Page 107 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 107
APRfL 7,2005 -Pege 7 COMMENTARY There's no shame in ensuring accountability ebrated students. succumbed to the temptation about them. Once any situa- rAT O'TOOLE My friend, a sopho- to plagiarize. In doing so, the tion becomes escalated to the Our aim is not to sensa- CO-EDITOR tionalize the "juicy" events hap- more at the school of jour- school does not recognize point that intervention is an pening on our campus. Rather, nalism at College Park, is that it may have had some absolute necessity, it is al- we take great precaution in en- Jayson Blair stands out in currently taking a media part in the issue by pushing ready past the point of recon- suring that the stories we J1Ub- most people's minds as the ethics course. In a recent Blair into a position it had not ciliation. lish are actually going to mat- young conversation with him Ica- adequately prepared him for. It is with this reality in journalist sually brought up the topic I am not writing this mind that the staff of this ter; that we aren't simply pass- ing on gossip. Through a deci- at The of how his professors went commentary to criticize Col- , newspaper chooses to cover sion-making process, we often New York about covering the Blair in- lege Park's blatant negligence the highs and the lows of this decide to not cover things that Ti m es cident due to its obviously and its ironic ethical lapse. campus. could theoretically make inter- sensitive nature. His an- Rather, I use this case simply Some may see the paper estingnews. swer was simple: they as an example of why self-ac- as simply a booster for the We cannot pretend like don't. countability is an important college; something that could our problems are simply nonex- That's right. Students attribute for any institution of be handed to prospective stu- istent. We owe it to ourselves, attending College Park's higher education to possess. dents to encourage them to merous school of journalism will Ignoring problems is so the school's alumni, and future stories. Some people may not graduate without ever be- simple to do. Baseball did it come here. Yetthere are con- students to ensure that all issues stantly things happening that realize that Blair was also once ing educated on what Blair for years, and everything was need to be put on the record are brought to the surface and as as expeditiously corrected the editor of University of Col- did, arguably the most im- fine. so we can hold ourselves ac- possible. It may be a difficult lege Park's renowned newspa- portant case in the history The repercussions, countable and inevitably process, but it is the responsible per, The Diamondback, and was of media ethics, and the however, always come after make this college a better thing to do. one of the university's most eel- possible reasons for why he it is too late to do anything place. I Food allegiances: Glar, Slurpees, and Happy Hour Wizard's games for thir- the 32-ounce Brewtus, or hour all-purpose conve- of the chain restaurants like BRIAN PATTERSON teen bucks just isn't right. nience store! frozen sugar SENIOR WRITER "eatin good in the neighbor- Lone Star, Texas Roadhouse, or Per most of us, eating hood," but they've suckered and water distributor she had Ruby Tuesdays, there will be The other week for St. is a task that must be un- me in. ever known. Needless to say, appetizers and discount beer Patrick's day I went out to dertaken every few hours. Other eateries rely on after sampling 7-11's selec- aplenty. I'm not sure if four Bennigan's Itcan't be avoided.just like tactics that are much more tion of slurpees including drafts and ten buffalo wings for dinner an econ final, watching subversive. Around noon white cherry, Coca-Cola, diet make up a square meal, but it and or- basketball, and drinking each day and from five to Pepsi, strawberry kiwi, has to be pretty darn close. dered the on a Friday night (well for seven p.m. every evening, Sponge Bob's pineapple un- As Isaid, we aUhave our Kilkenny's me anyway). When it McDaniel's dining hall is der the sea, and grape Fanta food allegiances. For me it's the Country comes to food, we all have swarming with hungry col- she was hooked. sloppy joes in Clar, a dinner out Chicken our allegiances. lege students. Everyone I Of course, college stu- at Applebees, or a Happy Hour Wrap with The Safeway is right know has their "favorite" dents cannot survive on with friends on a Friday a side of up the street, so that's Glar delicacy, but that's just slurpee alone, and that brings evening. Are Clarosloppy joes fries. To where' do my shopping. a relative term. It's not a true me to one of the greatest in- really that good? Probably not. drink, I had Giant is the only place in