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NEWS APRIL 15, 2004 - Page 3 Not IIAll in YourHead": Eve 6 performs April 17 Other bands in the top KATIE MARTIN CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF five included The Ataris, Something Corporate, Verti- Eve 6 will take the stage cal Horizon, and Talib Kwel]. in Gill Gym at 9 p.m. on Satur-. Funding for the event day, April 17. comes from a portion of the CAPBoaro members have mainstage committee bud- adopted the Field of Dreams get, as well as from a separate philosophy, "If we bring them, rolling concert account, ac- they will come." cording to Alexander. Funds "A large portion of the in this account stockpile and campus picked Eve 6, so weare accumulate, so a concert can hoping a large number of stu- be held every few years. dents show up for the event," CAPBoard spent said Julie Palmer, the mainstage nearly $30,000 for the event, committee director for according to Palmer. The CAPBoard. "We want students cost included booking Eve 6 to have a good time, that's the and War Set, the opening act, main focus," she added. as well as sound, lights, stag- The Los Angeles based ing, advertising, t-shtrts and band previously played twice hospitality for the bands. at McDaniel, most recently in "My favorite event was April of 1999, according to Deep Blue Something," said Mitchell Alexander, director of Alexander, adding that other College ~ctivities. past spring concerts featured- Eve 6 was chosen after an Dropkick Murphys, Parside, extensive selection process, Moe, They Might Be Giants, which included a campus mail and Reel Big Fish. . Tony Pagenson, Max Collins. and Jon Siebels of EVE 6 survey and personal inter- "Ninety percent of the "There is a ton of In Your Head, was released and are also available at Record views, Palmer said. people who showed up for work going on behind the this past July. and Tape traders. General ad- The availability of the Dropkick Murphys were scenes," Palmer explained. are -playing They gym and selection of a band from off campus, there were Eve 6's self titled al- nearby show at the Chame- a mission tickets cost $18, but are within the $15,000 to $20,000 not a lot of students," said bum first hit the music leon Club in Lancaster, PAon available to students for $15. An price range were other factors Palmer, an issue CAPBoard scene in April of 1998, fol- Monday, April 26. additional $3 discount will be that influenced the selection, will address by publicizing lowed by the release of Tickets for the McDaniel applied to any student ticket explained CAPBoard presi- through various campus me- Horrorscope inJuly of 2000. show are on sale outside of bought before Friday, April 9. "For a good concert it's a dent Mary Lee Pence. dia avenues. Their newest album, It's All Clar during lunch and dinner great price," said Palmer. McDaniel helpswith Budapest enrollment woes Budapest continued dents from ASia, Africa, and qualifications, according to McDaniel will be able to do "The problem is that they U.S. Department the Middle East that have the of State's so, even if they are unable to from page 1 most difficulty getting visas, Bureau of Consular Affairs. study in the United States, do not have a lot of full time Seidel explained. "The prospect of not Seidel explained. faculty, and the question is do which has been wrestling with These students are of- being able to complete the This guarantee will-also they have the capacity to offer plummeting enrollment. The ten refused visas because McDaniel Program has re- make it easier to recruit stu- advanced courses, explained Budapest administration attrib- they lack proof of strong ties sulted in a decline of interest dents, he added. biology professor Louise uted that dive in enrollment to to their home country, which . in the program in certain "If enrollment grows Paquin, who spent a semester the inability of more and more offers some guarantee that countries," Drexler wrote. from around the world as in Budapest. students to get United States they do not intend to remain He also mentioned that well as from the U.S.A., there "The planning process is visas. in the Ll.S. upon graduation, some students from China will be an even more diverse now beginning, and I am con- "There are many stu- explains a memo sent to Pro- and Nigeria were unable to fident that we can design a dents, almost half, that can't vost Samuel Case in October get visas and therefore trans- student body in Budapest good program and find the fac-. which certainly enriches the come here, and so after two 2003 from Gabor Drexler, the ferred to other business pro- educational experience," ulty resources to staff it," said years they have to figure out director of the program in grams in Hungary, even Seidel said. Seidel. how they are going to get their Budapest. though they stated they Since February, faculty "We have to design the degree," explained political sci- Section 214b of the u.s. would prefer to earn their de- members wrestled. with ways curriculum for the third and ence professor Paul Miller, who Immigration Act mandates grees from McDaniel College. to address the needs of the fourth years there in a manner taught in Budapest last fall. the "proof of strong ties," The faculty's decision Budapest program. They that is appropriate to the size of Attempts to create a more Drexler's memo explains. to award the McDaniel the program, while ensuring a internationally diverse student Prospective students Budapest degree provides voiced concerns, including high quality education'will body in Budapest are central to also face academic, financial, certainty that students who the amount of resources be a challenging task, but it needed and the ability to up- the issue, because it is the stu- and language proficiency want to earn a degree from hold curriculum standards. most certainly is doable," he added. Multicultural events feature games, fashion show Culture continued "This gave the students more free time could be "[The weekend] was a Student feedback left no from page 1 the opportunity to acclimate given. The students were good W\1y for the minority doubt in Bryant's mind that the themselves' to the campus busy from nine in the mom- students to get an accurate main goals that the Department dent Panel. She also helped to and get to know current stu- ing to midnight. They should perspective of McDaniel," of Multicultural Services set but organize a campus-wide scav- dents in a relaxed setting," be able to choose which activi- said Lervay. to fulfill were achieved. enger hunt to help the admit- said Bryant. ties they' attend," said The lengthy and busy "Multicultural Student ted students become accli- Another goal in making Sebekos-Williams. Saturday was concluded by Weekend not only shows po- mated to McDaniel's campus. changes was to make the Breaks were inter- a BSU clubroom. tential students that McDaniel "A number of students schedule less rigid so admit- spersed between Academic Bryant noted that al- is welcoming and inclusive for decided to come to McDaniel ted students had more free Workshops taught by three though signific~nt changes all groups but it also empow- as a result of the experience time to explore campus life. McDaniel professors, meals, were made to this year's ers current students to become they had over the weekend," Having experienced the ice-breaker activities called weekend, more changes will vested in creating a community said [ervay. weekend as an admitted stu- Unity Games, and the Black occur in the future. built on mutual respect, under- Bryant and the rest of the dent year and this past one as Student Union fashion show. "Most evaluations were standing and appreciation of department decided to insti- a current student, Sebekos- In addition to giving the very positive but students different cultures and belief tute a few changes from last Williams feels more improve- admitted students a glimpse did indicate that they wish systems," Bryant said. year's event. Instead of begin- ments could be made. into McDaniel life, the week- they had more free time. That "Multicultural Student Week- ning Saturday afternoon, the "A lot was changed end provided minority stu- is something we may con- end adds value to the entire students arrived Friday from last year to make the dents with an understanding sider for next year," said campus community. evening, schedule more laid back. But of the social environment. Bryant.
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