Page 111 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 111
APRfL 7,2005 - Page 11 SPORTS Commentary: Justice for all? Not a chance Joey sitting up in a recliner Maryland State Trooper Sgt. on "leave of absence pend- said that while in the hospital JACQUELINE PUNDT watching a movie on televi- James Dewees. ing medical qualification," she wrote him a letter of apol- STAFF WRITER sion when just a few months Sure, she will have says Art Williams, Human ogy, but Joey said, "1 didn't ago doctors didn't knowif he points on her license and Resources Director of ROTC. think it was as sincere as it On the afternoon of would make it. have to pay outrageous It just doesn't seem should have been." March 9, 2005 I sat in the It is even more amazing amounts in car insurance, but right that the young lady that At thts point I don't know Taneytown living room of Joey to see how someone who is left I agree with DeWees: her fines hit him paid a one time sum what the young lady can do to Morningstar and listened to with possibly permanent and time spent wrestling with and in a few years will have attempt to make amends with him tell the story of-the past six damage to his right leg and insurance companies are not normal insurance rates but the Morningstar family. months. struggles to walk on his own enough. the Morningstar family will I do know what this is a He showed me scars and- can cope with this situation. Joey estimates that his be paying for this for many case where the punishment fell went through the list of various He admitted that there were medical treatments at Shock years to come. way short of the crime and no metal implants holding him to- times when he thought he Trauma cost approximately . Physical therapy, spe- I letter of apology can fix that. gether. "was going to croak" but he $8,000 per day and $2,000 per cia I accommodations, one The most mind-blowing Science and technology "worked through the pain day at Kernan. When you more surgery and countless aspect of all of this is that Joey ate amazing, and the fact that anyway," factor in the dozen or so medicines are still on the bill. wants to get back on a bike. Joey is still alive today after his And it seems that is what medications Joey must still It upsets me that since "I didn't do anything horrific accident is a true testa- he is doing now that he is take and the gauze and Joey had the will to live. wrong, why should my lifesuf- ment to the skill of many in the home; he is just working sponges needed to clean out through this, the young lady fer?" he said. medical field. through the pain and hoping his wounds the bills start to gets off fairly easy. I Sincerely hope that his But I can't help but won- to only be left with a plastic pileup. Had Joey not pulled suffering will soon be over and der, what is holding his spirit device that fits onto his right "I'm roughly a million through, she would have that he can get back to the life together? foot to help him walk. dollar baby,")oey joked. faced serious criminal of a 20 year old that he wants After about and hour of Everyone agrees that While we are factoring charges. to enjoy. listening to Joey, Irealized that Joey is lucky to be alive. in financial burden tills acci- I cannot speak for her 1 hope he can get to though medicine played a tre- I must also say that the dent has had on his family, and I am sure she lives with friends' homes to play Texas mendous role in his recovery, it 19-year old yOWlglady that hit let's add in the two years of guilt everyday, or at least she Hold 'Em, or go hold his girl- was not the only thing. him is lucky he is alive as well. tuition he might have to pay. should, but why should friend whenever he wants. I Joey has a certain will to She was charged with Joey was in the ROTC Joey's family be left footing hope he can get back in classes live, a never-quit attitude that negligent driving, and given a program here at McDaniel the bill for an accident he d id and move comfortably around kept him alive through the few traffic tickets. She also but obviously can no longer not cause? campus ~ especially The Writ- touch and goes'times at Shock paid fines for court costs as participate in that. So now "It makes me mad that ing Center. Trauma and got him through well as the tickets. there are two more years of she isback to normal and I'm Then I might feel a little the pain and agony of physical The typical monetary college that his family might still left with this," said Joey more like there isjustice for all. therapy at Kernan. fine is for a case such as this is be footing the bill for. as he pointed to his leg It is astonishing to see "not enough," according to At the moment Joey is strapped into a brace. He Morningstar's fight Rethinking NCAA hoops Joey will have "as full a recov- win by default. continued from page 12 , ery as possible go on to lead a MIKE HABEGGER First off, they beat Ver- Jan. 29 th , who beat tourna- George Wash- ment-bound McDaniel's baseball team fairly normal life." Seibert, SPORTS EDITOR mont. Yes, Cinderella Ver- ington. To get into the tour- took the trip over Spring Break along with several members of mont, who knocked off Syra- nament, GW had a few im- and Joey was determined to go the baseball team visited Joey The transitive property cuse in the first round. IfVer- pressive wins, namely one along. in the hospital and can truly of inequality states that if a> mont beat Syracuse, then against Michigan State. By As a