Page 38 - mcdanielfreepress2004
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APRIL 15, 2004 - Page 4 FEATURES McDaniel students look forward to Spring Fling traditions Spring Fling 2004, is From bubbles to and when the cow relieved LAUREN WILSON aptly titled "Wet & Wild" for bungee cords, students do himself, the square where The professor who earns STAFF WRITER the most donations will then the water slide that will be a not know what to expect the waste fell was the win- be asked to kiss the llama dur- part of the Quad's day-long on one of the college's za- ning spot. The student that It's almost that time of activities. The festivities will niest days. purchased that particular ing Spring Fling festivities. to Trynita According year again - the time when also include an "extreme air" Some seniors may re- section of the grid won half Romeo, chairperson of Spring the weather is warm and bungee trampoline and a sta- call the Spring Fling of of the prize. money while Fling, "the only thing that will sunny, when huge crowds dium basketball obstacle their freshman year, back the rest was donated to keep [this year's] Spring Fling tailgate at the baseball game, course, according to Mitchell in 2001, when a black and charity. from success is the weather. If and when the Quad fills up Alexander, the Director of white Holstein cow milled This year, Alpha Phi the weather permits it should with hundreds of excited College Activities. • around Red Square. She Omega president, senior be one of the best [Spring McDaniel students. The fun begins at 1 was the highlight of "Cow Amanda Gill, has high Flings] in years ... and the t- The campus turns into p.m. on Saturday, April 24. Drop Bingo," as a part of a hopes that the organiza- one big carnival ride with The week-long festivities charity fundraiser spon- tion will be able to bring a shirts are awesome." contests, food, and live mu- sponsored by CAPBoard sored by Alpha Phi Omega, llama to McDaniel. She in- Romeo also stated that sic, but the tickets never run and the Student Govern- a co-ed service organiza- tends to have students and one McDaniel Fraternity is out and nobody tells you Ws ment Association, kick off on tion at McDaniel. faculty drop donations in sponsoring" Alpha Sigma time to go home. It's the day Monday, April 19 at 7 p.m. The group turned the bins labeled with their fa- Pies," a pie-in-the-face contest that will help raise money for that every red-blooded in the Pub, and conclude Sat- Square into a gigantic geo- vorite professor's name on Green Terror looks forward urday evening at 7:30p.m. in metric grid, and sold off it, outside of Englar Dining Canine Companions, Alpha Sigma Phi's national philan- to; it's Spring Fling the Quad. the pieces for $2 apiece. If Hall during the week. thropy. tf~RIB~ Electronics and movies make Rouzer room relaxing BETH MCLANE One of the greatest "It's the movie SARAH BLACK features of this crib is the room," Josh explained, unique custom-made el- "people just come in and STAFF WRITERS Stumped for ideas on evated TV stand. Attached do what they want." how to make your meager to the wall in the corner of The guys did a lot to dorm into a bona-fide crib? the room, it gives the room make the room their own. Look no further than Josh more space and a distinc- Josh bought two new mat- Weszka's and Thomas tivelook. tresses, and "got rid of the Dunn's Rouzer room. Style Another part of this crappy chairs." There are and comfort combine in this room's unique look is the also two fridges and an corner room, and with its wall decor. Mardi Gras extra top bunk. And while impressive setup and tech- beads and posters,' a 3D they are sometimes both- nology, you'll wish yours Budweiser sign and ban- ered by the dust, Josh and was just as cool. ners give the room style. Thomas are content with Some of the best fea- An elevated shelf with their comfortable crib. tures in this room are the su- bottles and candles is also By adding some cool perior electronic systems. A a great feature. personal touches in their Bose sound system hooked Attached to the wall crib, Thomas and Josh up to a computer play list under the TV is a rack with have created a relaxing provides country and rap in some of the guy's favorite and welcoming space in top-quali ty format. The guys DVDs, including the Rouzer. And with the awe- each have flat-screen Dell Rocky series, Robin Will- some electronics and gear, desktops with brand new iams stand-up comedy, it just might put all others office chairs for optimum re- Best of Will Ferrell on SNL, to shame. Thomas Dunn relaxes and watches his elevated television laxation. and Friends Seasons 1-7. Deaf Heritage Month heralds "We are here!" viduals in and around the celebration on March 23 with us draw names for the door With two full time instruc- KATIE MARTIN McDaniel Community. a visit described as "inspir- prize winners," said Martin. CQ-EDITOR-IN-CHrEF tors and four adjunct faculty, The three week long ing." McDaniel's deaf culture McDanieloffersa minor in Deaf Deaf Education pro- celebration will end tonight Other events included a . club, Eye-to-Eyealso hosted a shldies with classeson topics in- grams throughout the month with a with a "Literary presentation by Senior Chris- panel in which four interna- cluding the language, culture, have raised the college Night" at the Carroll Arts ten Syzmanski 'on summer tional deaf students from and Iiteraturs of deaf individu- community's awareness of Center, featuring the camps for the deaf and a Trinidad, Singapore, Japan, als. and appreciation for deaf cul- Rathskeller Performing reader's theatre by an ASL and Canada shared their edu- "We have one of the best ture. Group, as well as ASL story- and Deaf Literature class cational and life experiences, deaf studies minor programs "The goal of the Deaf teller Manny Hernandez. about Laurent Clerc, the first as well as differing sign len- compared to many other 2 or 4 Heritage Month is say 'Hey! Martin expects the biggest Deaf teacher in America. guMes. It is a common mis- year programs that I know of," We are here. We existl," said crowd ever to witness a deaf- Thirteen representa- conception, according to Mar- said Martin. coordinator and deaf educa- related event in the McDaniel tives fromvarious local and tin, that ASLis universal. McDaniel also offers a na- tion instructor David Martin, or Westminster area. national deaf service organi- "Thanks to McDaniel tionally recognized graduate who hopes the month's activi- The event begins at 8 zations visited campus for TV-26 and Jonathan Slade I program in Deaf Education, co- ties will answer questions re- p.m. and tickets are $15 the the Eyeth Day exhibit on have been allowed to snow ordinated by Mark Rust. garding American Sign Lan- door, $10 for children, high April 2. over40differentASL/Deafre- "I don't think our students guage (ASL) and deaf culture. school and college students. "Wewere honored when lated videosbetween 12-2p.m. or the McDanielcommunity rec- Martin has received tre- Miss Deaf America the college president [Joan and 7-9p.m. daily this month," ognizes the uniqueness of our mendous support from indi- Tyese Wright kicked off the Coley]stopped by...she helped said Martin. program," Martin said.
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