, Pressure and "5 . durmga staff meeting that air- various routes to voice re- LeibermansaidSinclair the Media whatth 11 d htdents need to knoW ing the program as "n,ews" lated concerns, offers no distinction between a "special' news ev?n~,~,~n ~~~:!he pr~fession still has it~ would hurt the company s cre- questing three times in the news and opinion. Oct. 220n 40of their stations. els," s:~~~~~t~~ong role mod The lighter side of the campus safety blotter Safety officerson duty on the Campus Safetydid agood job curring of October 24, blood LEON MACH night of October 31conspired of covering its tracks. Conve- was found in the hallway and the fourth floor of Elderdice on STAFF WRITER a ghost hunt. to commit vehicular man- niently, there were no wit- elevator of DeckerCenter. (Editor's note: Ataglance slaughter on an innocent deer. nessesat the sceneofthe crime "It was so much blood we I can't really judge these the Campus Blotter doesn't re- Luckily the deer survived and while 1have seen Bambi, were glad thatwedid not find guys because I am not the type veal some of the inane reports this collision on Main Street. I tmiortunately cannot speak a stu.dent dying of hypov- to go out and look for ghost, to which Campus Saftey Offic- "The deer attempted to deer to gather his statement. oletrucshock," said Webster. but was it really worth a bur- ers have to respond. Leon commit suicide in front ofour The driver was also un- While I do believe in his sin- glary and damaged property charge? Mach's commentary highlights patrol car,"said MikeWebster, available for comment. cerityand concern forthe sru- When I think of feloniouS some of the most uniquecaUs.) Director of Campus Safety. Well,I guess the culprits dent body,I.amnot ruling out burglary, call me crazy, but I I have to begin this colurrm .The report confirms his got away with it this time,but the p~ssibihty that he may be by placing The Deparbnent of sentiment in stating "a deer T urge students to contact The covermg up fora previous act think of some sort of monetary reward for the act. AU you Campus Safetyon my li~tofsus- jumped in front of Mobile 1, McDanielCollegeFreePressif of animal cruelty. pects. The crime, attempted impacting the grill and caus- they witness anything suspi- During the Halloween guys had to gain was several murder. ing minor damages to it." cious involving orr campus season, several spirited male nights worth of bad dreams, That is no typo; I have rea- During my investigation police and animals. stud.ents were caught break- but hey, whatever winds your son to believe that the Campus into this matter I found that In a separate incident oc- ing Into a storage room on clacks. I doubt that anyone who CampusSafetublot ter achtaUy reading it again, but read this column in the past is the notorious license plate thief celebrated his or her one-week anniversary by stealing an- Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Building Name Incident Stahts other tag on October 15. 10/22/04 11,00p.m. larceny from buildings Gazebo closed by report I can't help but think that 10/23/04 2:00a.m. harassment in person Albert Norman Ward Hall open th~ Unidentified burglar com- 10/23/04 1:00a.m. vandalism structure Blanche Ward Hall inactive mitted this act as a personal at- 10/24/04 2:10a.m. dwi/dui Gunn Plaza pending Courtoutcome tack against me for writing 10/24/04 1:00a.m. vandalism structure Blanche Ward Hall inactive about it in the last paper be- 10/27/04 lL44 p.m. burglary forcible entry Elderdice Hall open caUSeI'm fairly confident that Unknown larceny from buildings McDaniel Hall open Vanilla Ice only put out one 10/28/04 2,00p.m. trespass Whiteford Hall closed by report CD. 10/30/04 12,00p.m. harassment in person Whiteford Hall open Pl.easestop. You cause sa 10/30/04 1050 p.m. alcohol under 21 in possession North Village report incomplete much Inconvenience for your 10/31/04 12,30a.m .. alcohol under' 21 in possession Blanche Ward Hall report complete victims. For a couple of dollars 10/31/04 unknown tampering with fire extinguishers Decker Center inactive you can buy a license plate 11/1/04 12:01a.m. vandalism structure Thompson Hall inactive from an amusement park or 10/30/04 45,00 p.m. larceny from buildings Whiteford Hall report complete something. 11/4/04 1057 p.m. alcohol unde~ 21 in possession Rouzer Hall dosed by report . You may even be able to 1 fmd one with your name on it.
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