Page 104 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 104
APRlL 7, 2005 Page 4 NEWS It's that time of year again Spring Fling '05 On Sat. April 23, Webster, director, of Equalizer,' which is a TAYLOR HEBDEN from 2-7 p.m. in the Campus Safety con- competitive bungee called Radio Mime, and a STAFF WRITER well known Baltimore quad, McDaniel College cedes "Spring Fling is al- chord infla ta bleon reggae band called Jah Yarr, where's me bur- is hosting a pirate theme ways a good time." which two people at- Works. ied treasure! Yoho ho and Spring Fling. Spring Fling is a gi- tached to one bungee The week leading up a bottle of rum! Don't be For those of you not ant event with a big will run in different di- to Spring Fling is also surprised if this type of familiar wi th Spring price tag. This year's rections to attempt cause for excitement. Start- pirate banter escapes your Fling at McDaniel, it is a event will cost approxi- dunking a basketball." ing Monday, April 18, un- mouth at this year's day filled with novelties, mately $14,000, accord- Other Spring Fling tilSpring Fling, the college Spring Fling. giveaways, fo.o..Q_l.~~ ing to Amanda Rose, ad- novelties will include the will hold different fun ac- live music. - visor of the Greek life treasure of the Caribbean tivities every night. Mon- Many students at council. obstacle course, the day is movie night, Tues- McDaniel look forward So with all the Rock/ern Sock/ern, the day is build-a-bear night, to Spring Fling all year. money they spend on velcro wall, henna tat- Wednesday is comedy "Spring fling is the this event, what can we toos, a' palm reader, night, Thursday is karaoke most fun they will let expect? . photo telescopes, and night, and Friday-has three you have on "For the first time sandy candy. events, which include, la- campus ... even" said Se- we'll be bringing 'Inflat- As for the live enter- ser tag, a pool party, and a nior Laura Bennett. able Twister' that will fit tainment this year, there Mr. McDaniel Contest "Spring Fling is the up to 10 people on the will be two bands and a sponsored by Alpha Nu best. People just get board," Special Events Canadian comedian as Omega. drunk and have a lot of Chair, Sally Penner 'the last act of the night. So get out your eye fun," said sophomore stated through e-mail. The two bands set up to patch and get ready for a A], Lewis. "For the first time there perform are a 7-piece Spring Fling you won't Even Mike will also be the 'Sports cover band from DC soon forget. _,Spring fling is the most fun they will let you have on campus ... ever," Senior Laura Bennett You want a revolution? We can change the world gan March 2. She worried They also had a surprise visit hopes that apathy on JILL STONE that the general student apa- from community activist, ?f the past, and change will be STAFF WRITER McDaniel will become a thing 10 the air. thy at McDaniel, might keep Pam Zappardtno from the For those who never attendance down. Zepp Center. thought they cou~d make a dif- Leary plastered campus During the first meet- ference in the world, think walls with fliers that stated ing, several participants of- again. Even the slightest-step "Peace, Social Justice, Envi- fered suggestions to raise un- toward change for the better is ronment." Bordering the pic- derstanding and to promote a step in the right direction, ex- ture of the interlocking at future meetings. plains senior Colleen Leary hands, was also the statement Leary's group will have Until recently, Leary had "Apathy is a curse, but who an active part during Dr. Elie signed the occasional petition cares? We Do." Wiesel's Apri118 visit. and she had always prided her- Or at least we should, Introducing issues that self for being an individual. She Leary contends. may directly affect campus, as knew that more needed to be Even while a record well as issues that affect hu- done to create awareness of crowd poured into Gill gym- man society as a whole, the troubles in the world, especially nasium for the women's bas- group plans to circulate after her Jan Term trip to ketball team's first game in catchy fliers through campus "Coastal California," where she the NCAA tournament, mail to draw more people learned about protests in San Leary's meeting was a sue- into the meetings, and per- . Francisco. haps start a little "revolution" That trip, she said, really In fact, there was as of their own in their quest to opened her eyes to a world Leary called it "an exciting better the world. "bigger than McDanieL" turnout." They've dubbed the Concerned about issues Leary and Professor group name "The Revolu- such as war, the environment, Jennie Walker met members tion." America's false sense of secu- from the Amnesty Interna- Because Leary plans to rity, Leary planned a series of tional group, Women's Is- bring to life the issues con- awareness meetings which be- sues, and the Peace Club. cerning the world today, she COLLEEN LEARY Elie Wiesel will share his message of peace evening and then share his .Everyone is encouraged Wiesel was born in 1928 STAFF REPORT message of peace and social to bring a young person, age in Sighet. Transylvania, now distinguished French writer, justice. At press time, college 16 to 23, with them to hear Dr. a part of Romania. He was 15 Francois Maurlac, he was per- " ... One person can make administrators were still in Wiesel's message. years old when he and his suaded to write about his expe- a difference, a difference be- planning stages for the big Wiesel is the-Andrew W. family were deported by the riences in the death camps. The tween life and death." When event, but members of the Mellon Professor in Humani- Nazis to Auschwitz. His result was his internationally ac- Dr. Elie Wiesel accepted the campus community are en- ties at Boston University and mother and younger sister claimed memoir "La Nuit" Of Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, his couraged to go to President the honorary chair of The In- perished, his two older sisters "Night," which has since been acceptance speech highlighted Joan Develin Coley's office by terpreters' Forum in resi- survived. Elie and his father . translated in more than 30 lan- guages. the need for activism. Wiesel April 8 to pick up tickets. dence at McDaniel College. were later transported to will bring a similar message to Though the event is free, a Wiesel is the author of Buchenwald, where his father An American citizen since the McDaniel College campus ticket is required for admit- more than 40 books of fiction died shortly before the camp 1963, Elie Wiesel lives in NeW' Monday, April 18, at 7:30 p.m. tance because the college is and non-fiction, including was liberated in April 1945. York with his wife and son. during convocation in his expecting a big crowd. "Beggar in Jerusalem," "The After the war, Elie . ,.All biographical inforrrw honor. Tickets not claimed by Testament," "The Fifth Son" Wiesel studied in Paris and ti on about Elie Wiesel came from a press release that cites the Wiesel will be accepting April 8will be made available and two volumes of his mem- later became a journalist. an honorary degree that to the public. oirs. During an interview with the web site of The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity.
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