Page 5 - mcdanielfreepress2004-05
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Westminster, MD Vol.2No. 2 Men's Soccer High expectations for this year's team. See story on page 11. . 'Students 'buy in' on poker fever INSIDE LEON MACH STAFF WRITER With television expos- ing the world to the high risk game of No Limit Texas Hold'em. the popularity of card games, especially poker have become contagious; Senior Mandy Gill donates a kidney. spreading with Michael Phelps-like speed. Fortunately there is a readily available cure: consis- tent play. At least that is the logic behind senior football standouts Adam Dayton, Andy Lee,and Donnie White who house a card game rnul- . tiple times a week at their North Village apartment. Atypical card contest in North Village 193, begins with its occupants sending a A grandfatherly figure is one of slew of text messages to pos- two dozen life size character sible players briefly express- sculptures on display in Peterson ing their interest in a game. Several McDaniel students check out the hands they were dealt in II poker game in II Garden Apartment Hall. Before the five by ten oval table is even set up, ea- Others do not go to for two hours, it is still a fun ger students swarm the such extremes, but one cer- time hanging out with my time last fal1? kitchen like seagulls to an tainty is that when the cards friends," said Dayton, who "The adrenaline associ- unattended cup of french are dealt, the smiles diminish enjoys the game so much that ated with having money on the fries on the boardwalk. and its time for business. he spent an entire Sunday af- line while trying to be strategic The clay poker chips This scene persists for hours ternoon constructing a sleek .and outsmart your opponents clink together as they are dis- and games have been known black felt table comparable to can't be compared to any video tributed, creating a distinct to go on until 6 a.m. before a the ones used by the Pros at game," said White as he effort- sound that signals the start of big money winner is the Horseshoe in Vegas. lessly shuffles a deck of red Pin- play. Students wear sun- crowned. How is it that poker, a nacle playing cards. glasses and hats pulled down "It's not a bad hobby game older than this college, Students allover campus Sophomores Beth Meade and low over their eyes to create that can earn you 150 bucks is replacing various technol- are putt_ing down their joy- Melanie Scocco invite you into the perfect artificial poker in a night, even if I lose $20 ogy based leisure activities sticks, exiting their stuffy dorm theirstylish,yetorganized face. dollars and get"to play cards Mclfaniel crib. that were so prevalent at this [See "Poker" 011 page 2J Devoted English Professor tried for charges of DWI State's Attorney for District help, and hopes the judge KATIE MARTlN Court in Carroll County, CO-EDITOR suspends his sentence just "to Nothing mundane about drunk driving charges carry minimize the wear and tear" It is hard to imagine how a a maximum sentence of one on his family and friends. He McDaniel professor facinga pos- year in jail for a first offense said that he has stopped Sapora's teaching style sible jail sentence for a OWl ar- and up to three years for a drinking since the arrest. rest last spring sees this time as second offense. Coyne McDaniel College . ROB GOEKE a "season of blessing." would not provide specific President, Joan Develin NEWS EDITOR Dr. Robert Sapora. an En- information before the trial Coley, was unavailable for glish and Communications pro- regarding the sentence comment. English Depart- For years, on the first fessor, was charged on the Sapora faces. ment Chair Dr.LeRoyPanek, day ofeach semester, Dr.Rob- evening of May 24with driVing, In preparation for a and other members of the ert Sapora has reenacted be- or attempting to drive, a vehicle brief hiatus from teaching, English Department were ing born. He is animated, en- while impaired by alcohol. Sapora informed students of also unavailable for com- tertaining, and quick to relate Sapora was also. charged with his possible absence on Tues- ment. the comicscene to the class he negligent driving, according to day, Sept. 21. On May 24,Sapora was is teaching. TrafficSystem Citation Informa- "Qualified colleagues returning home from down- His unique teaching tion acquired through the Dis- in every subject have kindly town Westminster when his style has earned high praise trict Court of Maryland. agreed to fj.]]in until I get Chevy S10 pickup collided from students since hejoined Sapora. 60, was scheduled back," Saproa said. "I'm just with what he described as a McDaniel's faculty in 1971. SAroRA to stand trial Wednesday, Sept. filled with joy that I'm sober 4-ton dump truck hauling an "He makes normally 22. He said he expected to serve and"as sane as I'm going to excavation machine at the in- mundane topics interesting Fraser, a student who has had some jail time. get. tersection of Route 97 South with his presentation in class. Sapora in class for two consecu- According to prosecutor He regrets inconve- And he plays cool instru- tiye semesters. Edward Coyne, the Assistant niencing those who offered to [See "DWI Charges" on page 2] ments," said sophomore Wes [See "Sapota" on page 2]