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FEATURES APRIL 15, 2004 - Page 6 If you could ask ~~ the presidential Journey to teaching tedious ~ candidates one ASHLEY HOOVER perience that brings together minimum of 12 extra activities 60 Seconds thing what ~ould STAFFWRlTER the earlier studies in subject required for student teaching, matter specializations, ado- it be? seminars two eve- attending year old Twenty-two lenni Vanek stood in front of lescent development and nings a month, doing daily les- curriculum on their way to her first-grade class at New becoming certified. son plans, and grading papers, Market Elementary School, there isn't a whole lot of time reading a popular Dr. Seuss "I see some value in to carry a paying job," she book aloud. Her animation added. Vanek, who is currently and demeanor may have the portfolio long-term substituting in 11 seemed as if she had years of creation ....but not to Frederick County, agrees that teaching experience behind the point that it the portfolio is somewhat dila- her, but in fact, this was a consumes and controls tory. learning experience as much student teaching and for her as it was for her stu- drives everyone "I had a major issue with dents. the portfolio. There was so In the back of the room, insane." much emphasis placed upon it "Why are you running for president?" her mentor carefully jotted -Jenni Vanek and so much pressure to have down notes to discuss with it perfect at the end of the four her student teacher during But the road to becom- months teaching, and I was their next conference. ing certified is long and at constantly being told that I would use this portfolio in in- The long days in front times, difficult. To become students, the mentor's watch, certified, one must first com- terviews and during teaching as a resource. Neither came the lesson plans, the sleepless plete the minor, which, at 6S nights are behind Vanek now credit hours for elementary true," said Vanek. "No one ever asked to look at it during an in- as she waits for her teaching education, consists of more terview and I never look at the certificate to arrive in the credit hours than some ma- thing now that I am teaching mail. She doesn't miss the jors -like Business Adminis- somewhere. I see some value difficult juggling act - that tration; Communication, or Burdette, Senior effort to balance student SOCiology. Even at 35 credit in the portfolio creation ....but not to the point that it con- "lf you had no money or healthcare and your wife orloved teaching and other require- hours, the minor in second- sumes and controls student ments for elementary school one was dying, would you steal medication to save them?" teacher certification with ary education is time-con- teaching and drives everyone suming and expensive. other classes and some kind "Money is the biggest insane." of a social life. problem. We pay an extra According to Edu'cation This semester alone, $500 fee for our student professor Skip Fennell, many of there are approximately 50 teaching semester, but are re- the requirements for student teaching reflect national or state students completing their quired to work in the schools standards to which McDaniel student teaching, one of the at the very least eight hours last steps toward becoming per day, five days per week must adhere. Although the re- certified. McDaniel COllege for free," said senior Krysti quirements are not always easy, churns out approximately 75 Durcholz, a student teacher the reward in the end is well worth it. certified teachers per year - for Reading and Language "Student teaching is the quite a sizeable number for a Arts at Mt. Airy Middle 'real test' and the 'real taste.' Felicia Donelson, Junior minor. Schook It's when prospective teachers "When are we going to stop funding Israel?" The student teaching "While applying for get to Witness and be a part of experience is arguably the jobs, completing assign- most practical and worth- ments for the Readirig in the what a teacher really is," Vanek while experience in the Content Areas class, com- said. "And being a teacher can teacher preparation program. pleting a 20-item portfolio be an extremely rewarding pro- fesslon," said Vanek. It is the one culminating ex- with rationales, meeting the Shepherd's Angels honored Jon , Shepherd-s Angels "Do you fe~l the ',Vestern isolationist sen~iment of the ~.S. STAFF REPORT have done everything from USA Weekend magazine foreign policy has the potential for negatlv.e ~epercussl,~ns newsletter mailings to sort- will briefly recognize the McDaniel COllege group in the in regards to America's foreign economic interests? A group of McDaniel ing donations to painting April 18 Issue as regional hon- students who call themselves faces. Shepherd's Angels will be Perhaps the highlight orees in its annual Make A Dif- ference Day contest, according honored by USA Weekend of the volunteerism hap- to Pam Brown, senior editor. Magazine next month for pened last year when they Last year, more than 500 their community service participated in Make A Dif- regional honorees were listed. project with a neighboring ference Day, a nationwide "It [the tribute 1 is wonder- faith-based organization. movement sponsored by ful. The girls are outstanding," The students - Katie USA Weekend and the Paints said Kathy Brown, who submit- Fulton, Katie Martin, Toni of Light Foundation. The ted the contest entry on Stambaugh, Amy Grose, movement encourages Kennedra Tucker, Junior Lindsey Schwartz, Dann i neighbors to help each other Shepherd's Angel's behalf. "I "With everything that's going on with the propaganda, Un flat, Mindy Minchoff, on one designated day. have never worked with such what actions are we going to see initiated when each Rachel Schmidt, and Tara Last year that day was conscientious women. They are giving and generous, and candidate gets into office?" Smith -live in Affinity Hous- Oct. 25, and the McDaniel stu- they work wonderfully to- ing and have volunteered for dents' work made a huge dif- gether. I'd be lost with out The Shepherd's Staff for more ference in the lives of people them." than a year. in need, said Kathy Brown, di- "I was really surprised Shepherd's Staff is a rector of Shepherd's Staff. and excited because we are a non-profit organization The students organized small group," said Schwartz, "I based in Westminster that and manned a communitv, didn't know we would be rec- helps peopJe in times of tran-' wide yard sale and donated ognized in such a large publi- sition by providing what- all the proceeds to Shepherd cation .." ever is needed - whether Staff's prescription medicine "I'm telling you - they that be clothing, toiletries, fund. They spent two days ac- never stop reaching out and Liz Manns, Sophomore rent money, and as of last cepting donations, cleaning helping. I was so happy rohear to help with they will be honored," Brown "Do you thing your campaign funding has been spent year, money medication ex- items, sorting, pricing and said. selling with smiles, Brown prescription appropriately, particularly in advertising?" penses. said.
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