Page 36 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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APRIL 15, 2004 - Page 2 NEWS Viruses, irresponsible use fuel intemetproblems BRYANRENBAUM as Spyware that share per- appointing, and our tuition Sprint network, and have "The Internet service here STAFF WRITER sonal information with keeps going up each year in been efficient most of the is not very good because they anonymous web users," said order to pay for it," said time, according to "The Internet is like any Mathews. "Some of these Frank Totten, a Resident As- don't update it enough," said major American City," said Di- problems can cause Internet sistant for McDaniel Hall's Matthews. The first con- . Tom Michaels. "Every time Igo nections were through the rector of Information Services access to be very slow or com- first floor. "In order for it to phone line and it was not online Ihave to refresh the web Christine Mathews, sitting back pletely inaccessible to stu- improve, I would suggest until the new millennium pages, or else the site doesn't in her chair and flashing a cau- dents." that the college stop ration- that the school switched to register." ' tious, butfriendly smile. "There Slow and inaccessible ing "its bandwidth so that the T1 network. Maintaining this network are good parts of town, and are some of the kinder words our abilities to do school Many students, reject has been increasingly expen- places that you should try to many students use to describe work are not retarded in any the notion that they are sive, because things are con- stay dear of to avoid trouble." Internet service at the college. way." somehow responsible for stantly changing. Like many It's late in the afternoon "The Internet service at McDaniel dorms were problems with their other departments on campus, and Mathews is close to com- this college is extremely dis- first wired in 1998 by the Internet Service. Information Services so we pleting another day of helping could use resources - "more students deal with Internet ser- people and more money to vice related problems. She has Technology at a Glance keep up with those changes," been fielding calls from students Mathews said. who went to the proverbial Average number of daily requests to IS staff: 118 "This is happening ~t ev- wrong side of Internet City. Number of PCs/Macs on campus: 750 ery school across the country. On an average day, the Number of printers on campus: 174 Colleges and universities are college's 1,206Intemet users re- Number of Computer Labs: 11 finding themselves pinched to ceive about 378 emails contain- get it all done," she added. ing viruses, and that average Number of CoL'leqe e-mail ac~ounts created and supported: "We receive about twenty continues to climb as new vi- 4,104 calls a day from students com- ruses come out daily, said Average number of e-mails per day received by the campus plaining about Internet connec- Mathews. servers: 20,650 tions," said Student Network Continually building bar- Manager Kelly Wuorinen. ricades against these viruses Average number of d~ily hits to internal web server: "Many of these problems makes Mathews' job a daunt- 115,655 are caused because students are ing one. Number of students in.residence halls with Ethernet simply not aware of how to take 1/ Approximately 90 per- access: 1,206 care of their computers and of- cent of the problems we face can Number of servers: 20 ten fail to update their anti-vi- be attributed to viruses that are rus software," she added. spread daily on the web, and Total number of devices on our network: 2,310 "Sometimes a, five second from students downloading Number of network switches: 112 click on the update button is all it takes to avoid most of these , music or having programs such Number of Colleague/Benefactor Accounts: 200 problems," Wuorinen added. The Archway: Technology aids advising process ERIN ROMANSKI SENIOR WRITER their grades; academic his- to choose a password to en- The lines Yates is refer- tory, address, program and ter the system and were then ring to are much like that of Faculty will also have the The information super- advisor information via the able to look at their spring the customer service lines at benefit of viewing the status of highway welcomes a new ad- web. Faculty will have access semester of classes and create ' Macy's the day after Christ- students taking their courses dition to the McDaniel to their teaching schedule, a student profile. through web advisor, induding homepage: a new software pro- class rosters, and advisee in- "Overall, it (Web Advi- Dr. Bendel-Simso was those students who have added gram entitled Web Advisor is formation. sor) is just great," said fresh- pleased with how smoothly or dropped the course, imme- now available to ease the frus- "Looking into future se- man Melissa Gallo. "You can the trial run went. "As an diately after the information is trations of the registration pro- mesters, students will be able see everything on the screen adviser, it's great for me be- processed through Registrar. to register online and view and it's very convenient and cause my commuter "Eventually, we expect Through this web portal, their financial aid and, bill- easy to use. The best feature advisees can access their that students will be able to lay- officially named The Archway, ing," said Dianne Morris, as- is that you can search for transcripts, instead of me out their Courses and schedule their classes through express McDaniel's campus members sodate registrer. "Also forth- classes using all different ending up calling Registrar registration," said Associate can access a database of their coming, faculty will be able methods." when Ihave a question," she Registrar Jan Kiphart. Current academic and financial to view more information on Senior. Courtney Yates said. "The students had fun The site will provide the records, as they would in a typi- their advisees and be able to echoes Gallo's remarks. She playing around with the same access to new students cal meeting with their advisers. submit their grades online." said that Web Advisor site." transferring into the college, as The system became avail- Students from Dr. Mary "makes things a lot easier. "We [Information Ser- able via a link on the Bendel-Simso's American You don't have any more of vices] feel that Web Advisor well as alumni for up to one year after their graduation date. site on March 29, Literature TII: Modern and those lines waiting to regis- will enhance the relation- "Web Advisor is going to with full access tentatively Contemporary course en- ter. From a senior perspec- ships that advisers have slated for May 3. gaged in a trial run of the pro- tive, convenience is the best with their advisees," Bell make such a change for stu- dents," Morris said. "It will "The application system gram on March 22. They had feature." said. that creates this database .. is empower them." the product of Datatel Inc.," said Amy Bell, web advisor ad- ministrator. CampusSafetublot ter Bell, of Information Ser- vices, along with the Registrar staff, have developed this pro- gram. The database is designed so that students can access their profile, search for classes iri the Occurred from Date Subcategory Type .BUilding Name Incident Status upcoming semesters, and fac- 3/28/041048 AM Harassment In Person Exterior of Blanche Ward Open ulty members can view their 3/28/04 12,38 AM Trespassing Whiteford Hall Pending Court Outcome class rosters and teaching 3/28/04 2,33 AM Trespassing Exterior of Decker Center Pending Court Outcome schedules. Access to the search- 9/1/2003 Unknown Harassment In Person Cempuswrdc Open PM Harassment 3/30/041230 able schedule of classes site my 4/1/025,00 AM In Person Rouzer Hall Closed By Report be found under "For Students," Larceny Motor Vehicle Harlow Pool Lot Inactive "Record and Registration," 4/3/041130 PM Trespassing Mclzanfel Pending Court Outcome "Graduate and Professional 4/4/04 HO AM Larceny Building Blanche Ward Close ByPOC Studies," or in the listing under 4/8/0412m AM Malicious Mischief Blanche Ward Pending Review "McDaniel Quick Links." In addition to the search- ".There were an additional 6 alcohol related cases and 6 minor vandalism cases able schedule of classes, stu- dent will soon be able to access
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