freshman and sopho- attest to how far he has come b,and b >c, then a > c. It Is a surely they could beat Mem- the time you get down the mors, Joey played baseball and in his recovery. mathematical law that can be phis, who in turn beat Lou- chair this far, it is understand- though he can no longer play, Joey is now at home in applied to all sorts of real life isville on Feb. 9th. Because able that American would traveling with the team is a Taneytown looking down the situations. Volume, distance, American beat Vermont, easily undo the athleticism of highlight on his road to recov- long road of twenty weeks of intensity of light, basketball. American easily wins Mich. St. One more Final ery. He was most looking for- physical therapy. Basketball? Sure, why not? against Louisville, if they Four team gone. During those weeks he is Ward to "playing Texas Hold having his 1999Jeep Wrangler Over the years, r have come had had the chance to meet The last team, and per- 'Em with the guys" and just be- redone with new paint, wheels to apply it to sports, when in the tourney. haps the best team (at press ing "able roll down the hallway match ups are too close to call American was also suc- time, the tournament was not of the hotel." When he says roll, and a top. before a game. Immediately, cessful in defeating Bucknell, over), was Illinois. Luckily for Though doctors have yet he means roll since Joey's main to allow him driving privi- . I whip out the schedules and who early on in the season us, Ohio S1.beat the IIlini on mode of ·transportation is a results of each team, and com- defeated Pittsburgh. Pitts- March 6 th , ending their per- wheelchair due to muscle fa- leges, Joey says, "I don't care pare who beat whom, andtry burgh laid waste to the Big fect season. The most surpris- tigue. if I just drift down the drive- to find common opponents, East this year, implying that ing upset this year's tourna- Teammates, Drew way." the goal being to find a team American would obliterate ment was without question Mitchell and Justin Bilohlavek Simple pleasures moti- that beat one, and not the the once .undefeated Boston Kansas' loss to Bucknell. As said Joey's return to the team vate Ioey now. other. I used to apply' this College, whom Pittsburgh was stated above, American atmosphere was "inspira- Even what many stu- method for figuring out handled easily late in the sea- beat Bucknell on Jan. 28 th • . ttonal." dents consider displeasures match ups in my high school son on Feb. 28 th . Well, BC Well, if Bucknell beat Kansas, Mitchell had heard of are alluring to him: "I would playing days. beat West Virginia who and Kansas beat Georgia Joey's plans to join the team in love to be freaking out about "Coach," Isaid. "We'll made a spectacular run in Tech, then surely American Florida and said he "honestly mid-terms right now," he said. win this game because we the tournament, defeating could handle Georgia Tech's didn't think he was going to be Joey has also learned a beat Team A, who beat Team Wake Forest in double over- early season opponent Michi- able to do it" but the fact that few important lessons that B,who beat Team c." time. One of UNC's 4 losses gan, as many other teams did he did is "definitely an inspira- may seem cliche to most "Heb-e-Shut the hell came againsrwake. See how (UM finished 13-18). But tion tome." people. up!" my coach would say. , easy it is? Had American Michigan did beat Iowa, who Bilohlavek, also a Junior "I don't worry about the Ridiculous as it sounds, met UNC in the tourney, beat Ohio State on March 2nd. and catcher for the Terror, has little things anymore," he said. it actually works, on a small they wou ld have won easily, And as we all know Ohio St. known Joey for a while and "And I'd encourage people to level with few factors and no doubt in my mind. Just handed Illinois its only loss. said, "He has always been a have fun every day, you never variables. But this year, r de- look at who they beat, and Wow. That's it. The sea- hard worker and pushed him- know when it's going to end." cided to put my theory to the who their opponents beat, son is over. American wins self." So it was no surprise to Fall Semester 2005 Joey test in the NCAA Tourna- and who their opponents' by default. As evidenced by him that Joey set such an ~x- said that he looks forward to ment, fondly called March opponents beat. the aforementioned results, trerne goal and then achieved a new beginning as he eases Madness. Ichallenged myself The third team in the fi- American would have it. back-into his junior year here to find a team that beat teams nal four was indeed Michi- steamrolled through the tour- Coach Dave Seibert said at McDanieL gan State. Could American nament had they been se- that the change of environment "l'll be taking a lot of the that beat the Final Four teams. have beaten them? Of lected to compete. Maybe Was good for Joey and believes classes that I had started be- My team? American. Sure, course. Again, American NCAA officials will consider they finished 16-12overall, 8- "the trip to Florida was a ~trong fore the accident, and I've 6 in the sub-par Patriot defeated Bucknell, who beat this method of determining motivation for ills rehab." saved my notes, so I'll be League, but American should the A10's Saint Josephs. rank (or the tournament in Seibert also said he hopes ahead," he joked. Well, St. Joe's beat Xavier on the future.
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