Page 102 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 102
APRIL 7, 2005 - Page 2 NEWS "Betes" cited for hazing for second time several years continued from page 1 Alpha Mu sorority recently viewed the charges against Safety blotter of the April 2, tempts to reach members; of the matelytwoyearsago. experienced, to receive po- Phi Alpha Mu and.handed 2003 edition of the McDaniel Betes, and received either no To date, "Hazing, 11:08 tential disciplinary actions. out disciplinary action last Phoenix states on M~rch 28, answer or "No comment" re- p.m., Blanche Ward HaU," are Weeks ago, former week which, to date, has not 2003 at 2:30 a.m., a "Frater- spouses. the only official details avail- pledges of Phi Alpha Mu been disclosed. nity [was] suspected of haz- The Free Press was unable, able about the incident, and came forward and gave state- Almost two years to the lng pledges." to obtain Campus Safety's inci- those details are listed in this ments to College Activities week, the Betes were em- Though the violating dent report because, according edition of the Campus Safety about hazing in the sorority. broiled in hazing charges that fraternity was not named in to Campus Safety, the "student blotter. The alleged hazing in- also involved physical abuse, the Phoenix, this description judicial investigation is cur- "It was a regular check," ctdents included sleep depri- though the college ultimately matches one Rose gave about rently ongoing" and therefore, saidRose,"andCampusSafety vation, alcohol abuse, and drop-ped the hazing charge the Betes, when they were official records of the incident stumbled into it." verbal abuse according to the and cited the group for vari- cited for hazing during the are not open to the public at this According to Rose. the pledges statements. ous clubroom policy viola- pledge period in the Spring time. Betes will begin an assessment A panel comprised of tions. Semester 2003. process, similar to what the Phi faculty, staff and students re- An entry in the Campus The Free Press made at- Members of the BSU participate in various skits during the annual fashion show, hosted by Me Feli~ia Donelson (center). Photos by Sarah Black and the Off~ceof Multicultural Services First year student transition process revamped Shin said the team also continued from page 1 saw an opportunity to begin ber who wasn't necessarily healthy living, including al- it if they wanted us to do cer- going to be their advisor was cohol use, STDs and AIDS in tain other things with Choices, the advising and registration one of the problems with the particular. But, he said he felt but to scrap it completely to us ture about how to set up an process much earlier. guidance days. that ove~ the years the play is just out of the question," email account and use black; Students enrolled for Now incoming stu- had lost Its message in favor DeRose said. "To lose the baste board and the archway. next fall must submit their dents will also arrive on cam- of shock value. values that it brings across and The blackboard site en- top choices out of 32 first-year pus one day earlier for orien- Sophomore Chris to lose the comical aspect titled "My First Year," provides seminar classes by JW1e1 and tation, making the orienta- DeRose described the student would be horrible." incoming students all the infor- register between June 27-30. tion experience five days created and d"trected play After realizing the impor- mation they used to get Philip Sayre, Dean of long. However, there will not Choices as a laugh-out-loud tance of the play to students through the mail and at guid- Student Affairs, said even necessarily be as many funny play about serious top- through discussions last week, ance days, as wen as additional though there were concerns planned orientation activi- ics that gives students a Sayre said it was decided to perks - like a photo tour of about losing face-to-face con- ties. chance to feel comfortable keep Choices in the schedule. Rouzer, Shin said. tact, there are advantages to "We are trying to confronting difficult, often He said that a committee waS "We wanted to take ad- the electronic transition pro- keep orientation focused on taboo issues. also formed to get in touch with vantage of not just our im- the critical things," Sayre When DeRose heard posstbls directors and to look provements in technology, but Being able to communi- said. that the play' might be nixed, at providing some more direc- also the fact that students are cate online and through In the spirit of cut- he started a petition that tion and make some modifica- increasingly online," Shin said. email allows for more mean- ting back to the basics, there asked students to "help save tions with the production. "To communicate that way is ingful consultation with the was some discussion about Choices." He said after the Sayre said that the specific sort of the easiest way to do first year seminar faculty removing the play Choices first, day he had more than content of some orientation things now. We are taking ad- members who are students' from the schedule. 360 signatures of students; programs has yet to be decided, vantage of a wave of technol- advisors, Sayre said. Having Sayre said the play and even some faculty and but some traditional features ogy and students who are used students meet and create a originally started in the mid staff. will remain, like Mike Greene's to that technology." schedule with a facultymem- to late 1980s as a look at "We would be up for alcohol awareness talk. A "common academic ex- CampusSafetublot ter perience" will be added to the program, such as a speaker who has published material that students read in advance, Sayre said. Occurred from Date Subcategory Type Building Name Incident Status There is also discussion of 3/5/05 9:00 p.m. tampering w /fire extinguisher Rouzer Hall inactive a diversity program 3/6/05 2:20a.m. vandalism structure Penn. Ave. Houses open' durmg the week, and several 3/8/05 1:02 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Whiteford Hall closed by report others during the semester. 3/10/05 1:08 a.m. drug violation possession Rouzer Hall pending court result . Other possible changes 3/19/05 6:00p.m. vandalism structure North Village inactive Include replacing the Four Sea- 3/24/05 11:00p.m. alcohol possession under 21 McDaniel Hall closed by report sons trip with similar recreation 3/25/05 3:00 a.m. vandalism structure McDaniel Hall closed by report .~Ctivities on-campus and hav- 3/25/05 4:12a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Blanche Ward Hall pending court result mg three departmental open 3/26/05 1:37 a.m. drug violation possesslOn Penn. Ave. Houses pending court result hquse sessions so students can 3/26/05 6030p.m. burglary forcible entry WMCAlumniHaU' open find out about different areas of 3/31/05 1:20 a.m. tampering wfire extinguisher ANWHall inactive study on campus. 3/31/05 11:08p.m. hazing Blanche Ward Hall report incomplete 4/1/05 1:29 a.m. alcohol possession under 21 Rouzer Hall report complete
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