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COMMENTARY APRIL 15, 2004 - Page 7 We~Advisorto reliev~woes of ~~dents, advisors, and the Registrar's office Much-needed technology comes too late to benefit senio Each semester, a per- "l know what to do - just out hassling the lovely ladies and advisors. More impor- petual, frustrating routine en- sign the paper and let me out of the Registrar's office, tantly, however, the campus sues: the stalking of your advi- of here, will you?" which is exciting in itself. In community will have ready ac- sor for course scheduling guid- In addition, students a letter to the faculty, Provost cess to their academic records ance and counseL However, for are currently forced to heckle and Dean of the Faculty Sam which is information that every many students, the advising their advisors for mid-semes- Case announced that "any- student has the right to moni- process at McDaniel is nothing ter grades rather than receive one who is able to access the tor as frequently as desired. Ul- more than a hastily scrawled them in their mailbox. This McDaniel College web site timately, WebAdvisor should signature at the bottom of an isjust one additional thing for may view our course offer- provide significant relief to stu- Add/Drop form. both students and advisors to ings and search by faculty, dents, advisors, and the As a graduating senior, I deal with in an already cha- time, location, and/or sub- Registrar'S office. have endured my portion of otic daily routine. Are we not ject." The web portal to the new face-time with my advisor. old enough to take our report information access systems Therefore, it's possible information access program Truly, an effective cards home to Mommy and years ago. that in the future, students has been named "The Arch- advisor's direction is critical to Daddy or does Teacher have Certainly, the product will be able to learn that the way" in order to draw a paral- an inexperienced under- to mail them home for us? will substantially revamp classes they desperately need lel with McDaniel College's ex- classman's developing colle- . The advising process at McDaniel's student-advisor are full before registration panding identity. Freshmen, giate career. However, as each McDaniel is about to take a interaction, and furthermore day. sophomores, and juniors semester ticked away and I pro- radical turn with the soon-to- provide students with crucial Moreover, students will should welcome the college gressively grasped the logistics be-introduced WebAdvisor academic data. be able to access their grades community's valuable techno- of the scheduling process, the information access system. WebAdvisor will inte- and academic history, as well logical upgrade. Unfortu- periodic reunion with my ad- With this new program, the grate a great deal of efficient as retrieve essential contact nately, the senior class is once visor became more of a burden college has finally bought a features for both students information about their advi- again given the distinct privi- rather than a valuable tool. ticket on the technological and faculty members. Stu- sor. This advancement will lege of watching McDaniel's What upper-clas~man has not rratn. A huge number of dents will be able to access in- assuredly enhance commu- money put to worthwhile use wanted to say to their advisor, schools invested in similar formation via the web with- nication between students fOllo;~~~~ ~1v~t~;.' STAFF WRITER Important message •. rJ~f.<~~fp~ .. found within explicit 1-ot,;*..$~~~ t Vagina Monologues Turning 'BacK the ages This feature takes a look at tile back issues of The Phoenix and highlights student reporting since Being a woman is hard know. Many times, young 1981. Compiled by Brian Patterson, co editor. work. Loving the fact that women on college campuses you are feel they are alone and no one 16 years ago this month .. woman knows what they have gone Measles hit the Western Maryland College campus as one infected student was held at can be through. Smith house until the symptoms receded. This was not the first outbreak of measles on campus harder, This play gives a global and five years earlier a much more severe outbreak of this highly contagious disease resulted in because perspective to show all several students being quarantined. The Western Maryland Hockey Club officially became a part of the Mason-Dixon Ice society women have similar prob- Hockey League. . has put lems, and that females should limita- not feel ashamed of being a tions on woman. Women should not And 6 years ago this montu ... female be embarrassed about speak- The Student Government Assembly adopted a new constitution that clarified the roles of growth. ing up or expressing their the members and also clearly defined that it is solely a body that represents the undergraduate However, in recent de- points of view about their student body. This change was sparked by continuous requests for allocations by graduate stu- cades, women have proven bodies or their lives. dents. The staff of The Phoenix released a spoof publication called The Bird. The publication was College is a place where their self-worth by succeed- women are supposed to learn released on April 1 with lead headlines that read, "Five dead, Seven wounded in brutal squirrel ing in life without seeking how to be independent, and drive-by," and "Water tower breaks a leak, floods area." male approval. A product of what it means to be comfort- this is The Vagina Mono- able within your own skin. logues. Therefore, some may have This play acknowl- edges the struggles of women seen this playas a bit ex- of plicit, but the message and empowers them to be women loving themselves proud of who they are. and accepting themselves is This play struck a chord with its McDaniel College au- directly implicit. Maya Angelou says it dience. It informed the best "I am a woman phe- women of the audience that nomenally. Phenomenal they are not by themselve~ in woman, that's me." the joys and sorrows of being a woman. On a college cam- tORI BUTLER STAFF WRITER pus that is important to Do you have an opinion to state, or CUSTOMTATTOOS a comment to make on a Free Press TATTOO COVER-UPS article? Don't keep it to yourself, write a BODY PIERCING letter to the editor. 8UW.m~ E-mail us at
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