Page 31 - mcdanielfreepress2004
P. 31
COMMENTARY APRIL 1, 2004 - Page 9 No ordinary Spring Break Over Spring Break I This atypical trip in- Every student should took a trip with six other stu- cluded midnight sandwich have an opportunity like this; dents as deliveries to the homeless in to be able to see an aspect of the of Catho- Grand Central Station, work- world the may have never ex- lie Cam- ing in a soup kitchen, bagging perienced. You can hear about pus Min- and delivering groceries to it in the classroom, but to get Thisfeature takesa lo~kat the backissues of The Phoenix and istries to highlights student reporting smce 1981. Compiled by Brian live and the homes of the poor, and a an up close and personal look Patterson, co editor. s e r v e pilgrimage of the city. . is entirely different. 6 years ago this month ... wit h This is a far cry from the Yes, McDaniel offers Jan- Walt Michael was named the Western Maryland's first beaches of Florida, Cancun, term courses in different parts artist in residence. Michael founded Common Ground on the Frandscan the Bahamas or any other of the world, but fishing and friars in Hill a music and arts festival that was started simply as a way New sunny destination you can diving in Belize or fishing in the to b~ing people of all backgrounds together through music. York City. We expected a dif- think of. We met people who Florida Keys is a little different And 16 years ago this month., . ferent experience, and were are less fortunate, and lack than living in stark conditions The topic of racism on campus was discussed throug~- the same opportunities as the and reaching out to people who out The Phoenix with arguments discussing both sides of this excited about the chance to average college student. have to worry about where to have an alternative spring controversial issue. Students were asked if they thought rae- break. What this trip made sleep and what to eat. ism existed on campus in the 60 seco~ds feature with a wide me realize that there are more The New York trip was The friars take vows range of answers f.rom "No I-~on't think. it exists on this cam- of chastity, obedience, and important things in life than the first of its kind for pus. I've seen no evidence of It," to "There is rac~s~ ~n ca~- poverty. They serve the poor the difference between an 89 McDaniel's Catholic Campus pus, although a lot of people don't want to admit It. Topics and a 90 on midterm. Not that Ministries. Thankfully, more dealing with racial and religious awareness were also fea~red and they live like the poor. grades are a trivial matter, or are being planned. Catholic They own nothing, and ev- The big screen TV in the pub was remov~d, but With an that spending your spring Campus Ministries meets on uproar from pub patrons. This problem was quickly solved as erything they have is do- break recuperating from Monday nights in Harrison nated to them. These dona- a new 24 inch TV was mounted on the wall one week later. tions are then shared with schoolwork IS· not a worth- House for a home cooked meal while endeavor, but this trip at 5 p.m., and also on Thursday the community of friars and provided a learning experi- nights a 9 p.m. in Ensor lounge the poor. Prayer is an essen- . Tuition increase tial part of the friar's daily ence you can't find in a class- for faith discussion. room. Next time you feel like an routine, and three and a half 89 instead of a 90 on a paper is It was rewarding to see students who were passion- affects diversity a day are devoted to it. ate about serving and who the end of the world as you The point of the trip know it, come join us. Helping was not to just provide the group with an opportunity wanted to experience some- others and strengthening your thing different. It was an op- faith through organizations like for community service, but portunity as a group to put this one might help you keep matic increase in the tuition Here, at McDaniel Col- to also help participants re- our energies to good use. Per- my priorities in place. lege the issue of diversity is a from approximately $28,000 alize that similar service can sonally, it was rewarding to For more information common concern amongst stu- to about $30,100. This in- be done just as easily in get a glimpse of the lifestyle about Catholic Campus Minis- crease indicates that it is a den t s Westminster. We also had of the friars who were a sharp tries and upcoming events call and staff. possibility in a few short the opportunity to grow in contrast to the gritty realities Mark Wheeler, x8270. Bot h years, McDaniel will cost our faith and then to put it that are stereotypically asso- BRIAN PAITERSON about as much to attend as groups Johns Hopkins> and that is into practice. ciated with New York City. CO-EDITOR want to where the problem begins. enhance The increase in tuition the col- will make this school more lege ex- perience and more unattractive to mi- nority students because they by intro- will feel that they cannot af- ducing ford to attend McDaniel. In students addition, the students of to new people and cultures, so color who are presently en- 233 East Main Street. Westminster, MD that they may erase ignorance rolled in McDaniel will either and embrace newly. found have to transfer or incur a lite fare • organic knowledge. huge amount of debt to com- tea The major reasons to go to pensate for the expense. This college are to change, grow, and tuition increase will inhibit gain awareness. These reasons the possibility for the school Mondoys from 8:0G-l0tOOPM, cannot be achieved if diversity to ever have diversity in FridaYJ and Saturdays hom 8:10~10:JOPM. does not exist on campus. Un- numbers. & Sundays from 10:30AM~I:0oPM fortunately, that is a possibility TORI BUTLER Next year, there will be a dra- STAFF WRITER • Handpainted Chen. Checher. Bacbgammon, &. Mancara TabteJ • • Wireless Computer Acceu • College Square Shopping Center W.M.C. Drive wesuninsrer, MD 21158 410-751·9922 --~----.~I 1 Captain Morgan I Keystone LIght I $19.99 I ,$1 [99 I _ 1 1.75 L I 30-pack cans I TATTOO COVER-UPS I 10% on I 15% on I BODY PIERCING I I Any Li~luor Any \\'me I IExdudcs Sale Items) I(Excludes Sale Items) I illI(iID.m~ Purchase or "Vme I -------
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