Page 35 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 35
EVE 6 TO PLAY AT MCDANIEL ON APRIL 17 Westminster, MO "h'.' Vol. I No.4 PieSs Womens Lacrosse' web advisor 60 Seconds Continues Winning soon to be avaliable to students asks ... Lady Terror take on page 2), but Senior Robbie Saville What would YOU ask a Muhlenberg this weekend. says new technology comes too late for presidential candidate? See story on page 12. the class of 2004. See story on page 7. See story on page 6. Solutions offered for Budapest woes INSIDE economics, and political sci- Study Abroad Center, and to Seidel traveled to Hun- KATIE MARTIN ence, programs which cur- encourage and enable stu- gary during Spring Break to CO-EOITOR-IN-CHIEF rently exist in Budapest. dents in Weshninster to travel find ways to maximize the in- "The facul ty vote was and study there. frastructure built in Budapest The McDaniel branch really in support of growing "We have a wonderful over the past ten years. campus in Budapest will now the program in beneficial facility over there, which we Dr. Esther Iglich of the Bi- grant a full Bachelor of Arts ways," said Ethan Seidel, vice want to expand, and we want ology Department accompa- degree to students studying president for administration to encourage our students to nied Seidel. Iglich will teach in exclusively in Hungary, ac- . and finance. "The college's go there," said Dr. Samuel Budapest next fall, and the visit cording to a motion passed association with the Alspach of the Biology de- gave her a chance to see the unanimously by members of Budapest program presents a partmenr. campus, meet the faculty, and the McDaniel faculty last wonderful opportunity to' The decision to award a assist students coming to week. encourage students' to degree to students who had McDaniel with registration. Graduates will receive a broaden their horizons and never: been to the The decision to offer a diploma that states McDaniel greatly enhance their Westminster campus came degree is McDaniel College's Budapest rather than McDaniel education." only after months of debate response to pleas for help from McDaniel College, and de- The motion also states and discussion with faculty the administration in Budapest, grees will be awarded in that steps will be taken to here and the administration communications, business make McDaniel Budapest a in Hungary. [See Budapest continued 011 page 3) Multicultural Weekend opens minds ROB GOEKE From a Spades tourna- COMMENTARY"EDITOR ment Friday night to a fash- Early Sunday mornings ion show Saturday to a Spiri- tend to be quiet around cam- tual Service Sunday morning, pus. Just walking around the 16admitted students who hearing the silence gives one attended along with the 30 a sense that this is a sort of student volunteers were kept restful time. busy for the bulk of the week- So walking into Hill end. Hall early on April 4 hearing Another highlight of Jill Scott's sultry singing the celebration included a voice coming from a stereo Student Panel Saturday after- inside Room 108 seemed noon. quite out of place. "[The panel] had a lot of But Director of emphasis on roommate selec- Multicultural Services tion, which classes to take, Zephia Bryant was hard at but the discussion was work, wrapping up this weighted with ;aciaJ issues year's Multicultural Admit- on campus," said freshman ted Student's .weekend. Thea Sebekos- Williams, who which lasted from April 2 - 4. was on the panel. "It was a wonderful Sophomore Nia [ervay weekend. We received posi- was the moderator of the Stu- tive feedback from all partici- Alook into a Rouzer room.... pants," said Bryant. {See Culture continlled 011page 3/ Sophomore Nta [ervav and incoming student Davon Morris created "stylish" newspaper outfits during Unity Games, illustrating how everyone is united regardless of ethnic background Investigative reporter to give keynote address at 5th Annual Press Day ERIN ROMANSKI WBAL~TY's Channel 11, as hard and' come together as a be able to serve the campus intermingle and discuss their SENIOR WRITER well as workshops with vari- group and it will be exciting community without dictation, common problems, successesand ous guest speakers. Theses to see the end product of all coercion or re- McDaniel College's chap- speakers include Tun Saul of our hard work." straint. goals," said jour- ter of the Society for Collegiate WMAR-TY's Channel 2, pro- sq is a national journal- 1/ The nalism professor Journalists [SCn will host its 5th fessor Robert Knight of ism honor society that recog- beauty of Col- Terry Dalton Annual College Press Day, Sat- GettysburgCo\lege, recruiter nizes student journalists lege Press Day "I'm really urday, April 17 from 8:30 a.m. , Sheila Young of the Baltimore through its membership. is that it not looking forward to 2 p-ro- The day's events will Sun, South Carroll reporter Mclzanlel's chapter currently only brings to this year be- cause Ihave had be held on the first floor of Hill Jonathan Jones, staff reporter has 11 active members. professional Hall. Expected attendance is BobAllen with Patuxent Pub- The goal of Press Day is and student ,a part in plan- approximately 100 or more, lishlng. staff reporter Sracl to enable student journalists to journalists to- ning the event," said senior sq which includes students and George of Gettysburg Times gather all pertinent news and gether for a faculty from McDaniel and and staff writer Tammi Slater opinions concerning Issues day of work- member other neighboring colleges. of Howard County. and events on the campus, shops and Melanie Pulley. Highlights of the annual "I'm really excited for striving at all times for accu- good talk, but "Having spo- event will comprise of a key- the day to come," said senior racy and fairness, and to safe- it also enables Jayne Miller, WBAL-TY Baltimore ken to some of the guest speak- note address by Chief Investi- co-president Katie Cham- guard the freedom of all cam- student journalists from differ- ers personally, Iknow that Iwill gative Reporter Jayne Miller of pion. "We've worked really pus media in order that they ent schools and even states to learn a lot from them."
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