Page 108 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
P. 108
APRIL 7, 200S- Page 8 FEATURES Students embrace newly-acquired u.S. citizenships though because the U.S. has Both students were re- room at the USDistrict Court work for the federal govern- SHELLY HORN been my home for so long for the District of Columbia. STAFF WRITER quired to fill out an applica- ment." and I already considered tion and pay an application "Everybody stands up Both students are consid- Since last semester, the myself an American," com- feeof$3S0. Months later, they individually and says their ering work for the federal gov- United States of America, and ments Arpineh. "However, were called to report to the name, where they are from, ernment in the future. Mc"DanielCollege, gained two going through the 1year+ Department of Naturaliza- and why they wanted to be- Mayra has other family new citizens. After over a year long process made me even tion and Immigration Ser- come a U.S. citizen," de- members who have gained citi- and a half of paperwork, inter- more grateful to be living in vices to be finl?erprinted, one scribes Arpineh. "You then zenship. views, studying, tests, and wait- the U.S. and have the free- of the requirements for a sign a few papers, hand in r "My aunt, from my ing, junior Arpineh Mehrabi doms and rights that come' background check. your permanent resident mother's side of the family, be- and senior Mayra Vasquez be- with it." After some time, the card, and you are given a cer- came a US citizen because she came naturalized American citi- Mayra Vasquez, a social students received letters indi- tificate of naturalization. wanted tq petition for other zens in December and February, work major,is originally from cating that they needed to Th~n the judge swears you close relatives to come to the respectively. EI Salvador. She also ex- complete an interview and United States." Arpineh, a Psychology / presses relief to have com- the citizenship exam. The Both Arpineh and Arpineh is the first in her Sociology major,gained her citi- pleted the process. exam, which consists of only Mayra look forward to the family to gain US citizenship. zenship on December 17, 2004. "The process took a 10 multiple choice questions benefits of becoming citi- "My parents couldn't be She is originally from Tehran, long time (almost 11/2 yrs). out of a bank of 100, tests happier and prouder of me," Iran, but has lived in the US which added more anxiety one's knowledge of the gov- "I wanted to become boasts Arpineh. "Now that t with her parents since she was since I needed to obtain my ernment, history,and founda- an American citizen because have-done it, my parents hope five. . citizenship before my perma- tional principles of the United I want to be able to vote dur- to do so within the next year as , Arpineh is grateful to nent residence expired," States. ing presidential elections," w,ell." have completed the long pro- comments Mayra. "What After passing the test, says Mayra. "Having an "Hopefully once the next I've learned from this experi- both students were required American citizenship also presidential election comes "It feels great! I guess I ence is that things in the gov- to attend the oath ceremony, means better job prospects, around," Arpineh adds, "We don't really feelmuch different ernment move very slowly." which was held in a court- and you must be a citizen to can go vote together." Memoirs: Rediscovering your family roots people staring back at you. MICHAEL VysKOCIL Yourealize you want to about the items found either. "how-to" books for STAFF WRITER Often, relatives are most scrapbooking and cre- know more about your fam- happy to fill you in about the There was a time when ily and your background items found either. Often, ating a family tree. families had little need to search You don't feel like tracking relatives are most happy to for their origins. You knew down every bit of informa- fill you in about the spe- where you came from, because tion. but you sense a need to cifics of a piece. generations ofyour family lived rediscover your family's past. Dobson in the same town or community. This is where writing a mem- says to think about Family births, weddings and oir can help you do just that. writing a memoir deaths were recorded in the Ka te Dobson, a as "constructing a family Bible, and stories about McDaniel College English text." "It's not grandparents, cousins, aunts professor who taught a enough just to 'record and uncles were handed down graduate course in memoir what happened.' In- from old to yow'g during long writing last fall, offers a few stead, you'll need to fig- winter evenings around the tips for helping you delve ure out what the story fireplace. into your past. you're telling is really Children committed these The best pJace to begin, 'about," she said. The premier insti- stories to memory for fun, so naturally, is at home. "
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