Page 106 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 106
APRIL 7, 2005 - Page 6 COMMENTARY Do a dance, take a chance, Writers/Reporters Co-Editors-in-Chief Patrick Bonaduce '08 Katie Martin '06 Emily Compton Pat O'Toole '07 Chanan Delivuk throw that trash away [enni Evans Art Director Lea Fiddick '07 CONNOR RASMUSSEN thumb, firmly grasping utes out of my every day I get Liz Matthews '06 Eric Fuller '08 STAFF WRITER piece of trash instead of a a- Some trash off the ground and James Gibbs booger. place it in a receptacle for such News Editor Taylor Hebden The students of Then instead of drag- things. Am I not great?" Rob Goeke '07 Alyse Hollomon McDaniel College comehere ging thesnotouL;md flicking The conversation could for different reasons. Rea- it, merely carry the trash in Shelly Hom sons like money, education one hand along whatever continue from there along vari- Features Editor Suzane Lester quality, location, and the walking course one might be ous paths, but with the point al- ready made. Bayley Fannin '05 Todd Knepper beauty of the campus. No- on, and deposit the little bit With minimal involve- Leon Mach '05 body would have come to of trash into a waste can. Like ment, the people of McDaniel school here if there were piles Commentary Editor Geoff Peckham of cigarette butts, or ham- so much flicked mucous the community can make a sub- trash left on the ground piles Brian Patterson '05 Jacqueline Pundt '05 . burger packaging, or up and is very disgusting. stantial difference in the beauty Kelly Rampmeyer everyone's month-old his- The people who. drop of the campus and a small, but very important, difference in Sports Editor Greg Sandruck tory papers flying about. the trash because they feel the cleanliness of the world on With that in mind, why Mike Habegger '08 Stacey Shaffer do people who have chosen like it, a~e boogers them- a whole. selves. With more trash cans Amalie Shaffer to come here, in part due to around campus the people Seeing that difference, Copy Editors Jill Stone the beautiful scenery, suffer a that are too lazy, too disgust. friends and relatives would see Jesse Feldman '07 Jon Teter '08 dirty campus? After only a ing, or too lame to drop the what a group of people work- ing together can accomplish. Marissa King '08 Michael Vyskocil '05 little bit of effort and time trash into waste receptacles He or she may even be inspired none of the college commu- will really be seen as the Beth Williams nity will ever have to look at boogers they are. to start the same process in their Page Design AndyWu a dirty campus. Cleaning up trash is not home, creating a self-perpetu- Beth McLane '07 Every day, every person a new idea on this campus. ating cycle of helping the Earth. In helping the Earth we Alyse Hollomon '08 Ad Manager who is part of the McDaniel There is a campus clean up can all feel better about our- Emily Funk '07 community should pick up day, where volunteers spend selves. By picking up trash ev- five pieces of trash on cam- Photography pus. four hours of their Sunday ery day, there will be a recog- cleaning up cigarette butts. Sarah Black '07 Ad Representatives "That is so gross. Pick- Within weeks the campus is nizable difference to the beauty Jonathan Schultz '08 Rachel Bryant ing up cigarette butts is not a filthy again. When everyone of the campus. As an example Christine Beers sanitary activity." That is so picks up five pieces of trash this should obviously of how be the I1te"McDaniel Free Press is published biweekly. The not an excuse. Nor is gross- every day, there will be no right. way for everyone to act need for a few people to do- ness an excuse for any type opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of of trash. nate four hours on some Sun- there is Isabel. Isabel, a faculty The McDaniel Free Press staff, the faculty or the The only issue would day to cleaning. Even more child, is three years old, and al- administrators of McDaniel College. be finding a trash can to use effective than picking up ready does her part by picking and that Isaproblem that the trash every day, is to not lit- up trash on her way to life. She The paper welcomes free-lance sent the college needs to address. But ter at all. picks up trash whenever she sees it and.without any encour- The editors reserve the right to if people would pick up the Because that might be to agement, carries it to a trash edit for clarity, length, and libel and to publish as space trash wherever they hap- big of a step for some people, can. She has commented on permits. Please include a name and phone num~r fO.r pened to be, and the~ even if picking up five pieces of trash how far it was to the trash can, verification. Names wil~be withheld only by the discretion they have to walk a ways to every day for those wonder- which is a serious issue. find a trash can, there would ful people who read this and of the Editors-in-Chief If Isabel gets it, college surely be a sink and soap agree will work. What might nearby to wash any possible happen is that people who do students must be able to under- The McDaniel Free Press does not discriminate based on germs or bacteria from one's litter will watch others pick- stand, especially if McDaniel age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national hands. ' ing up their trash and feel College will help by placing more trash cans strategically origin, condition of handicap, or marital status. Everv one can pick up bad, stop littering and join the , about campus. trash and every one does pick effort. That would be cool. Byusing a miniscule bit of Mail to: their nose. The time it takes When friends come to time there can be a huge bit of The McDaniel Free Press to properly pick one's nose visit the campus .they would difference, which will then at- McDaniel College, 2 College Hill could be equated to picking be sure to say, "Wow your tract more cool people whO Westminster. MD 21157 a piece of trash off the ground campus is beautiful! How think that the campus now does and placing it in a trash can. it ever stay so trash (410) 751-8600 Instead of picking at your free?" And you could calmly looks beautiful, and then they FAX: (410) 857-2729 nose, you can bend over and reply in a no nonsense tone keep the cycle going, and help E-Mail: flex the digits of a finger and that "With a mere few min- the, Earth, and what a great thing that Would be. Hurrah!
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