Page 105 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 105
APRIL 7,2005 - Page 5 COMMENTARY Can you hear me now? McDaniel students talking about issues that affect them Meet Andras Simonyi Closing Decker Early Hungarian ambassador knows how to rock Why Cruel World? LEAFIDDICK I WqS as pretty as ever. I did on tosay that American Rock LAURA PETERSON Decker. STAFF WRITER blush, and you would too, if and Roll music, helped to CONTRIBUTING WRITER On the first night r dis- Last Thursday, J had the a high-ranking official from bring down the Iron Curtain, Walking around the covered the premature clos- ing of Decker, J entered the pleasure of attending McDaniel Europe remembered you'! because it united the Hun- McDaniel College Campus door that leads to campus College's Once the speech garian youth with a message canbe qulte novel. Thelamp- safety, down the hall past lO'hAn- started, Mr. Simonyi thanked that things could change for posts, the brick walkways, the Glar and outside of the fo- ruv e r- the Board of Trustees at the better. He also stated that sound of music and laughter, rum. Unfortunately, Iquickly sary of McDaniel for starting the when he was a teen-ager, his it is wonderful- but not for a learned that I could not use its cam- Budapest program, as well as father gave him a radio to lis- junior at 12:30 a.m. in the Decker as a shortcut. 1asked pus in the people who helped make ten to the "forbidden" sta- morning. ~ it happen. He also went on to tions like BBC and ABC. At A late night Sheetz run the Campus Safety personnel why Decker was closed. H u n- say that the Hungarians had the time, the Communist re- or a quick trip to Wawa Campus SaFety officer, sit- A gar y. cornea long way over the last gime severely limited free- means two very devastating ting, very relaxed, informed The 10-15 years, thanks to the doms that people in America things: one, your parking me of the recent occurrences school was founded in 1994. As Americans who brought over take for granted. space has disappeared and of vandalism that could not of 2005, 161 Hungarian stu- business opportunities, so After the speech was the hunt begins for the elusive . be controlled in Decker. dents have completed their that the country could be- over, he was kindenough to McDaniel college student Wonder why .. studies on the Maryland cam- come a democracy, as well as take questions, and I asked parking space. Secondly, I suppose exercise pus, and have graduated. a model for the other Euro- when he was holding the Decker College Center now would be beneficial. I sup- The guest speaker that pean countries. next rock concert was being closes early. night was the Honorable He also said that even held. He laughed, and told Walking back from the pose that the amount of van- dalism will decrease. r sup- Andras Simonyi, the Hungar- though the west did not in- me that he did have a day job, ANW parking lot to pose Iwill not die of frostbite ian Ambassador to America. tervene in 1945 and in 1952, and that he didn't know. Af- Whiteford Hall with my or from a'crazy Westminster For those of you who think that the Hungarians would not ter several more questions, Sheetz food in hand no longer Westmonster coming after Mr. Simonyi is a boring politi- hold that against us. How- he called it a night, and re- feels as victorious. By the me from Pennsylvania Av- cian who is stuck up, think ever, he did go on to say that ceived a lovely round of ap- time I have trudged up the enue. again! He is a down-to-earth the GOP needed to stop act- plause. stairs, through the parking Just as ( have to all of guy who not only has an elec- ing like they could handle the Ihave to admit, Ambas- lot, past the quad, beyond the the things that have-changed tric guitar, but he holds rock "hard" stuff, like wars on sador Simonyi made many locked entrances to Decker in on campus over the past concerts' occasionally at the their own'. That America excellent points about front of information desk, three years, I will adapt Hungarian Embassy in Wash- needed to start trading more Hungary's relationship with down the long stairs that lead slowly. I have learned to en- ington DC. I should know, be- .ideas, science and technology America. I hope that he to Whiteford and then back cause Iwent to one, where I met with Europe, so both Hun- comes back to visit soon and up the stairs to the fourth joy the North Village apart- ments and the Pub's coffee him. My dad's radio company gary and America would that he holds a rock concert, floor - my food is extremely house. 