Page 32 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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APRIL 1, 2004 - Page 10 SPORTS Conference Championship has Mean and Green piercing effect on Coach Martin Athletes giving Terror new meaning LAUREN WILSON STAf'FWRITER "Hop in that seat!" yelled senior guard Toby Mcintire to women's basketball coach Becky Martin, prompting her to sit down in a tall and shiny black chair at the Piercing Pa- goda in toe Westminster Towne Mall this past Tuesday. "I don't think she knows what's going on yet," McIntire whispered. Martin knew. Kristin Ramey She is a woman who never makes a bet or a promise Women's Lacrosse she can't keep. She is also a woman who wanted to moti- Kristin Ramey, a junior midfielder, has started all 6 vate her team so badly that she Coach Becky Martin "didn't wince" while getting her cartilage pierced games for the 5-1 Lady Terror. She currently leads her team vowed to pierce the cartilage of following the Lady Terrors successful season. in all 3 of the scoring categories, with 10 goals, 8 assists, her ear if the team won the Cen- and 18 t?tal points. One of the most startling and reveal- tennial Conference Champion- ing statistics for Ramey is her minutes played on the field. ship. Out of a possible 300 minutes, Ramey has played for 263 If the team lost, Mcintire the employee to approach When Barnes went minutes and 40 seconds. Her amazing endurance com- would have to attend Martin's her with the ear piercing through with it, she cried out, bined with an obviously high level of skill should make 8 a.m. volleyball class. gun. "Ow!" her a tough competitor throughout the season. So now, at the end of their A few seconds later, "Stop whining!" Martin championship season, Martin is there was a precise "click," responded. at a tiny piercing pagoda and a dozen camera flashes, and After everyone was fin- McIntire is gleefulIy not in vol- itwas all over. Martin didn't ished, the team posed for a leyball. even wince. photograph to remember the "There was more motiva- As the girls ap- occasion - all s,rniles and tion to save Toby," joked junior plauded, Martin grinned laughter. And, always a coach, teammate Kacey Barnes, a his- and asked, "Okay, who's Martin concluded - the tory and political science major. next?" She didn't really ex- evening with a word of en- "[ am making good on a pect many team members couragement. wager, I do believe ... this is to rally for that call "Ladies, great job; see [one] I'd gladly pay," Martin However, Allison you Sunday." said. "There is no question I Biggs, Tara Delenick, Sara wanted this [the victory]." Franz, Brooke Weimer, Team members gathered Heather Thompson, Kelly Do you enjoy around the small kiosk, buzz- Cramp, Kacey Barnes and ing with excitement. They Jacq Pundt also got their sports? giggled, clasped hands, and cartilage pierced. waited in eager anticipation for "This is dream season. Do you have the action to begin. We're like a big family. Chris Seibert "Make it hurt!" freshman Coach is really great to go any desire to Ashley Chandler cried out with through with this. It was a write, or Baseball a smile. team activity!" said Barnes, After picking out a small smiling. When Franz. was simply want to diamond stud earring, Martin getting her piercing, Martin improve your In all aspects of the game, senior outfielder Chris smiled and calmly sat down. tugged on her own ear and writing-skills? Seibert is posting big numbers for the 10-2 McDaniel base- Pushing back the hair that cov- said, "We're going to be sis- ball team. As far as hitting is concerned, Seibert is un- ered her left ear, she waited for ters!" matched. He is currently on a 9-game hitting streak, has Corne to Free posted a team-high 6 multiple hit games, and has accu- mulated a mind-blowing .429 batting average (15 hits in Press meetings, 35 at-bats). On the defensive side, Seibert has a magnifi- every Monday, cent fielding percentage of 1.000 and has no errors thus far in the season. In his final season at McDaniel, look for this at 7:00 pm Terror to go out making a statement. in Hill 104_ And Munchies Galore Free Delivery for $0.50 off AL.L. COL.L.EGE the meal deal STUDENTS Burger and Shake "The team that pierces together ... "The Lady Terrors, Centennial Conference 410-751-5510 Champion Basketball Team, pose together following their adventure at the Town Mall
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