Page 112 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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cmen Tiloor SPOKIS Vo1.3No4. April 7, 2005, Page 12 Men's LAX takes losses in stride, looks to grow we got together and had a down on turnovers, there is MlKE HABEGGER meeting to try and fire and always room for improve- SPORTS EDITOR pul! each other up." ment on the defensive end. Coach Townsend The Terror's defense is led by The men's lacrosse team's agreed, saying that the team standout junior from loss to Haverford on last Satur- looks forward to "some Westminster, Curtis day overshadowed the largely wins" over the next few Schaeffer. successful first weeks. The games. , "Curtis works ex- team traveled to Orlando, FL to "We have a young tremely hard on and off the playa few games and other- team, 22 of the 30 guys are field," explained Hoffman. wise chill out. They defeated freshman and sophomores," "It's great to have the confi- Clarkson and 23 rd ranked West- stated Townsend. "But that's ern New England by a com- not an excuse, they need to dence in him to stick the best player on the other team." bined score of 25-16. Orlando grow up and start winning Does the team expect to is a traditional hotspot for la- some games." ,. make the playoffs? "Of crosse teams over the Spring Sophomore Brad Baer course," said Townsend. Break weekend. of Westminster stood out in "That's what we'd like to "The season has been up the loss against Haverford, do," and down," said Head Coach scoring three goa Is. Another Hoffman hopes that the Jim Townsend. 1/ All games are one of those yOlmg players young team will gain knowl- important." who have performed well is edge and awareness from the The team is 3-4, 0-3 cc, Preshmart Kolyn Kirby from recent losses. and though to some it seems Chestertown, who is the "We take the losses as a nothing has gone as expected team's leading scorer with 21 learning experience. Hope- for the squad, as they trudged goals. fully some bench players will through a 2-game losing streak, "He was an All-Ameri- step up, come in, and score sophomore attacker Steve can in high school, so we ex- some goals lin the coming Hoffman is remaining optimis- pected a lot from him," said games]." tic. Hoffman. "He's been true to As the team looks at the "On the spring break trip the expectations. He scores schedule and the formidable and the games before, the team 5 or 6 goals a game, and each conference opponents ahead had been playing like a family," , one adds Intensity and emo- of them, this is the type of said Hoffman. "The last game, tion th,~tcan really amp up a thinking and sanguinity that which we lost, we weren't game can inevitably lead to cham- Sophomore attacker Steve Hoffman, shown here in a file photo, is still optimistic about his team's chances throughout the rest of the season meshing together as a team. So In addition to cutting pionships. Joey Morningstar defies all odds Optimism fuels his recovery following accident JACQUEUNE PUNDT STAFF WRITER "You never think about getting hit by a car head on." For a large majority of the McDaniel community this is true and they will also never experience it. For junior Joey MOrningstar, however, this be- came a reality on October 17, 2004. While riding on his 1996 Vaulken motorcycle with his father behind him, Joey was struck by a turning vehicle on Rt. 140 in Westminster. Three and a half weeks after the near fatal accident Joey woke up with little recollection of what Joey smiles exuberantly while reclining at his home in a recent photo. A A sign of Joey's house commemorates his retum from the hospital happened. He spent approxi- positive attitude has contributed to a steady re<:overy since his accident. and the begmning of a bright future mately eleven weeks at Shock Trauma and then another 10 vis, a broken right wrist with Joey's sense of humor is His aunt, Pat weeks in rehabilitation at two steel plates and eight contagious and many people Whitmore who helps him his release from Kernan's was Kernan Hospital. pins, and two pins in his pel- say humor continues to help around the house during the March 1, Joey worked relent- Joey is now home and ea- . vis. him with his remarkable re- day, added, "he's too bull- lessly to reach that goal, gerly showing off his injuries "Thank God for Home covery. Humor and headed to quit." Another contributing fac- which include, but are not lim- Depot," Joey joked, but obstirtance. Quitting was some- tor to reaching that March 1re- ited to, a "broken left ankle that quickly added "I would "If they said I couldn't thing that never crossed lease date was a trip to Florida now has seven pins", a metal rather have a baby than go do something I had to prove Joey's mind. /When doctors with the baseball team. fSee Morningstar contin- rod from his left knee to his pel- through this." them wrong," said Joey. told him that their goal for ued on page 11]
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