Page 39 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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FEATURES APRIL 15, 2004 - Page 5 Professors with theV~ts.ood1., Kate Dobson Now as an assistant En- BAYLEY FANNIN glish Professor, Dobson teaches STAFF WRITER Advanced Composition and When Kate Dobson Composition and Reading I found the advertisement for and II. She is already known for the McDaniel English Depart- her encouraging teaching style. ment position, she cut it out "Regardless of whether t-and wrote above it "My New we understood what she is Job." 111enshe posted it on teaching; she would still en- her refrigerator. courage us to incorporate our When she completed her own style into whatever we Ph.D. at University of Mary- were doing," said. sophomore land, she wanted to shift from Liz Manns, a student in a major university to a small Dobson's Advanced Composi- school where less time isspent tion class last semester. McDaniel students help with on graduate education and re- take the things they learned in Wanting her students to search, and more time is spent educating undergraduates. her class and take those ideas Tournament of Champions trigued that the staff in the beyond the classroom, Dobson Dobson was also in- encourages collaboration and McDaniel English Department discussion amount the stu- included a num- dents. ber of professors Her-goal in different as- for each of her pectsofthewrit- students is ing field. At" that when small schools they leave her having multiple classroom, writing profes- they feel like sors is uncom- they have mon because, gained some- traditionally, the thing because English Major the work they has consisted have done is solely of reading theirs and no and analyzing one else's. literature. "The most exciting thing Joe Giusti and Neal Stokes (top left) help a youngster bowl. Matt Gingrich (top To Dobson, the ability to in the world is when a student right) lifts a girl to reach the basket and then poses with Justin Yerkes (above) work in a school that has an takes hold of a subject matter and participants at the end of the day. Photos by Indira Gonzales. active writing minor, and has and your not the leader any a Liberal Arts grounding more, you get to watch them looked like an "exciting oppor- take over," said Dobson. Networking workshop tunity." In addition to inspiring "The thing T teach re- her students, Dobson is also to be held April 15 quires a high degree of student leading the English Depart- engagement and a willingness ment into new territories. With The time for starting your career is getting closer to think big and take risks," the help of her colleagues, she and closer. McDaniel Career Services wants you to be said Dobson. "And McDaniel 'created a new writing minor ready for the real world. students are just daring which can be useful to students There are many things you need to know about enough to try it." Now, with with a variety of majors. The how to obtain a job and the process of networking. one semester behind her, Dob- new minor emphasizes the Does your organization need Bonnie Grady, the President/CEO of the Carroll County son hopes there are many more practical as well as theoretical community service hours??? Cha!TIber of Commerce, will be leading a Networking togo. aspects of writing, and written Help out by volunteering for Reunion Weekend and Business Etiquette workshop on April 15th from, "I like watching stu- as well as visual genres. 5:00-6:00 p.m. in Gold Room A. She is a 1991 graduate dents grow, that's true, that's The changes, Dobson and Friday, April 30, 2004 or Saturday, May I. 2004 the real thing," said Dobson. from McDaniel College and will be sharing informa- colleagues in her department we-need greeters, decorators,infonnation guides tion about the importance of informational interviews, "My second favorite thing is said, will hopefully help stu- and Golf Cart Drivers. (Also anyone who is how to network, and important questions you can ask. figuring out ways of learning dents become more marketable. certified to drive the College vens.) To register for this free workshop, e-mail experiences for students." with your name, e-mail address, Dobson at a Glance: eeach volunteer will receive a Rcunion Weekend T-Shirt telephone number, and student TO number. Be sure to B.A. - Vanderbilt Universi!y, major in. Math and English indicate "Networking 4/15" in the subject line. Law School - Catholic University, one year IfinteTestedpJeasecontactKatieintheAlumni -TARYN CALLAHAN, STAFF WRITER Also worked as a freelanceeditor before graduate school. ti ยท4 M.A. - University of Maryland _._." _. __ 6._ .1 > ... -_. - ' ~ .--------':- -----------. ' .. ~ -! ~-~ Shakes=-- - - - - .- Hiring for all positions ~~~;-Burgers --=-w;ngsP'''4~ and shifts! And Munchies Galore IRedeem this ad for a free Free Delivery for ALL Chik-Fil-A sandwich! COLLEGE STUDENTS $0.50 off 117PAAve. the meal deal aoross: from L.1"ttle George's 410-876-3525 Burger and Shake Located in Tovm Mall _, . 1 L- 410-751-5510 ---I
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