1 remember a time has business in Budapest, and grow to be stronger, as well because I know that would cold. when neither existed, when it was a sponsor of the concert. as the fact that America be fun for everyone.' People This long and painful most students still sported Before the speech, r was too shy would grow closer to its Eu- would see that even an am- walk may seem to be nothing Western Maryland College to re-introduce myself, so Dean ropean allies. bassador from Hungary more than the angst of a lazy sweatshirts, It was a time Reiffdid, and Mr. Simonyi said Mr. Simonyi also went knows how to have fun. .college kid, but it is much when there was a tiny park- more than that. Why must ing lot next to ANW and the Gun control:Prudent or negligent? Decker College Center close quad was not destroyed by earlier? The explanation given construction and white plas- tic fencing. to the students blamed the With each new change CRISTINA NOACK force. On the contrary, the bidingcitizens. Police serve early lockdown on the high comes the sinking feeling that CONTRlBUTING WRiTER dvilianpossession of a fire- to prevent crimes to subdue amount of vandalism occur- arm has shown to be a very criminals, but theycannot be ring in Decker. Last time 1 1am growing up way too fast Americans use firearms to effective in the decreaseof considered personal body- checked, vanda lism occurred to keep up anymore. r can defend themselves from crimi- crime rates. At one point guards and are not legally in every dormitory, all year almost see myself holding my back thinking, "I am too nals about 760,000times a year. Washington D.C. enacted a responsibleto protect specific round. This is college, and as old for this," as I take the It is more likely to be a victim law that was virtually a ban individuals: In conclusion to pathetic as it may sound - dreaded walk from my car to in a violent crime than avictim on handguns. Within the fif- the proceedings, thepolice vandalism happens. Youcan- Whiteford, all the while shak- in an auto accident. In one year teen years that these force is minuscule to the not shut down the dormito- ing my fist at my beloved 1,400 more deaths from chok- lawswere enforced Washing- population of citizens, there- ries, so I ask, of all the places Decker" College Center - ing,3,100 more deaths associ- ton D.C's .homicide rate fore theuse of keeping weap- to close early-why Decker? locked tightly. ated with drowning, and 11,500 leaped 200%, as compared ons in a secure location inside Campus Safety is located IN more deaths intragic falls than tothe U.S. rate as a whole, the confines of yourhouse is deaths from fatal firearm acci- which rose only 12%. The vital, and can be life saving. dents.It isvery oftenmocked by positive effect ofcivilian gun Accidents are unavoid- Have an Opinion? gun owners that if you were to possession was also proven able, and happen everyday. call the police and call endorder when ten states, right-to- Accidents cancause death in a pizza at the same time you carrylaws were adopted and many more cases than just a If you would like to share would be done eating your resulted in tremendous suc- unintentional eventwith fire- your thoughts about issues that pizza beforethe police arrived. cess. Annually, there wesonly arms. Deaths from accidents The statements men- one more accidental gun doing many other affect you as a McDaniel College tioned all have something in death, and crime rates common things such as common. Each one shows dropped to Ste Iessmurders. swimming or driving are sta- student, send submissions for areason why strict gun control 939 less rapes, and 14,702 less tistically proven. to bemore laws, especially those placed aggravated assaults. likely to harm or kill some- the commentary section to uponlaw-abiding citizens, are The police are here to one than accidents not necessary. People oppose serve and protect the citizens, involvingguns. Risk is a part the right forcitizens to possess but they can onlydo so much. of life, so why ban guns be- Submissions should include guns for three main reasons; The ratio of police officers cause they maycarry risk, potentially inflammationin compared to citizens is when they more so provide you name, email and/ or phone crime, ignorance to gun safety, pr,?ofenough alone that po- protection and save and the belief that protection lice cannot provide proper livesmoreoften than acdden- number. Issolely the job of the police safety for all law tally take them?
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