Page 110 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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APRIL 7,2005- Page 10 FEATURES He makes it happen: theatre's John Bradford FRANZ SCHNEIDER continue to do part-time a friend constructed for the STAFF WRITER work throughout his college Theatre on "the Hill's produc- years, first at Davis-Elkins in tion of The Hobbit. The dragon's West Virginia for two semes- head, with its open mouth and Ask sophomore Matt Weese who he'd recommend ters, and then later at the Art lantern-like eyes, can be seen of Philadelphia, Institute for an unsung hero at Alumni where he received an poking out over a doorway in Hall, and his answer is Simple: associate's degree in special- the theatre workshop, still a "John. Definitely John." And ized business (in his case, fearsome sight despite its cur- then he might point to John music and video recordlng.} rent state of dtsernbodtmenr. Bradford, who mig~t happen to After college, Bradford be- When not working here, be in the room, unnoticed. came a stage technician at Bradford might be found with Bradford is the technical direc- Busch Gardens his wife, Melissa - or Missy, as tor at Alurrmi Hall. Weeseis the to he calls her - who he married light board operator. Williamsburg, VA, and then just last year. He also enjoys "Few people outside of worked in the scene shop at playing Dungeons and Drag- the theatre know about the the Virginia Opera Company ons with friends, and watching ("in a little town whose name work that John does," says escapes me, near Norfolk," the Discovery Channel. He also Dany Asaro, a senior and set Bradford says.) Later, he be- writes scripts for children's the- designer. came a stage technician and atre, and hopes to one day have Bradford is not the least his own theatre. bit bothered by this. In fact, he carpenter at the Center Stage But for now, he is a vital Theatre in Baltimore. But it prefers it that way. "I enjoy be- was at McDaniel that he fi- part of Alumni Hall, where Ing htdden away on the edge of nally settled. people can count on him to things," he says. "I don't nec- complete the sets in time for After 15 years of part- essarily enjoy beingthe center JOHN BRADFORD time work, his skills so im- their production, with even the of attention." pressed Prof. Dornser that he most obscure details or the set's Others at the theatre give Bradford concedes that learning from him. "John is design accounted for. "Some was offered a staffjob in Janu- him much more credit. "With- his is not an easy job. "With the Buddha of the theatre," ary of 2001. And he couldn't think that we get the scenery out a technical director to orga- so many students using all of says Andrew Pecoraro, a se- be happier. from Scenery 'R' Us, or that it nize and coordinate the stu- the tools, it is tough making nior theatre major and light- "I really enjoy creating appears by magic, dropped off dents, we wouldn't get scenery sure that they use them prop- ing designer for Something's things, and I make some re- by elves at night," Domser says, built, which is a pretty big part erly, and that they put aU the Afoot. • ally neat things here," "But that's not how it happens. of the theatre," says Professor tools back where they be- Born in Springfield, IL, Bradford said. John makes it happen. He's a Ira Domser, the head of the the- long," he says. "And we have and a Maryland resident He's made many of the wizard behind the scenes. He is atre department. "He's my to meet deadlines." But he's since he was 11 years old, props and set pieces for both the unsung hero." right-hand man, a practical guy not looking for praise. "Ira Bradford always knew that Alumni Hall and Theatre on Asked if he would agree who tenaciously gets the job and I both know when he would end up working in the Hill, but you won't see with those who call him an un- done." something's done right," he theatre. He first encountered most of his works, as they are sung hero, Bradford is modest. "He does a lot of work says, "and that's recognition McDaniel in 1985,as a fresh- "I admit, I do kinda do a lot around here," Asaro concurs. enough ... and r enjoy teach- man in high school, when he in storage beneath Little behind the scenes - Ira's prob- Baker Chapel. His favorite "The theatre wouldn't run ing students." did part-time volunteer work creation is the life-sized ably the only one who knows without him." And students enjoy at Alumni Hall. He would everything that 1do here. 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