allegiance, we just have no novations of the modern era, Last time Ichecked Applebees a Guinness. Westminster that sells where else to go. Happy Hour. You can find a wasn't a five star restaurant, It was pretty good. Orangina, which some My girlfriend had never happy hour almost any- and Ijust like a good deal on My palate isn't sensitive considering the Cadillac of tasted an actual Slurpee un- where, and on Friday in draft beer. Maybe they come enough to tell the difference be- orange soda, so that pulls til a week or so ago. This was Westminster you can find col- from routine, or comfort. With tween Coke and Pepsi, but 1 in a few customers. the result of a long-standing lege students at almost any Clar, it's because there's no know the distinction between Generally, 'like to go relationship with Wawa and happy hour. where else to go. Coors and Miller. out to Applebee's for din- their two slushee flavors, Happy Hour is defi- Do tastes evolve and be- Papa John's can cook up a ner. Idon't know if it's the blueberry and cherry. Wawas nitely habit forming. come more sophisticated over decent pepperoni pizza, but sell- Philly cheese steak wrap, are native to the Garden Whether it's Maggie's, time? I hope so, but at least 7- ing the Ifl-inch version at the orange chicken skillet, State, and were the only 24- Marla's, Johansson's, or any 11 is closer than WaWa. TerriSchiavo and the greater good; One life or 1,000 all depends on the ques- say. Disaster all over again both cases, but many of our ROB GOEKE tions you ask. But the moment an update brothers and sister'S died in Truth is this: Terri isn't the NEWS EDITOR Who's more valu- about Terri Schiavo came Indonesia. One died in issue. The issue is the issue, ya If Terri Schiavo could, she able? One thousand lives through, it was aUabout her. Florida. The more is always dig? The protesters tell you Would vomit out of disgust and or one? Depends on who Someone was giving an up- more important. they care about Terri staying alive. That's bull. All they care knock some heads. First on her the one is. The true ques- date on the status of relief ef- Don't tel! G. Dubs that about getting their voice out list would be that damn hus- tion should be phrased forts the day after the earth- though. He flew across coun- and politicking. TIck you off? band right: Who's more valu- quake, but a press conference try to sign a bill to try to help , Til able? Schiavo or the 1000 with the Schiavo family was Terri. It is good that he went It should. d e a th people killed in the earth- going on at the same time. through the trouble to help It was hell all over again. quake in Indonesia? Mari- The talking head cut off the out one citizen. But, how After three months of trying to nate on _thatfor a little. relief organizer cold and much effort is he going to put get their lives back together, This isn't about eu- went right to the press con- to help out all the people that thanasia or right to life. ference. The one outweighs just died. Probably not a hun- trying to cope wi th the loss of their loved ones, trying to un- This is about life. The the thousand. Is this right? dredth of what he put into could go off and have children value of it. You can be on either helping Terri. Is that right? derstand a tragedy that made 9/11 seem like a blip, God went with another woman while she But what does Terri side-of the debates surround- Nope. and ruined them again. Was still breathing. Next, would have to do with theearth- ing Terri, but you know she Terri isn't to blame. She Dealing with adversity be every camera crew, making quake in Indonesia? Ev- isn't more important than all can't help where she's at. We once is courage. Twice is insan- her whole situation into "Survi- erything. If you watch the people who died from the are the culprits, the ity. But the earthquake-tsu- vor: Pinellas Park." She never CNN, the one is more im- quake. I don't care what is- motherf$@%&#s. We all nami-earthquake combination Wanted this. All she ever wanted portant than the 1000. sues she raises about the mo- made her situation worse. they experienced just isn't was to live (or die) in peace. Want to dispute it? rality of America or the cul- Truth is this: if Terri newsworthy enough for CNN. Turn on the tube, watch ture war going on in America. wasn't American and white, The answers to the ques- Wolf. Sure they tell stories She's one. They're one thou- CNN wouldn't flash away But one American life is. tions surrounding Schiavo's case about the destruction and sand (and probably more). quite as quick to report new little. Marinate on that for a seem simple, but that simplicity horror. Registered 8.7! they We should care about details about her health.
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